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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. There's a chat button on the webcast window.
  2. It was an outtake from the Kicking Television album. So the Vic in Chicago May 4-7.
  3. Where is everyone! We need to have a party! The wilcoworld chat forum is goin pretty good.
  4. No this is the bonus content on the SBS cd.
  6. Wow congrats on that one, thanks!
  7. Kalle

    Concert n00b

    Ok my Massey Hall tickets for last year didn't come until 11 days before the show so don't worry about that. Last year everyone sat down and Jeff called us all "motherf*ckers" and then we all proceeded to do the typical Massey Hall "rush the stage". Your camera will definately not get crushed everyone is really good at Wilco shows and you'll get great shots at Massey. They always keep to the setlist.Hope to see you there on the 30th!
  8. I really dig this album, sort of Hidden Camera'sish. Good stuff.
  9. Anyone else think the intro of "Don't You Evah" really sounds like a Beck song?
  10. I completely agree you hear so much more with the actual copy. I play Sky Blue Sky louder than any other Wilco album coincidentally.
  11. $17.99 for the Deluxe Edition at Future Shop here in Canadianananana.
  12. It's sounds alright so far, I'm a huge Spoon fan so I dunno right now. I'll have to listen some more times.
  13. 1. Wilco 2. Bob Dylan 3. The Band 4. Spoon 5. The Beatles 6. Ron Sexsmith 7. Sufjan Stevens 8. My Morning Jacket 9. Radiohead 10. Ryan Adams 11. Neil Young 12. The Beach Boys 13. Beck 14. Bonnie 'Prince' Billy 15. Sloan 16. Broken Social Scene 17. Joel Plaskett 18. Arcade Fire 19. Belle and Sebastian 20. Bright Eyes
  14. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...l=long+time+ago
  15. I've listened to Sky Blue Sky countless times now and at first I was aprehensive but it has grown to be my favourite Wilco record. It's a grower you just have to give it a chance.
  16. Almost all the album has been figured out already! Check the tabs forum.
  17. I seriously don't expect mine until Friday. I get it shipped to the American Sault Ste. Marie and it always takes forever to get way up into Michigan.
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