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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. hmmm....west coast dates would be awesome!!!!
  2. damn, i can't wait for this!
  3. this was the first dylan album i bought. i think i listened to it exclusively for about 6 months.
  4. yay! i just got 8th row seats right beside the stage.
  5. that's funny. all of the points in those songs that you listed are the best parts IMO. it's where i really get into the groove of the song and what makes me love to dance to them. to each their own.
  6. indeed...i've heard that he can be a grumpy fella. but i will dance anyways!!!!!
  7. i know this doesn't have anything to do with any of his archives or boxsets, but i didn't want to start another thread.... NEIL YOUNG IS COMING TO LETHBRIDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be trying to get tickets today! April 25th...it will be the perfect send-off for me. Neil Young, and then moving to Vancouver... YAY!! :dance
  8. well, i just got home. i had a great time at the pre-party at edie's and at the show. i'm still sick and am too tired to go back and think about the amazing night in detail. just thanks again to everyone involved in organizing and hosting all of the festivities. just like last year, the one thing that i tell all my friends and family about my trips are how extremely generous everyone involved is. matt, thanks for the ride after the show. i jumped outta the car before i could say that. i definitely appreciate not having to pay for a cab! i also didn't have a chance to say bye to you, Ch
  9. i am planning on going to an improv (The Armando Diaz Experience) at the io theatre next monday, february 9th if anyone in the area is interested in joining me. pm if interested!
  10. hey Donna! I hope you've had a fabulous birthday thus far and enjoy the rest of your night!!!
  11. Enjoy the yoga and have a happy birthday, lady!!
  12. yeah, I think this is becoming one of my favourite AB albums. I thought AA was good, but not great. I've been listening to Noble Beast in my car now for about 2 weeks straight. Masterswarm, Effigy, Tenuousness, Nomenclature, Anonanimal, Natural Disaster, Souverian are all amazing tracks to me and I can't get this album out of my head.
  13. that's awesome! congrats to Tom for all of his hard work
  14. well this gals gotta jet. diggin what i've heard, that's for sure!
  15. official request for next time: dance magic dance-bowie
  16. believe me, the pleasure is entirely mine! lol
  17. i really liked that song from the Frames...i've never listened to them before.
  18. yes...my memory of that night is a little hazy, but there was some talk about my home and native land.
  19. lol well, i'd definitely give some recommendations (namely....DON"T EVER COME HERE!) but I plan to get the heck outta here by may! I'm headed to Vancouver, so if you ever get to the west coast you know I'll buy you a beer! and yes...february definitely isn't ideal for a sightseeing trip to your city, but as Brianne suggests, there is some definite motivation behind the timing. i can't wait!
  20. thanks for all of the info in this thread. i will be in chicago from feb.5th to the 10th and i am planning on what i want to do!
  21. i'll have to remember to tune in next week.
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