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Everything posted by noyes

  1. the beauty with this album (which i heard after not having heard it for awhile this morning when thinking about this thread) is that it truly exemplifies the concept of quality over quantity, in both the musical and especially the lyrical sense. in other words, i have always mentioned to someone that isn't a virtuoso on the guitar (as it's been mentioned to me) that has long as you know your basic chords and that magic three finger power chord, and if you couple that with a sufficient sense of creativity and invention, you can write a perfect song. after listening to the album, i sat down
  2. so wonderful to see a Brian Eno thread that simply states how amazing his music is. i have such an emotionally beautiful attachment to "Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)" it's great great little album. listened to it endlessly last year. "Eno is God." and for a good reason.
  3. www.radiohead.tv very very good. fun times to be had for all. happy enjoying.
  4. sucks you have to wait "6-8 weeks" for the first issue to arrive. other than that, great deal. i gave 5.
  5. love Bert had the pleasure to see him, and Kevin Barker, play at Bowery Ballroom last month. amazing to hear him play in person. friendliest guy.
  6. i still haven't seen Grant Gee's documentary but definitely want to. i saw it today at Film Forum here in nyc. it actually blew me away how deeply moving and beautiful the film's portrayal of Ian is. and the music sounded so great, so alive. the b&w (the only way it could be done really) gives it that perfect feeling and look. i went with my girlfriend who had only heard a little of Joy Division and she thanked me incessantly when we took the train back home haha. and the movie, to me, succeeds in that sense. you don't have to be a Joy Division fan to watch this movie and have it affect
  7. the medley on side 2 of abbey road
  8. what i don't get and won't get is the seemingly wide (online at least) dislike of HTTT.. like it's the worst album ever or something. i can kind of understand how people don't like it as it stands in their whole record output but songs like Scatterbrain and I Will and Where I End.. make it totally beautiful for me, including the rock heavy stuff as well, and i remember how great it sounded on first listen. it's not my favorite but i don't hate it. In Rainbows definitely requires multiple listens for complete appreciation. it hit me with the warmest feeling inside how great this album is.
  9. oh i agree. i was too quick to judge in my own head, based on the crappy sound coming out of my earphones, plus subway noise. huge mistake. but it's a much better listen now. i'm hearing it clearly for what it is.
  10. when i first heard the album, on crappy Apple earphones, i couldn't really hear the bass all too well which was awful. i should've just turned it off right then and there. but 15 Step sounded so great nevertheless. the bass near the end reminded me of Where I End and You Begin, and then Bodysnatchers came on and put a smile on my face. Nude is absolutely gorgeous, the "on again, off again" bit of Faust Arp reminded me "flan in the face" in The Wolf at the Door, All I Need is beautifully haunting, etc etc. but after i listened to the album through the first time, after Arpeggi or so, i was g
  11. the cover reminds me of a Stan Brakhage movie. haha. downloading now. will listen to it on my way to school.
  12. i was disappointed, slightly. it's definitely a different directorial style for Wes. the film's intro was truly great and got me excited but i expected myself to laugh more and thoroughly enjoy it, which I did, but in a 'kinda' way. after watching it on the 1st, i miss that distinctive Wes style of filmmaking and contrarily think that evolution of technique is not good in Wes's case. i love his films and Darjeeling was definitely a departure. crazy how The Life Aquatic and the familiarity it embodied within Wes's individual trademark of a style seems brighter than this film. that familiarity i
  13. I didn't even know this was playing last Wednesday (at the IFC Center) until I was walking along 6th Avenue this afternoon and spotted it written across the marquee. Bought a 1:40 ticket and sat upstairs, staring at a "The Cranes Are Flying" poster until the movie started (it was about 1:00 then). I read the very short review in the L Magazine and it was negative so I thought, "hmm.." Then I read Camille Dodero's review in today's Village Voice and it was on the brighter side, which reassured me. Went downstairs into the theater and waited for the movie to start. 'About A Son' hit me in a wa
  14. who said the vinyl and book and second cd will be widely available by the end of the year/beginning of next year? sure, it's possible but too many people would be pissed off in spending 82 bucks on something that won't be so exclusive come the end of the year, which is around the time that they will get their order anyway. it could very well be a limited package, in which case having only the first cd and the second cd digitally just doesn't compare. considering that you're getting two cds and a booklet with a slipcase and (two?) vinyl(s), its definitely not a HUGE amount of money. it's comp
  15. finally out. looks to be really good. the cinematography is still as good as ever. Yeoman's the man. can't wait to see how the full movie turns out. i hope it'll be better than i already think it'll be. "featuring music from the films of Satyajit Ray and Merchant Ivory" what a promisingly weird and interesting twist. beautiful stuff.
  16. a-goddamn-men. i respect people that know an awful lot about music theory and all but to belittle those who only know the fundamentals and/or little theory is a bit ridiculous. i know my share of music theory and have an endless desire to learn, which i think is a very important thing. but i hardly know any scales or notes the way i do on the first instrument i learned (piano) but i love playing guitar and have an almost childlike enthusiasm for it which in turn allows me to create and play music. which comes from listening to music intently. like how Miles Davis gave Hendrix a piece of sheet
  17. where's the recording :/ this was such a great show. best i've ever been to for sure.
  18. what an great show that must've been. thanks for the review!
  19. that's what i thought when i saw it yesterday. some musicman bass looking guitar. haha.
  20. haha yeah i was so stoked. it didn't really sound bad at all up there. i heard everything clearly. i guess the sound was pretty extraordinary back there. was everyone singing along back there as well? every word we sang was so loud.
  21. yeah i meant to erase the "assuming there is a recording" i was just copy and pasting from something i posted earlier. i bet the sound was great right next the SB. it was my first show and i needed to be as close as possible, soaking it all in. haha.
  22. Owen (aka Mike Kinsella) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Kinsella
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