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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. Hello, Sarah C


    My wife and I eloped in July of 1994. Well, semi-eloped. When we decided to marry, which wasn't an easy decision on my wife's part as I am 2 years and 4 months younger than her (she has age issues, which is hilarious to me as my parents were 22 years apart but I digress), I assumed that we would have a traditional wedding. Not that I cared one way or the other but I just figured that's what would happen. My wife had been married previously and did not want a traditional wedding. She wanted something low key and 'ours' so as to be 'new'. She really did not want her family there as they, to a person, suffer from various mental illnesses and personality defects. We were having difficulty deciding how to have a wedding without inviting very many people in general andd none of her family in particular. My 2 best friends at the time lived in NYC. My wife knew them well because we had traveled there several times.

    My wife is also a John Lennon 'fan'. For instance, as a teen she wrote May Pang a nasty letter and

    made various attempts to 'meet' him. Everytime that we went to NYC, I took her to Strawberry Fields in

    Central Park, her favorite city spot. Once when we were discussing how to handle our wedding, I was

    struck by insight when she mentioned how sad it was that Paul and Shawn, married NYC friends, could not travel to our wedding as Paul's HIV status had reached the stage where he had a mediport and Shawn's status wasn't much better. "Let's get married in Strawberry Fields". "That's a great idea!". We'll bring the wedding to them". "We love New York". Yada, yada, yada.



    I contacted our friends. It quickly came together. The French-Canadian masseuse/flake that married one NYC couple, Matt and Kristin, 2 years earlier would marry us. They, being professional photographers, would take the pictures. We would stay with the other couple, Paul and Shawn. Kristin's sister would shoot video and another NYC friend of us all, coincidentally also named Shawn, would attend except he 'couldn't make it', so 17 years later, I say "fuck him". We would tell our family and friends we were going away for a long wwekend and none would be the wiser. A seemingly perfect plan until I mentioned to Matt, Paul and no-show Shawn that no one else was coming. As we were University of Tampa friends, they knew my mom well. They made me realize that it would be a likely fatal error to deny her attendance at my wedding. So my mom and her husband (I don't say step-father, not because I didn't love him, I did. But because he married my mom when I was an adult. My dad died when I was 15. Clearly, Doug C gives way more information than necessary) also came. My mom threatened to surprise us with Elizabeth's/our daughters, 6 and 15 at the time, which didn't bother me but Eliz was against, though I cannot remeber why.


    So we flew up on a Wednesday, got our license that day, met with Gilles (the masseuse/flake/pastor of some yoga church/delightful guy) on Thursday or Friday, I can't remember which and married on Saturday. You had to buy a permit to get married in Central Park but fuck that. We just all took cabs from the Mayflower, where Matt and Kristin had gotten us the penthouse suite for our wedding night (it had red velvet wall paper... retro kink!), jumped out near the Dakota, went into Strawberry Fields and commenced a marryin'. Ladies in hats were picnicing nearby and clapped when it was over. We all went to Tavern On The Green for dinner on my folks, then went to our suite for champagne, carrot cake and fellowship until the wee hours. My mom and Clarence were far less wee than the rest of us. Eliz and I had a perfect night with an incredible view. Then we flew home Sunday afternoon. edit- The men, most, wore tuxes, mine one that a student working at a formal wear place stole for me, my wife wore a lovely off white dress and hat, and the ladies nice dresses.


    It wasn't a true elopement but close enough for a thread on a band website. I agree with the idea that you should do what's right for you but I couldn't imagine a better wedding experience than the one that I had. Congratulations to you. Enjoy your forthcoming fantastic life. Please accept this Nietzsche Family Circus as an early wedding gift.



    It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.

  2. I would like to hear from people having actually experienced a member(s) of Wilco ejaculate. Describe your favorites and why. This would make for interesting reading.


    If none of the above exist or are willing to share, then describe your favorite ejaculation during a Wilco song. Ejaculations occurring during live Wilco would likely make for the most compelling story.


    Also no fake names. Birth names only. Have some balls, people. No pun intended.

  3. Okay, I won't be snarky. Family Circus is one of the worst comics ever. Unfortunately, Keane's son will keep it going just like all of the other outdated pieces of shit that won't die. Not only was Charlie Brown an excellent comic, Charles Schultz refused to allow some hack to prop it up after his death.

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