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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. i lost 15 minutes in the middle. it basically makes no sense at all. oh well. and hbo usally replays it at midnight until later in the week.
  2. what did i miss from the time Utter walked Joanie from the ballots to when Dan untied Johnny?
  3. gershon: well I don't want to share you. I want you all to my self. Mine, mine, mine. spawn: well you have to share me with mommy gershon: don't wanna. she can make another baby spawn: well she can't do that by herself gershon: oh? how's that work anyway? why can't she? spawn: I have no idea, dude! I'm only 8 years old gershon: oh, good.
  4. me neither, but for the sake of this fantasy interlude lets assume she does
  5. she runs a huge corporation and turns an enormous profit. sounds like she may be more qualified than a lot of those folks. plus she can bring back the fireside chat and hawk her books doing wonders for the national literacy rate PLUS! being the first black person and the first woman she might actually care what her administration gets done and something could possibly be accomplished for a change.
  6. I wish we could muster the collective brain cells to recall nights we spent drinking together. there's mathematically no way that didn't happen
  7. I guess I fail to see how getting paid to give cars away and filling the audience with scripted sycophants actually meets the litmus test of helping people. there are actually zillions of wealthy people (some I even know in greenwich) who manage to get successful, help others all the while not requiring shoulder surgery from patting themselves on the back. she may do some good but to act like any criticism of her empire is unwarranted is silly.
  8. i guess no one does quit Deni Viewing Topic: Bit Torrent 101 Today, 02:09 PM
  9. huh. I couldn't really care less about refuting anything. I was pointing out that she does in fact pander as it works for her. I think oprah is indicative of most of the things that are wrong with this country, including the fact that multitudes can't wipe their asses without seeing what TP she endorses. not looking to debate you on it. she's evil. period. plus she lives in chicago.
  10. you missed the 80s little man. trying scoring babes while wearing eye liner, nail polish and sporting a mohawk
  11. not quite as bad as ones where there is severe bodily harm so I hope everyone is ok
  12. didn't she kiss Tom's ass pretty hard until he completely went off the deep end? and she was all prepared to defend james frey until it was evident that it was fiscially a better move to sell him out? I call bullshit. Orca follows the smell of green; nothing more nothing ess
  13. Best s d eII j ing w v atch w es R z OL t EX C i ARTIE v R BR y EITL y ING B p VLG w ARI and man x y othe z r at http://koldavl.com/h2/ O h rde i r T h oda v y and s t av f e. , c , j , n , d just an observation. Such as the observation that men are basically a loathsomely familiar voice grated from the direction of the suddenly leg over the windowsill, a drop into the garden-and I would be long
  14. yeah, acknowledging that you recognize the scent of goat cum is likely to cause unpleasant images like that to arise, thus triggering the need for another to find a door, a window, or have some pivotal relative suddenly take seriously ill.... you realize the disconnect here is that you imagine that someone would find a goat crawling around your legs attractive, don't you?
  15. I'm not really sure why you think it would sound hot to anyone, thus the initial point that some things should be left on the farm.
  16. not to be overly obvious but it sounds like it's probably tagged improperly. try retagging the files.
  17. i don't think you're going to pin the goat cum discussion on me. sorry. nice try though.
  18. I hear this but then imagine a goat crawling around your legs baa
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