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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. If I remember correctly Jeff said his top 3 favorite albums of all time were in a somewhat recent article: 1. Nick Drake - Pink Moon 2. The Beatles - White Album 3. Bob Dylan - John Wesley Harding And that his recent favorite American songwriter was Bonnie 'Prince' Billy. I remember that interview being in Spanish and someone translating it.
  2. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showforum=8 http://www.gumbopages.com/wilco.html
  3. Majority of Canadians hate the Leafs with a passion, really just because of all the attention they get on every sports channel and that they're on CBC every Saturday night. They're like Canada's babies.
  4. According to Rolling Stone... http://www.rollingstone.com/news/coverstor...our2008/page/33
  5. Kalle

    Sky Blue Sky

    I think what Wilco did WAS risky!
  6. Have you ever heard the story of the first time they met?
  7. Kalle

    Sky Blue Sky

    I still love it, it helped me through tough times and what Jeff went through and he talked about on the record were the same things that I went through so there's definitely a sentimental value attached to it. But, I still think it's a great record that is an essential part of the Wilco catalogue minus all the other stuff.
  8. Yeah it's quite surprising that tickets have sold this little because it's a pretty solid tour. I dunno how people on ebay are selling them for double the price when you can get better tickets on ticketmaster? It's stupid!
  9. Yeah I had tickets to go to Leonard Cohen in Kitchener because we couldn't get Toronto tickets as they sold out quite fast, I had to give them up alas. I was planning on going to Olympic Island but our actual competition day is the Saturday so odds are we can't go (Stars is playing though lizish! lol). Martha Wainwright is also playing on the Friday but it's 19+ and there's pretty much nothing else going on for the rest of the week that's worth going to, oh well. Also lizish you can still get tickets I believe on the floor still for the R.E.M. show, it's almost weird that tickets have barely
  10. I know that there are a couple huge Tom Waits fans here in the Sault and they were going to try and get tickets for Columbus, it's only an 8 hour drive and that's no different than driving to Toronto for us.
  11. Well in a couple weeks I will be heading up to Toronto for a week to attend the Ontario Music Festivals Associations "Provincials" music competition. It's basically a competition where all the best players of classical music in Ontario under 18 go and 'compete' I guess. So I am going for classical guitar and I couldn't be more excited. But nonetheless I am in Toronto for a week and I just bought R.E.M. tickets and got third row and I wondering what am I supposed to expect here? I'm super excited about seeing the National for the first time and although I hated the last Modest Mouse album I do
  12. Yeah it seems to be a tradition of mine to see them twice a year yet it doesn't look like it this year. I'm fine with that though, I mean they HAVE played 8 times in 7 years so we should not be complaining. The chances of them playing any shows in the time frame you have there I can almost guarantee will not happen seeing as Nels is touring and they'll probably be recording.
  13. I can tell you from I use (I run my Martin 000-15 w/ LR Baggs Element through my Fender Blues Deville 4x10) and I have a Pro Junior (I don't use this for acoustic playing primarily but it has been done) but I usually use my Deville for all the shows we play. This thing is blistering loud as you would expect and serves all of my purposes. I have invested in a really good DI (a Radial) and plugged into a PA for larger shows and to me that's what you should be looking at rather than an amp. Really if I were you SWR's are awesome awesome amps and the California Blonde would be everything you're
  14. I believe I've accumulated every Dylan record he's put out but I still have a soft spot for the real folky records. 1. John Wesley Harding 2. Bringing It Back Home 3. Blonde On Blonde 4. Blood On The Tracks 5. Nashville Skyline 6. The Freewheelin'
  15. I completely agree solace. This album has sounded worse and worse with every listen for me, which is a bad thing for any album. Gibbard hyped this up to be a completely different change for Death Cab when I really don't hear it at all, maybe except for a couple songs it's the same old shtick. Not crap, but they've certainly done a lot better and I can't believe at how many good reviews it's getting it's weird.
  16. Rush went to my dad's high school in Toronto, he saw them plenty a times I believe.
  17. There's a band at my school called that! Haha! They play like Red Hot Chili Peppers covers and aren't very good!
  18. Yeah I totally dig this as well, I can hear a Tom Waits influence!
  19. One of the better SNL performances I have seen in a long time, the only time I laughed was during the news and there was the joke about Israel. It's just so bad now!
  20. Yeah I usually buy these over the plain ol' cd's, I am prone to doing this with "SPECIAL COLLECTOR'S EDITION TWO DISC DVD SET" movies as well lol, even though the second disc is rarely watched or worth it. I totally agree with you Louie the Massey DVD really sucks but I have watched Shake It Off quite a few times. There is an example where the DVD was actually entertaining to watch more than once.
  21. White bread? Ben said it was HEAVILY INFLUENCED by Sky Blue Sky Go figure that I loved SBS and now this, Ben's falsetto is all over this.
  22. Yeah I was totally hoping for a Massey Hall Toronto date.
  23. I still listen to it and I still think it's awesome. IMO in the top 3 Radiohead albums, great great stuff.
  24. It sounds pretty awesome! Sloan are quite consistent I find and this album is no exception.
  25. I agree Mr. Tough is a sweet song! It's the horns that get me every time!
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