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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. heh, I voted for Ashes and Hell is Chrome for the Boise and Spokane shows. I still haven't seen those ones live. Fingers Crossed!
  2. Hmmm, good point. Maybe this is why I love SBS so much. I'm 21, and the first time I heard You Are My Face and Side With The Seeds I was hit very hard emotionally. Those songs just get inside of me, make me respond without thought. It's a beautiful thing.
  3. glad you all had a great time, and I'm so happy you got to hear your song Mountain Bed! did anyone talk to the band afterwards, or find out if the Total Pros would be along for the whole tour? I would be so excited if they played in Boise and Spokane!
  4. at the beginning of the hour, Jeff said that they were shooting for a spring release of the new album...!!!
  5. i'm sending some "Remember the Mountiain Bed" thoughts to the band. they HAVE to play it tonight!
  6. yeah, John's harmonies just fit perfectly with Jeff's voice. it's a great combo!
  7. hmm...i see. what is wrong these fools?! I hope they eat these tickets up before showtime!
  8. is there a way to see how many tickets have been sold so far?
  9. Can't Stand it!! I requested this song for the Boise, Idaho show!
  10. this has been one of the clearest webcast i've ever seen!
  11. hmmm...i'm liking One Wing better now than from the first live recording.
  12. excellent! new song a coming! One Wing...
  13. Thanks! Damn, I wish I'd made it in time for You Are Me Face! Ohhh...and now Pot Kettle Black. YES!
  14. ok, just got home from sushi. so, misunderstood opener...then what? i just came in at the end of It's Just That Simple. oh, and hi everyone!
  15. Have a great birthday kate! i'm wishing you lots of love and laughter on this day!
  16. we Canadians generally don't carry around guns with us wherever we go. i've never actually seen a gun or held a gun in my life, and I hope i never do (except for in museums, etc.).
  17. Thanks for the tunes! I am getting into Sunny Feeling too.
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