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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. Because with even as few as three key strokes - IMO- you can indicate to others that you are not invalidating the opinion of everyone who disagrees with you. And that in turn creates a respectful environment as opposed to one where people are less interested in discussion and more interested in being correct and "winning". In my view, its just being polite and it makes message boards far more pleasant places to hang out. I get that others may not care about that.

    So you and your friends and/or people you get into conversations with at a pub, always discuss subjective things such as music, politics, sports, movies, etc. in the following manner? "Well in my opinion Shug, 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand' is far superior to the claptrap that makes up anything post-Revolver. I am not invalidating your opinion and have no desire to win, that is simply how I see it".


    There is never any, "What? The Godfather 3 blew the original away? Are you fucking stupid? That was a piece of shit."?


    If so, then I'll be damned. I thought that Jules conversational style was an anomaly. You two should plan a get together to respectfully discuss politics.

  2. People who state their opinions as if they are facts sound extremely arrogant to me. It seems they think their opinions matter more than those of others. Oh, well, there are all kinds of people out there, some are just less pleasant to interact with.

    Shug, meet the internet.


    I feel you, though, as the morons say.

  3. I agree, Lou. When I first read Professor van Cracker, that "connection" made me feel dirty.


    Also, VC nation, I ask what the verdict would be on this anecdote? I illegally downloaded Conor Oberst and the Mystic valley Band Outer South a few years ago. My daughter somehow deleted it a couple months ago and I ordered it used on Amazon for $6.53 including postage (cheaper than a download). It arrived yesterday. It is not in the traditional jewel case but in a clear hard plastic case. It has a barcoded label allowing for easy checkout and stamps of various checkout dates from 27 July 2009 to 17 February 2011. Both the disc and booklet have stickers on them proclaiming "property of St. Louis Public Library".


    What would Lowery think? What would Morrison and Allen think? What do you think? I think that it is hilarious.

  4. so bleedorange you want to go back to the policies we had from 00 to 08 in the white house?? are you high?

    No, I'd like to go back to the general policies we had between 1980 and 2000.

    What about boon's other question? :lol

  5. He's probably upset that the shop is playing a live bootleg recording, which he believes is stealing, and so they're engaging in an unauthorized distribution of Wilco's music....

    Hahahahahahahahaha! Damn, I feel compelled to follow you around. If you lived in tampa, I would seek you out and be your fanboy. You have to be my kind of guy.

  6. I remember getting into a rather heated discussion with a late friend of mine of the generation before mine. He was indignant at my downloading of music for free (and rightly so.) However; the majority of our discussion occurred while he was standing at the copier making copies of sheet music.

    He never saw the irony of our discussion.

    I remember having a rather spirted conversation with a dear, departed friend of mine. He was roundly castigating me for 'stealing music' and I lamely made the arguements that all downloades partake of.

    The irony was we were having the debate while he was at the copy machine making copies of sheet musci.

    Do tell.

  7. What does Bob Lefsetz have that I can steal that might be worth something? A blogger's opinion has no worth or importance.

    A blogger's opinion is of as much importance as any other opinion. Also, the case could be made that as a well-known and successful entertainment lawyer, his opinion on this particular subject has more worth or importance than others' opinions, just as many likely feel that as a well known successful artist and as a university music business lecturer, David Lowery's opinion is of particular worth and importance.

  8. I read Emily White's piece on NPr the day it came out. I took it as it was intended, as a response to Bob Boilen's piece "I just deleted all of my music". He talks about trusting the Cloud. White was basically saying that it didn't really resonate with her as she never really owned CDs. I didn't think about the "stealing" issue at all, but Jesus, she sure is being pilloried all over the comments section of her story and all over the internet.


    I read David Lowery's piece and have read similar blogs by him before. I agree with the guy, according to the law, it is stealing but his entire point seems to be, "after you understand my excellent logic and analogies, you will grasp that what you are doing is wrong and stop because you are basically nice people". But here is where I agree with Lefsetz about Lowery speaking into an echo chamber. At best, a small amount of people will change their behavior due to exposure to David Lowery's blogs. His analogies aren't perfect. For example, when he talks about how many illegal downloaders pay extra for Fair Trade coffee to insure the purchase is in line with their morals as far as the grower being paid, therefore they should want the artist to be fairly compensated also. He gives other examples but this isn't reality. The analogy falls apart. If the folks who buy fair trade coffee found a way to illegally acquire non-fair trade coffee for free with a near zero chance of prosecution, I posit that many, if not most, of them would rationalize their way to free coffe instead of fair trade coffee. It reminds me of Jeff Goldblum's line in the Big Chill about how rationalizing is more important than sex because we will go a day without sex but "when was the last time you went a day without a nice juicy rationalization?".


    I agree with David Lowery that the artist should be compensated, I respect him and enjoy his music. He also is likely more intelligent than I, but if his solution is to appeal to morality, then he is a fool. Technology has rapidly changed and is still rapidly changing the music business, creating many problems and issues that need to be addressed and dealt with but trying to shame people into changing their behavior as a means to solving those problems is a waste of time.

  9. bleedorange, thanks for elaborating. I understand you now. I personally do not have an inherent bias against management nor do I believe that most employers care little about their employees. I believe in capitalism, after all. My preference is for a Danish/Swedish?etc. (at least Canadian) style system, though, but capitalist, none the less.


    As far as Jules goes, I do not harbor the suspicions that you mentioned. I simply am interested in what type of hires. Unless it is a goverment security issue, I don't understand the need to not be forthcoming. How can you have a real dialogue otherwise? Again, if you were having a conversation with him face to face and he said that he hired 100 workers in the last 12 months, you would say something akin to, "That's great. What industry? What type of jobs?". That is normal conversation. If he refused to answer, you would think it quite odd. Can you admit that?


    Thanks again for the dialogue.

  10. There is a lot of animosity running through some of these posts. It's surprising. Not sure if it's anger or envy or what.


    I have noticed that you have been logged on but have not replied to my request for elaboration as to what you meant.


    Also, clearly Jules has no intention of mentioning anything about the type of jobs hired or whether he is the owner.


    Of course, neither of you are required to answer but imagine having the same conversation at a pub, or better yet, in line for a Wilco show and the same questions were asked but the askee (is that a word?) just ignored the asker. It would be a tense situation, to say the least.

  11. my client was found guilty and shot to death while trying to escape. way to open up a sore wound, guy.

    True but you gave him the best chance to win a rigged game. Chin up. Jules is, apparently, a smart cookie and wouldn't hire you to represent his interests if you were not capable.

  12. I love the World Cup with all it's spectacle and cheering on the USA but, football-wise, I prefer the Euros. With only the top 16 teams in Europe qualiying, the competion is strong and they are few "gimmee" games, ala Spain 4-Ireland 0. Save Brazil and Argentina, the best national teams in the world are involved.


    Since I only teach night school in the summer, I have been able to watch almost all of the games. Every one has had some lovely football and, except for 1 or 2, the outcome hasn't been known until the final kick. That's about all that you can ask for. Damn, I enjoy watching competitive, quality football.


    I was gutted when Varela scored late. I was pulling for the Danes after that comeback and felt that 1 point against Portugal would get them through but now they might not advance despite beating the Dutch. Wow. My wife and I are going to the local to watch the England - Sweden game this afternoon. I am pulling for the 3 Lions. Hodgson was the best choice for manager as England do not have the quality of other teams. A well-organized side gives them their best chance to advance and Roy is an organizer. After earning an important point against the best side in the group, France, I expect more attacking football today. Many England fans seem deluded regarding how their players match up with the top squads. A good gaffer knows what to do to have the best chance at a result.


    I am also glad that ESPN has the games as Ian Darke and Steve McManaman are my favorite team. Knowledgeable, insightful and, most importantly, witty bastards. The pre and post match show, not so much. Anyone else expecting (and hoping) that Ballack decks Alexei Lalas? I have never understood the appeal of that loudmouth.


    Back to my first point about the Euros quality, I read this today on SkySports and I agree with Jamie Carragher that Platini's decision to expand the competition is cynical and will dilute the competition..


  13. Wow you're dumber than I thought.

    How dumb did you think that he was?


    Also, would you mind saying what you hired those 100 people to do and for what type of business? Are you the owner? If so, kudos. That is a successful business and well done by you. i am glad that demand is up for your good(s) and/or service(s).

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