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H to the ickle

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Everything posted by H to the ickle

  1. With my AC-30 and your pedals... We could, dare I say it, rule this forum!
  2. Probably "Another Man's Done Gone". Seriously, how much would a decent pedalboard (the actual board, not the pedals) cost?
  3. That's really creepy. Maynard went like he was gonna give the guy a hug and then fuckin' chokes him out on stage? WTF
  4. I'd push your kids in too and then steal their bike nonexistant bike helmets.
  5. Curtis Lowe But seriously, Eric Claption or Neil Young.
  6. "Shannon Hoon still dead" says it all. Also, Sublime should reunite and tour with them...
  7. Yeah, Clapton's definately still got it. I saw him like five years ago (if that counts as "still") and he blew me away. I'm a bit too young to have seen him in his hayday but I grew up listening to Cream, so it was a real treat. He played a version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on solo electric that almost made me cry. Glad you had a good time.
  8. I'm pretty sure I feel the sky falling... and is anyone else getting terrible boils?
  9. Yeah, there was no security even visible before the asshole jumped on stage and then afterwards there were three or so guys in the wings, stage right, glaring at me and the rest of the people up front for the rest of the show.
  10. I was struggling for the best way to put it and you ended my struggle. Thank you.
  11. Sweet! I may get my ringtone after all.
  12. Yeah, it was really fucking unsettling.
  13. His guitar started glowing with an unearthly light and became and extension of his being. Then it beat a guy down. It was pretty badass and I think Glenn might've had a switchblade.
  14. Sure! I'll do a little remix of the two or something, it'll be awesome.
  15. I hope someone recorded this show, just so I can get the soundbite "I don't want to have to punch anyone in the fuckin' face" and make it my phone's ringtone.
  16. From what I saw, Tweedy pulled a twelve gauge out from behind his half-stack and blew the fucker into next wednesday.
  17. Yeah, there was some dirty chick in front of me smoking like a chimney and ashing on the stage. WTF?
  18. I stand by what I saw and it involved no punching. But like I've ended most of my other posts. Great show! Let's not forget that regardless of a few dumbass moments, the band fucking shredded and LNGCA was one of the greatest live music moments I've ever had.
  19. Yeah, I thought that was pretty goofy. Hooray for Journalistic Integrity! Also, I saw someone taking an assload of pictures, will they be posted in the near future?
  20. Some of those quotes are fairly off but no harm done. I was front row between Nels and Jeff and the events happened just about how Jaded Insider put it. Althought I didn't see Jeff punch the guy, just yank him by the neck/hair over to stage right while Nels was trying to get the good-for-nothing security goons to do their job.
  21. I know! When I saw this, I was pissed. Anyone else run into an asshole in a Shriner shirt trying to muscle his way up to the front before the show? I just about predicted what Tweedy would do later with my actions there.
  22. Other than all the shenanigans and ass-kickery that went on, it was a very good show with an awesome setlist and Nels shredded harder than usual (I was standing right in front of him). "Chill the fuck out! Those are nice girls and you just need to fuck off!" Tweedy is a scary motherfucker when he wants to be.
  23. I thought Tweedy acted totally in the right. I was there, I saw the guy appear up on stage during "Airline to Heaven" and dance around like an idiot. It was even kind of ammusing, until he grabbed Jeff in the middle of the song. Jeff grabbed the guy in sort of a headlock and marched him over next to his Vox stack, whereupon the security guards finally did their jobs, at the urging of Nels, at that. There was no punching, though it did look like Jeff seriously considered it. He apologized after the song and started up "Hummingbird" during which he walked out to the edge of the stage and gave
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