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Everything posted by noyes

  1. me too. they have a great song called 'Even Rats' on Guitar Hero. http://www.myspace.com/theslipmusic
  2. totally excited for this. that box looks great. although the Neuwirth and Pennebaker commentary isn't new. that was also on the original.
  3. Domsey's Warehouse - Chicago chapter..
  4. i would hardcorely appreciate an invite. email is bluegrassish@gmail.com
  5. yeah i definitely have to watch it again. the horns were a great touch. so good. if anything, i think lolla will have the videos up for review during the week.
  6. not sure. i wanna know too. it's got a classical style headstock. hard to tell.
  7. jeff, you know it's hot. what are you doing with that green jacket on? haha.
  8. A Shot. very nice start haha. Tweedy looks like Baptain Ceefheart.
  9. "oh, its not called france. that was some kind of weird mistake. maybe it was in a secure file called france. i dunno. its called lovely and blue and its an old chesnut kicked up from the demo box. not an album tease holding those cards close to the chest. but you might have heard, bottleg wise or live, a few new things that are being messed with. they kind of tell you live if they are gonna live on an album or not. boy do we got alot of recording done though. more to come too. some surfing and skateboarding and museum looking and book reading to do first tho. but us cards are not idle. we hav
  10. there are too many great guitars. i personally love gretsch's black falcon. shit does it sound good. its huge and heavy but the sound makes you feel like it's coming out of you. way too expensive though. also, you can't go wrong with SG's. you just have to know which one to get your hands on. and of course the ES-335.
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