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Doug C

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Everything posted by Doug C

  1. Indeed, John. Everyone of them must be arrested and face charges. Some of the Oregon terrorists also made goodbye videos for their families. They are akin to radical Islamist terrorists. They are religious zealots (a bizarre brand of fundamentalist Mormonism), theocratic (the Constitution came to the founders from God, so it is Holy Scripture just like the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I am paraphrasing a speech either the elder Hammond or Cliven Bundy made, I forget which one), speak of martyrdom and have a long history of threatening federal authorities. If I went onto Federal property, arme
  2. Huh? 13.4% is not "one in 4 or 5" http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/what-percentage-of-americans-have-served-in-the-military/ That’s not your question though, is it? You’re interested in the percentage of Americans who have ever served — perhaps because as a veteran yourself, you know that former members of the armed services vastly outnumber current personnel. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is interested in a similar question — and to answer it, they use their own data as well as numbers from the Department of Defense, the U.S. Census Bureau, the Internal Revenue Service and the
  3. Kevin G., the above was rhetorical, I assume? As in, you weren't expecting an answer.
  4. Kevin, You are earnest and I respect that. Regarding Trump, we have always had demagogues running for president and we always will. Trump, if he really believes the nonsense that he bloviates, is morally bankrupt (and as Winston Legthigh said, a large helping of moral bankruptcy is usually required to become so wealthy). But he is never going to get the nomination, much less be elected president. I am not surprised that he has support, I'd be surprised if he didn't. Also, I agree that he IS getting plenty of criticism. I am not worried that he is a portent for America. You are correct that som
  5. Lou, A few days ago you typed "Hixtler" in a post. I put it down to a typo. But now with "general warfare" I wonder if it isn't a pattern of Freudian slips!
  6. “At this, Eliza and Ezra rolled together into one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation, screaming and shouting as they playfully bit and pulled at each other in a dangerous and clamorous rollercoaster coil of sexually violent rotation with Eliza’s breasts barrel-rolled across Ezra’s howling mouth and the pained frenzy of his bulbous salutation extenuating his excitement as it whacked and smacked its way into every muscle of Eliza’s body except for the otherwise central zone.” http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/dec/01/morrissey-wins-bad-sex-award-fiction-debut-novel-list-of-the-los
  7. Yes it is and was. I would hope that I would do the same but maybe not... I guess I just linked it to give us some perspective regarding petty and pointless cyber political bickering.
  8. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/12/02/458166709/u-s-soldier-posthumously-honored-for-protecting-jewish-pows-in-1945
  9. Plenty of examples when you Google "AR-15 elk hunting" but also when you Google "AR-15 Home Invader shooting", http://mic.com/articles/64663/5-people-who-used-an-ar-15-to-defend-themselves-and-it-probably-saved-their-lives#.LtJ7SpYqy and "AR-15 Skeet Shooting", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcqhqA3bCVo Plenty of evidence. Why is it so difficult to imagine?
  10. You truly cannot imagine it? You are incapable of having a mental image of someone using an AR-15 for any of those purposes (skeet, elk, target shooting, home invaders) other than target shooting? Surely you are capable of imagining, let's say, elk hunting with an AR-15. Maybe this will help: https://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=3&f=121&t=630491
  11. My wife and I are very excited about Brian Wilson with Al Jardine and Blondie Chaplin tonight. I got us seats in the last row of Orchestra so we can dance without upsetting old people behind us.
  12. Maybe he means it literally. In his opinion, Jeff Tweedy's mothering skills are poor, ergo Jeff Tweedy is one bad mother.
  13. I agree, that was an interesting read. Thanks, Kevin. Here is some interesting data from today's paper regarding the frequency of mass shootings. They are far from "rare" as they were called in an earlier post. http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/columns/column-will-next-mass-shooting-be-today/2248114
  14. Yes, it is. And it's a law coming to a state near you. The NRA played a major role in getting the law passed and in winning the court challenge. Guns are sacrosanct in America.
  15. But it's a good belief. Where would we be without believing that we can bring positive change. I honestly feel for you, sir. Oh wait. You mean that guns are not really special. Seriously? It is quite clear that guns are not to be fucked with in the USA.
  16. Here in Florida, it is illegal for a doctor to discuss guns with a patient. It is part of a pediatrician's job, if they see fit, to discuss guns in the house and gun safety. If you don't want your doctor talking about guns, fine find another doctor. But they can lose their license and be fined for discussing guns with a patient. Madness. Guns uber alles is destructive.
  17. The reason they should happen is simple. They are the right thing to do. Just because it wouldn't have a huge effect doesn't make it any less right, moral and proper. Anything that can help change the culture that guns are special, unlike any other product, is good. I'm not against gun ownership. I grew up with guns, but I no longer have a personal desire to own them, but other's should be able, if they follow the reasonable regulations that I have described.
  18. Also, the fact that your insurance company can't give you a higher rate if you're a gun owner is crazy. It increases their risk. Having gun locks, a safe and taking an advanced safety course could lower the gun owner rate. Why are guns sacrosanct, therefore basically untouchable?
  19. No. In truth, there are so many guns now, the only thing that could possibly make a real difference would be to ban guns, take them and start over, which would be impossible. But what is wrong will taking sensible steps that could at least make some degree of difference? The fact that we've never had the gun regulations that I described is inexcusable, shameful and insane.
  20. Jesus Fucking Christ. People still drive illegally, so we should abolish all auto laws and regulations. If you consider it a terrible burden to take a legitimate gun owner course, pass a legitimate exam to get a gun owner's license and renew it, get your guns registered and renewed and have the title transferred to sell them, then you shouldn't be allowed to own guns.
  21. We don't need it to collect money. Guns must be registered every year with the state (and federal government for guns), just like a car. You pay a registration fee each year. You also must take a course and pass an exam to have a gun owners license. This must be renewed every few years, just like with automobiles. Every time the gun is legally sold, a title transfer is done with the state/feds, just as with automobiles. The fees raised would be used to improve enforcement of gun laws already codified and to pay for the new government agencies. And, it just so happens that we would know where
  22. What is the purpose of registering automobiles?
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