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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. Name me one that was running for President (there were many Dems in the primaries) that lied about President Bush in that way. Please name one and what they said. Thanks
  2. Tupelo had multiple members in and out didn’t they?
  3. again. its not honest disagreement over taxes or something. its her LYING calling my party socialists and murderers. i personally dont say that about President Bush. shes a lying asshat
  4. not in the least. she should be free as a bird to say whatever she wants just dont try and act like she being intellectualy honest or something. shes being a disgusting hag because she knows what shes saying isnt true but shes trying to rile folks up by telling blatant lies. its nothing new coming from the right and not all of them do it. its not a policy disagreement its just a bunch of bullshit lies
  5. She is a ignorant hag and screw her because she goes around mouthbreathing that Obama wants to kill old people and suck off terrorists etc. So screw her basically. Shes not just disagreeing with The President politically shes spewing her garbage rhetoric which basically calls The President a murder. So screw her. Not to mention! She quit her friggin job!!!!!!!! She has no place speaking on public policy. I can believe her followers don’t even call her on her quitting. They just ignorantly lap it up and never ask anything. So screw her
  6. newsmax, the frontiersman and the wall st journal and every other source on planet earth
  7. they didnt meet down by the river in St Louis this was in friggin Mexico somehow. If it was a coincidence it was ONE HELL of one
  8. oh dang. i forgot about Jay having the Son Volt v2 fallout with Mike. Cant they just use Ken Coomer or whoever. I just want to hear them sing those songs especially Jeff with Jay playing and vice versa Like I said I think they owe it to us and themselves to play those beautiful songs live. Think about them meeting up in Mexico. Does anyone here really believe that was a coincidence??
  9. Blood in My Eyes is allsome. Im partial to this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU1kvVu0O5A&feature=channel and this of course. not the best video necessarily but the song is the titties http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igMaEw3SJuk
  10. HEY! a nice and fun reply. thanks! it must be because youre a poseur Deadhead. Yeah I was doing the exact same thing. I rue all of the shows I missed seeing doo doo Dead shows in 93 94 and 95 especially.
  11. I want to see this worse than anything on the planet. But I only want to see it with Farrar playing
  12. They broke up on negative terms and thats it. Not because they wanted to go in different directions or the music had been played out or whatever. Not because they didnt have any interest in it. Thats BS. I guess they broke up because Jeff tried to work Jay's girl. Thats some freshman shit. They need to get over it and give the music its due and also get Heidhorn or whoever some money. Im sure they would appreciate that.
  13. my sense of entitlement?? are u serious? ever heard of people that take great works of art and hang them in their basement? thats considered lame. it should be in a museum for all to see and enjoy. dude. its not gonna happen anyway obviously so im basically just raising poop and playing. I seriously do think its weak for them not to do it but what do they care what I think?
  14. I bum rushed Jay one night after a Son Volt show and he limp handed me and looked at me like I was crazy. The venue just happened to be set up where someone who had one too many wild turkey shots could go wherever they wanted. He does seem sad for some reason. I seriously feel like its an artist creating something the world loves and then destroying it. Its their right but they shouldnt do it. Especially with music. It just seems like two hard headed dingbats from the midwest that cant seem to get over some dumbass 15 year old grudges. I mean CMON!
  15. do you smoke pot?? expect to dance your ass off
  16. Im serious about the idea of them not having the right to deny us that music. Noone lives forever.
  17. I actually believe they could make another album and the whole 9 yards. I mean if they came out ripping those songs from their old setlists I would seriously be in fucking heaven. I would do every single show possible and pay 1000 dollars per show. I cant imagine anything better in this world. I could have seen them tons of times back in the day and never did. I regret it so much. Those songs are still there and they are both still there. I think they owe it to their fans to play them. Not shelve them for all time. If they both werent able or werent around that would be one thing but they are.
  18. well not the best but damn crazy and good My linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLZ8LPIh4Xc
  19. It makes me cry. I would love nothing more in music than for them to reunite.
  20. Not sure if this ones been posted: Perry Ferrell was once asked when Jane's Addiction would reunite, and he replied it would happen “when the sky rains money.” What would it take for Uncle Tupelo to reform? That's a great quote from him. Before the Gibbard tour, we shared a rehearsal space with (Jane's Addiction). I don't ever want to see (an Uncle Tupelo reunion) happen, and I don't think even what Perry Ferrell suggests will make it happen. My linkhttp://greenville.metromix.com/music/article/q-and-a-jay/1606570/content
  21. F that. Id rather watch a Jeff Dunham puppet show and I love U2 and hate Jeff Dunham
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