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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. I'd be let down if I had started the Peoples Temple.
  2. It's alright. I prefer the Sadies as a backing band playing someone elses songs than playing their own... I just think that their own songs are overrated
  3. I've been able to find a few things on Mininova. I just got Soulseek yesterday and I've found a few things as well, I think I'll be able to cope with the lack of OiNK.
  4. Yeah I acutally just downloaded soulseek for mac and am now currently downloading this soundtrack. Thanks Via Chicago!
  5. I honestly can't see why BOiNK in theory won't work. Who knows if people will put all those albums up again though.
  6. Yeah if anyone has an extra invite (they're probably a hot commodity right now) I'd love to get one. Thanks.
  7. Yeah I'm glad it's legal still here but I'm still bummed.
  8. I think it's fair to say the Shins are a bigger band than Wilco but they certainly aren't a better band. But it's true alot of their success and popularity comes from Garden State.
  9. I guess there's going to be a concert for this now check it out http://www.imnotthere.info/
  10. Yeah it definately is, the same key and everything.
  11. The Heartless Bastards (good name) are opening on the 19th and 20th apparently according to Wilcoworld.
  12. Yep. It's really great actually, I never knew much about Les until I saw it and I can't believe the impact on music and guitar he has had. It's fantastic.
  13. Seeing this thread is super crazy I was just watching a documentary on him in my recording class today!
  14. Holy cripes this brings more excitement for Massey Hall!
  15. I actually really loved Jeff's cover, his voice definately makes this song.
  16. On first listen I'm not sure how I feel about it exactly. It's not junk but I can't tell if it's great either, I'll let it groow on me some more. It does however make more excited for the Massey Hall date I'm going to. On the other note. I hated Greendale (as with alot of people) loved loved loved Prairie Wind and liked Living With War for the most part.
  17. I dunno I don't really agree with either articles posted. I think 2007 has been a far far better year for music than 2006. And I also agree that the UK isn't putting out nearly close to the quality that Canada and the US are.
  18. I'm too young for this! Final Fantasy in front of 20 people. It was awesome. Front row for Ron Sexsmith twice. Literaly 5 feet away from him. Dead center for Wilco four times. Jeff singin right to my face. Sort of weird/surreal/awesome. I don't have a whoole lot. I am going to see Neil Young at Massey Hall though. That will be something to brag about in 25 years as well as seeing Dylan.
  19. Haha yeah I know exageration but the two times I saw them last year and quite a few other times on the Canadian tour they opened with it. Ohhhh well I just thought they wouldn't give it up so quickly.
  20. Might be one of the best albums this year. They're even playing the Sault! I gotta sneak in cause I'm underage though
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