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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. it was established in 1867 I want to argue but theres so much to type on this one i dont even feel like typing to you anymore. i'll get back later
  2. i think we need to expand the department of education his "the constitution does not call for this dept" argument is nonsensical
  3. you believe in abolishing 6 or 7 departments of government sparky?
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGQKCSKwlM0
  5. the numbers show things are getting better. the month when the president took office we were hemmorhaging jobs to the tune of 700K or more a month. now were adding 250K or more. its not gonna happen overnight but i damn sure dont want to return to the policies from the 00s
  6. so you guys think things are worse than they were in Nov 08?? the TV was saying the fockign world was coming to an end then. everything was collpasing. i think things are alot better and im unemployed
  7. there are about a million things to like about this and this isnt even one of their great songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7V5-O8Zk2k&feature=related
  8. crow daddy we take care of our own seemed like a letter to bush
  9. seems to me like things are getting alot better under the presidents leadership. i think hes done very well considering the opposition party in the House
  10. looks like your either 20 or i lost my bet so you dont see on any level that the phrase "welfare state" is a code talk? you realize we have a massive corporate welfare state? the budget can be balanced in a year or two with the proper small changes and we can shore up entitlements
  11. dude. im a democrat all along. and proud of it. just because youre a republican that kinda saw the light dont put it on us. i would bet my life that if youre old enough you voted for GW Bush actually i was head of the young republicans my freshman year but a couple hits of LSD and the capitol center cured that shit "The Solyndras of the world" Do you realize how fing dumb that is?
  12. i used to absolutely hate springsteen and now i would probably go on tour with him. unreal and especially live.
  13. dont you understand the bilderberg group NWO CFR central bank is taking over tommorrow?
  14. ahhh. youre one of those republican independents. class warfare.........my azz
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjQT2SCD3UM&feature=related
  16. a show a week at least for me usually. trying to get back to a show a month now :-)
  17. just an answer would be fine. what torture under Obama? what higher taxes?
  18. Mr Heartbreak you would definitely go for Jacob Miller. GUARANTEED
  19. If a church wants to marry two people isnt it an infringment on their religious liperty to not allow that by state law?
  20. What torture Sparky? What higher taxes sparky? What destruction of civil liberties? You mean the corporate welfare state? Right? I can ask you 10 questions off the top of my head that are impossible to answer as a "libertarian"
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