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Everything posted by noyes

  1. i listened to the album in full this morning. unsurprisingly this is the single and the first track. a bit repetitive but the track is catchy so it can be. my favorite tracks are Vintage Clothes, Ever Present Past, Mister Bellamy and End of the End. the latter is a real masterpiece in my opinion. Paul acknowledging his own mortality. beautiful song. good album.
  2. yeah, being that i'm not from Chicago, i assumed it was a comic shop. sorry about that. haha. i've yet to read, in depth, any of Paul's work. there are tons of comic artists i have to get into. James Kochalka is another. anyone hang out at Earwax? that's another place Jeffrey goes to. and i know Tim Kinsella bartended (or still does) at the Rainbo Bar. i definitely wanna go to Chicago.
  3. so am i haha. i edited my post by the way. i should've stayed out of this. i meant well and got the dreaded (my dreaded, at least) sarcastic remark i agree with the original poster. that's all i have to say.
  4. that's precisely what i meant. some albums tend to grow on you if keep tuning in. as far as the "not impossible to slowly reveal itself to you" thing, i was refering specifically to a post by someone who said they don't listen to albums that are supposed to grow on them, that they have to and should hit him immediately. and i agree with the last statement. i meant that as well.
  5. good thread and message because it's basically truth and real. in the end, no one should matter (when negativity is involved) but yourself. it's the greatest thing in the world when you can relate to someone or a large group of people (like this message board) in being interested in the same thing. but one should never bring themselves down to a low level just because of some critic who writes for a site like pitchfork. if someone reads that review and doesn't go out and listen to the album and draw their own conclusion, then they aren't meant for a band like Wilco (or any band for that matter
  6. yeah i have the self-titled and it's a darn good album. i too didn't hear about him until i saw Royal. and i understand he ended up in the film because Schwartzman introduced Emitt to Wes. good music. "Fresh As A Daisy" I especially like.
  7. i missed the majority of both of these because quicktime decided to screw up on me out of nowhere but it's good to read all the commentary on here
  8. Quimby's very good comic shop, and i guess they sell toys and shirts and shit. i know of it because of Jeffrey Brown who did a couple of signings there and frequents the shop as well. (everyone here should check him (and others) out at www.theholyconsumption.com)
  9. woohoo! late greats. love the instrumental breaks at the end of this song. totally makes it.
  10. yeah, i hear it differently though. there's something kind of off about this show. compared to, say, the Sydney show, which was so vibrant and alive. maybe the fellas, especially Jeff, are just not in the right frame of mind i guess. hope it improves tomorrow.
  11. i noticed from i second i heard IATTBYH. funny how someone's mood can be so transparent in their singing.
  12. is it just me or does Jeff sound tired as hell. haha.
  13. so disappointed. i had to switch to my girlfriends laptop for it to work. 'break your heart' nice
  14. i'm getting a "switching transport" signal i'm confused.. this should be running.
  15. "when we're not sure, we're not alone.." just the way it's sung. and Mikael playing away. sweeping the song away. it's beautiful..
  16. you'll need a dvd converter. i use DVD Decrypter.
  17. it kinda sound like when you pick the Emperor on Silver Surfer on the NES. total video game sound. i dig it.
  18. you saw it at the Angelika, nice. I saw The Lives of Others there recently (good movie) i didn't even know who Wilco was when it first played there. i do remember the poster though. haha.
  19. what about the scene backstage where all those people are asking him dumb questions? what do you guys think about that scene? it felt so awkward. "i'm gone.." haha.
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