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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. Kalle


    You guys just don't have any faith! Great set band sounds in fine form I'm getting excited for Toronto.
  2. Kalle


    I slipped! Hey "an electric storm" I really love the Late Greats, awesome three chord song.
  3. Kalle


    Wendy there is none! I swear! I'm like the Aman of setlists. They'll have an encore though maybe I'm A Wheel and What Light?
  4. Kalle


    Sadly no guys I'm 5/5 now. End of the set after Spiders though.
  5. Kalle


    Hah Spiderrs next Wendy!
  6. Kalle


    Hummingbird for sure next. REMEMBER TO REMEMBER ME. We will Jeff, we will.
  7. Kalle


    Hey AWATT 3/3? ITMWLY next.
  8. Kalle


    I can't give away my secrets AWATT! But uh they'll have a bit more left ITMWLY, Hummingbird etc. Those are the staples of the non-encore setlist.
  9. Kalle


    I agree AWATT Nels really makes the song awesome now. It's improved a ton. Jesus next? Well I'm 2/2 and call Walken next.
  10. Kalle


    Somethings messing up with their gear, I think its something with Jeff.
  11. Kalle


    Isn't SBS pretty much the same song .
  12. Kalle


    Hey guys I'm here noow! What AWATT do without Via Chicago!
  13. I'm pretty sure all of would recommend The National - Boxer to anyone. But for myself I really enjoyed the Feist, Battles, Great Lake Swimmers, New Pornos and Spoon quite a bit as well.
  14. Well yes that may be true with those notes' names being interchangable. But if you do it your way your A major scale will look like this: Bbb, Cb, Db, Ebb, Fb, Gb, Ab, Bbb. Now besides that looking ridiculous you will never ever see that in music so it's not more "normal" to call the sharps it's right and only way. But the song has nothing to do with A major so why are we even talking about it.
  15. Hey buddy calm down, it's 12pm for alot of us not everyone is at their computers just waiting for another thread about SBS songs live...
  16. The song is in D major and an A major scale has three sharps not flats. What they do with the Eb walk down to the A minor chord and then the almost chromatic walk down from the Dm to the Bb is genius. The transition from F major back to the D major in the bridge with the IV to V to I in the F major and then making the III a major (A major) using the C# note as the leading note back into the D and Em progression which carries the solo. I agree that the song is beautiful and the arrangement of the song is pure genius but your theory is completely messed up.
  17. The song that's probably the tightest is Impossible Germany. They're starting to crack You Are My Face.
  18. If anyone has could they send a PM my way =)
  19. Kalle


    I just uploaded it now, Enjoy! http://www.sendspace.com/file/douisu
  20. Kalle


    Yeah it was in London, Bill Fay came on stage. Jeff introduced him, great performance.
  21. Yeah seems like smallhands couldn't get it going and people just gave up. They'll scedule another webcast for this tour though.
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