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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. geeze, if i'd known your birthday was so close i would have indulged you and thrown in an "abOOt" or too into a conversation at the LRS party! hope you had a GREAT day!!
  2. definitely was blown away by the show and was glad to be with such great company! I really loved the preview of Snap, and to hear Mobile with the ensemble was wicked!
  3. Wow! That's still all I can say about saturday night. I really wouldn't be exagerating when I say that it was one of the happiest times of my life thus far. It was wonderful to meet all of you and be on the receiving end of so much kindness! I think I have had a continuous grin on my face for about 5 days now, and it isn't going away anytime soon. I will have to wait till I get home to add more thoughts. For today, I am heading to Wicker Park to look around and then up to Lincoln Park to explore. Have a great day people!
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet you!
  5. Thanks for the info everyone! Kim, thanks for the offer( ), but I think I might be hitching a ride with Allison if things work out.
  6. hey quick question: does the El make its way out to Winnetka?
  7. love and healing vibes for tara, dunja, and the entire family
  8. YAY! I got 3 tickets to the Bozeman show for me and my friends, and then I got one for myself for the Missoula show! April and May are shaping up to be amazing months of music and travel!
  9. I hope you've had a great day Judy!!!
  10. wow, so if i'm looking at the right place, the venue in Bozeman holds about 500 people. that would be an amazingly intimate show! i really hope i can score tickets to this one!!
  11. yay! i've convinced one friend to come along with me. 2 more to go! :w00t :dance
  12. SWEET! I'm going to try and plan a trip to go see the shows in montana! Bring some camping gear so that i don't have to pay for hotels....try and get some friends to come along.... EXCELLENT start to my summer!
  13. does "MT" stand for Montana? if so...i may be able to swing a possible show.....
  14. me thinks the vancouver show was amazing. best i've seen yet!
  15. 1. (Was I) In Your Dreams- w/TP's 2. Pieholden Suite- w/TP's 3. You Are My Face 4. Company in my Back 5. Impossible Germany 6. Handshake Drugs 7. Shot in the Arm 8. Pot Kettle Black 9. Side With The Seeds 10. Pick up the Change 11. Hesitating Beauty 12. Jesus Etc. 13. Heavy Metal Drummer 14. Magazine Called Sunset 15. Too Far Apart 16. Theologians 17. Walken- w/TP's 18. I'm The Man Who Loves You- w/TP's Break 19. What Light 20. Hate it Here- w/TP's 21. Thanks I Get- w/TP's 22. Just a Kid 23. Monday- w/TP's 24. Outtasite 25 Casino Queen 26. I'm a Wheel 27. The Late Greats
  16. oh, jeff's voice sounds like its really hurting on this song...
  17. i might have to stop listening soon, cause my mom wants to go to bed. pfffttt!
  18. 1. (Was I) in your dreams- w/TP's 2. Pieholden Suite- w/TP's 3. You Are My Face 4. Company in my Back 5. Impossible Germany 6. Handshake Drugs 7. Shot in the Arm 8. Pot Kettle Black 9. Side With The Seeds 10. Pick Up the Change... :wub
  19. that is exactly what i did! it's not that i dislike the song, just bored of it right now.
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