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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. They've gone constantly downhill since their first album IMO. I find Sparta to be quite boring and I really only like on ATDI album, oh weeelll.
  2. Sloan is from Halifax, Nova Scotia not Ontario. The Hip are however from Ontario, Kingston to be exact.
  3. Ellen Page will be hosting so it is definitely someone COOL (and oh so cute).
  4. March 11 No Country comes out on DVD and April 8th for There Will Be Blood I believe. In the Sault we have a quite small (really small) film festival every year and I get a membership to go see all the movies and in the past couple of days I saw Before The Devil Knows You're Dead and Lars And The Real Girl and I can't believe neither of them got very much praise! Phillip Seymour Hoffman was phenomenal as was Ethan Hawke in BTDKYD and I felt that Lars And The Real Girl was a hilarious heart warming movie, almost similar to Juno in that sense. The Diving Bell And The Butterfly on Sunday woo
  5. The way I see it No Country and There Will Be Blood ARE the best films of this year but they are somewhat alike that is going to hurt them. The way I see it is Juno and Michael Clayton don't have much of a chance and since No Country and There Will Be Blood are similar neither of them will win and we'll have to suffer with Atonement winning (I shouldn't say suffer but there is no way it could be better than NCFOM or TWBB). However if none of this happens my pick would be for There Will Be Blood, Daniel Day Lewis put on probably one of the best acting performances I have ever seen.
  6. Ontario has it pretty easy, and I know I'm going to forget far too many. The Band (partial). Neil Young. Broken Social Scene (and all affiliates). The Acorn. Bruce Cockburn. Oscar Peterson. Glen Gould. Gordon Lightfoot. Rush. The Tragically Hip.
  7. All of this is totally bang on but I find the most convenient thing Protools can be used for is mixing. If you have an "analog" board to do your mixing and you want to go back change something (make the bass less prominent, make that kick punch more etc.) you either have to chart out all the EQ yourself beforehand (or if you're lucky you have someone else doing this) but you'll never ever get the exact same sounding mix as you had before. But, with Protools your mixes are all saved into the computer and you can go and slight changes with the click of a mouse and not affect everything else. Tha
  8. 42 nothin's. I'm goin to bed though guys, got that high school tomorrow! Have fun!
  9. Horns are killer on this wow. Song sounds very Randy Newman to me now.
  10. Jeff Tweedy is frequently in my dreams lol. Only mildly creepy coming from a guy .
  11. Too Far Apart! Jeff's voice on this is killer singing it an octave up.
  12. This song is perfect to follow up that AWESOME half time show.
  13. Big second half folks! Big second half! "I don't believe in touchdowns...."
  14. No covers! Crap! Plus they just forgot Henry And The H-Bombs.
  15. Remember when there was a chat room thing for some of the webcasts? Filling up 50 pages of commentary is way more fun though This is the fastest I've ever seen it go though.
  16. Hey guys I predict the end of the first set lol. I'm usually the king at this! For everyone that has had previous geek out threads with webcasts. Congrats to who got Spiders.
  17. Poor Places! FYI guys the chords are Bb, F, Gm, Eb, C7, Eb I believe
  18. Well pretty much the same thing, snow snow snow. I was gonna post pictures of how much we got here in THE SOO the other day lol. It's ridiculous, and freezing. But this Summerteeth is keeping me warm.
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