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Everything posted by noyes

  1. yeah, i kept thinking how beautiful it would have been to end the night with Misunderstood (since the show took place in "my old neighborhood") that would've left me speechless. but Outta Site... man oh man. oh hell yeah. that was SO great. everyone around me was jumping around. i especially loved the group of people right in front of Tweedy i was a little off to the right, in front of John, where some people clearly weren't have as much fun as i was, as far as body language goes. i kept thinking, "man i should be over there with that group" haha. and yeah yesterday was my first Wilco sho
  2. the pillows stereolab the creation os mutantes jebediah etc
  3. highly doubt it, but if they play Hotel Arizona at Warsaw.. i'll probably weep with joy.
  4. gonna do the same on tuesday. book and drink and the goddamn 92 degree weather.
  5. hahaha. i just read that. i really really hope it's true. there was no doubt that i was sticking to my Wilco ticket (are you kidding me?) but was hoping someone would record the Hiro show. i guess now i don't have to worry about it. lifts a lot of weight off.
  6. next tuesday.. i'll be at the wilco show.. first Ryan, now this? man what an awful day for a show.
  7. around 30 to 35 or so. i forgot, he also said on the radio this week that he's going everywhere twice this year, so i'm sure he'll be back in NYC definitely before 2008. i definitely wanna hear this Hiro Ballroom show if anyone records it though.
  8. ryan's playing on the edge now. http://www.edge102.com/live/
  9. considering that i've seen Ryan at two generally intimate (Town Hall really isn't THAT big. well from floor seats at least) venues i'd go with Wilco simply because one, I've never seen them before. and two, Wilco at Warsaw is the equivalent of Ryan at Hiro Ballroom as far as what constitutes intimacy goes. i just wish it wasn't on the same day.
  10. fuck.. that sucks. i already got my wilco tickets though and i've seen Ryan at Town Hall and at Tribeca Performing Arts Center. i'd rather go to Wilco at Warsaw anyway. think about it.. Wilco. at Warsaw. no balconies. just floor. crazy.
  11. there was a John Lennon similar to that. never read that Dylan one but i'd like to. i think the whole Pictures inspired by Dylan is a nice idea. i might submit some of my own.
  12. i'm assuming you guys are watching this already. http://attblueroom.com/whitestripes/index.php here's the same thing bigger (just zoom to 200%) http://mfile.akamai.com/35369/live/reflect....asx?bkup=49551
  13. nothing feels good like you in red and blue jeans and your white and night things.
  14. i really hope it's Walken that song just keeps getting better and better for me.
  15. they killed at Irving Plaza last night. totally killed.
  16. anyone listening to WXRT? they sound awesome.
  17. that "Via Chicago" up there looks A OK
  18. noyes


    if you took offense in any way to that statement, it was not meant to be. at all. it was made because in almost every mention of the song, the word mediocre and "okay" has come up. just from experience. though, of course, i'm aware others like it.
  19. noyes


    LATE GREATS! i'm one of the few people on here that doesn't think this song is mediocre. what an ending. one or two more?? haha man.
  20. noyes


    you're disgusting good kalle. haha.
  21. noyes


    string broke? haha.
  22. noyes


    Nels never ceases to blow me away on IG
  23. noyes


    wow.. what a pathetic crowd. they couldn't even yell "Hello" man.. Nels is crazy on Handshake. beautiful stuff.
  24. noyes


    yeah, there was something really odd about that "You Are My Face"
  25. the mid to late beatles represents everything artistic in this world to me. as much as i like the early beatles, the sheer artfulness of their latter days is astounding and preference is of no question to me. but yeah, i agree with your response concerning Sgt. those critiques were truthful but mostly dumb.
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