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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. Here's a few more Check out the photobucket though guys!
  2. Hey entropy I'll upload it for you don't worry. My pictures from the show can be found at my photobucket here http://s85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/minu...0Massey%20Hall/ and here's a taste of some of the really great shots.
  3. Sunken Treasure and Via Chicago still stick out at this point but Spiders is a monster and Handshake Drugs just gets me once the drums kick in.
  4. Jian Gomeshi talked to Jeff about this during their interview last weekend. Jeff said they weren't asked but they would do it if they were.
  5. Yusssssssssssssssssssssssss.
  6. ... Made me realize that I wanted to do music for the rest of my life. ... Made me realize the possibilities of music.
  7. ... Made me realize once again, that they are the greatest band on the planet right now.
  8. Kalle


    I was hoping for some Michigan dates as well.
  9. Tomorrow at 2pm the interview Jian Ghomeshi had with Jeff while the band was in Toronto on Saturday. I advise everyone to listen, Jian always has a good show and asks insightful questions. Here's Q's link http://www.cbc.ca/q/index.html Tune in!
  10. I completely agree with you "65days" which is saying alot since I love SBS! The last paragraph of the review REALLY pisses me off though.
  11. My dad said he saw no one taping from the floor so... I really hope someone did though.
  12. That's exactly how I see SBS and Wilco as a whole. In 20 years they will get their due and be remembered as a truly great and influential band. I absolutely love SBS and from seeing them on Saturday in Toronto I just love it more and more. I was dead center in front of Jeff singing along to every word and seeing these songs played live made me realize it's genius even more than the record already did.
  13. I always thought the lyrics and the song in general was meant as a joke almost. I mean, "I'm working on my abs, I'm working on me" and "MASTURBATION" but I guess he's just a big ol' sellout. (From Toronto show on Saturday, Jeff's shirt says "sellout".)
  14. Here you go, from June 28, 2005. http://www.sendspace.com/file/btn0tp
  15. Ron was there last year as well. After I followed the band around last year on the Canadian tour I headed to the Mariposa Folk Festival in Orillia where Ron was headlining and me and him talked for almost an hour about guitar and Wilco. He's a huge fan and you can definately see the influence in alot of his songs.
  16. Hahahhaa yeah I wasn't sure what to think about that! Hi again anyways! We were heading back to our hotel to drop off all our mountains of purchases.
  17. Yeah! I was looking for other VC'ers only bobfrombob came and said hi, who were you?
  18. I am 16 even though I probably look like I'm 12 (bobfrombob is the only one who can vouch for that).
  19. I got a good one, I'll post later. Also besides me giving Ron McLean the salute, Gentleman Reg from the Hidden Cameras was there as well.
  20. HEY GUYS I DO EXIST. Wow best Wilco show I have ever seen. Every song sounded amazing just fantastic. Crowd was really really into it (me and bobfrombob dead center!) no cusses sworn at us (motherf*ckers) and an awesome way to end the tour I figure. I got some really amazing shots from real close and then my dads pictures from up top I'll post them tomorrow, they are fantastic some of them. Nice to meet bobfrombob super nice guy. Told Jeff to say hi to the crowd this year (last year he didn't) and then some guy yelled "SKY BLUE SKY IS F*CKIN BRILLIAT" and Jeff goes "Brilliant what?" and I said
  21. P.S. Guys (I know I know not the last update lol) but Saturday if anyone is in the downtown area you guys should really check out the Sam The Record Man. It's the final day open for the legendary record store and I hear there will be some people showing up for the final day, I know I'll be there! Bye guys.
  22. I completely agree with you on this.
  23. Kalle


    Hahahah no I'm sitting row F seat 44 (aisle) not nearly as good as you had, but hey don't worry people will rush the stage at somepoint and it won't even matter.
  24. They played for about two hours last year and having a curfew is highly plossible. They have ushers there and whatnot so there job has to end at some point.
  25. Haha that's the dumbest thing I've ever done, I love lots of Canadian bands but I just posted my favourite bands right there, dumb mistake lol.
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