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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. The one from the 26th also starts much like Passenger Side, same C chord and "Hey wake up" and "Wake up we're here", eh ehhhhh
  2. Yeah I mean it's not flawless by any means, there is quite a bit of filler I think, but I really love the whole feel of the album and I really dig his lyrics.
  3. Oh don't worry I know what that is all about. I saw him last year in Interlochen, Mi, me and a bunch of other Dylan heads had a game to see who could figure out what song it was lol. We were quite far back last time so I think it will be cool to see him real close, and I mean it's Dylan in your hometown how could you not be excited!
  4. With this new release and that Dylan is playing here in three weeks (front row dead centre seats, yussssssss) I am pretty much on the biggest Dylan kick ever, going through every one of his records and learning all the songs lol.
  5. It's supposedly at the Hill Auditorium, a pretty legendary venue, very very pretty inside. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_Auditorium
  6. I totally get what he's saying about Radiohead's lyrics, and their bleak coldness. I've always thought Wilco was like a healthy tree (not to bring Wilco into the mix but I believe them to be alongside Radiohead for best band in the world at this moment) and Radiohead was a sheet of metal, just feeling I get I guess, maybe a bad analogy but who cares. As for Radiohead being overrated, any of the greatest bands ever you could make a case for them being overrated (The Beatles, The Band, Dylan etc etc.), it's natural for the music community and press to put bands that are obviously a cut above o
  7. http://stereogum.com/archives/premature-ev...ogy_028381.html
  8. I really dig the new Blitzen Trapper but I find it's not as diverse as Wild Mountain Nation and that they steal quite a few things from what they already did on WMN, recycling old ideas.
  9. I really dug Easy Tiger, thought it was quite strong and thought it deserved more praise than it got. But now as I've listened to this record quite a few more times and I think it just a typical RA record. A few really killer tunes and then a bunch of filler (Cobwebs and Crossed Out Name are absolutely fantastic imo, to put this in context imagine if Cold Roses was just one disc, jesus it would be killer!). I always feel at times that he needs an editor, but there is something endearing about this massive amount of output and this is where the Neil comparison is fair.
  10. It has a killer bridge? Other than that I can't say I have any other strong feelings towards it.
  11. I don't know I just find 2008 hasn't had "great" records just a lot of "good" ones, this could be a great one with some more listens. Like last year had Radiohead, Wilco (I know some of us don't think it's great but some of us do), Josh Ritter, The National, Arcade Fire etc etc. I just don't think any record this year has anything on 2007.
  12. What's everybody's thoughts on this? Like I said in the Now Playing thread I saw her preview virtually all of the albums tracks this year at Ottawa Blues Fest and I was excited then for what was to come but now that I've heard it I'm thinking this is pretty great, a very nice return to form after West and a very nice edition to a year that IMO doesn't have many great records yet.
  13. Agreed, "Crossed Out Name" is a definite standout on the album, with the albums best lyrics imo.
  14. Definitely, I saw much of it previewed earlier this year at Ottawa Blues Fest and it was sounding very promising. This record is a nice return to form, not sure of the ACDC cover but que sera.
  15. The Smiths would probably be my #1, who knows with that one.
  16. Ok as I am listening to this for the third time I am definitely not thinking this is as good as I first thought. "Magick" sounds like a huge Oasis rip off and I can concur with the fact that the lyrics are pretty weak, especially on the first three track. "Cobwebs" is a really really good tune though, but we all sorta knew that.
  17. Damn that 3-2 over the defending Stanley Cup champs...
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