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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. Well, if it helps make Jeff feel more human I think every one of us can identify to people not listening to our clear requests in the workplace.


    When what you do is actually interesting, and you specifically ask people not to create a memento (especially when tracking the evolution of a song is one of the more exciting parts of collecting live recordings), it's only that much harder for people to comply.

    Will comply.

  2. The chutzpah the legislature has is admirable. I wonder how much it would cost to make sure they leave my pension alone?


    The list of legislators and how they voted is for the tampa Bay area only. As both houses have strong Republican majorities, there is no doubt that this is a Republican initiated measure.


    Troxler makes another eloquent appeal to my fellow citizens in today's Times: "Let's say it again: Florida's legislators are for sale" http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/stateroundup/lets-say-it-again-floridas-legislators-are-for-sale/1160221

  3. I can't believe that I actually have a Pinetop Perkins story.


    In 1988, possibly 1989, I went to NYC to visit a good buddy living in Hell's Kitchen over MLK weekend. I also had plans to go to wedding in Jersey on Saturday. A girl from home, about 5 years younger, had recently moved to Newark after getting a flight attendant job. We had never dated and she wasn't really my type, a 'big hair' for lack of a better descriptor, but I wanted a wedding date. I called and we made plans to go out Friday night, stay at my buddies place and then go to the wedding Saturday morning. In true 80's movie fashion, I asked her if she had a date for my pal. She did.


    We went down to the Village Friday night. After dinner, we hit the bars. At some point, I notice a sign in a little club's window saying that Pinetop Perkins is playing. I say to my friends, "Oh shit! Pinetop Perkins! Let's go in". They are all, "Who in hell is Pinetop Perkins?". I explain how he played with Muddy Waters. At least my buddy understood that much. The girls were clueless but willing. We paid the cover and caught his last set. It was everything that Mr. Heartbreak and the rest of you all said it was. I was digging it. After the show, I was ballsy enough to strike up a conversation. Again, he was as gracious as other posters found him to be. He asked who did I come with? I pointed to our table and he perked up at the sight of these attracttive young women. He sidled over and sat right down and became Macktop Perkins. They ate it up. Which was perfect. Pictures were taken. He reveled in the opportunity to have his arms around the ladies. I still have those pictures.


    I, too, feel fortunate to have seen a legend play. The piano and the Mack Daddy.


    Thank you, sir and enjoy playing with Mr. Waters again.

  4. They are returning here in May to play Tropical Heatwave. A hell of a lineup this year with Cracker, Carolina Chocolate Drops, Two Cow Garage, Those Darlins, Holy Ghost Tent Revival, The Whigs and about 40 other bands.

  5. Edit: Doug - that system exists. Tom Waits used it (in conjunction with Ticketmaster) on his tour a few years ago. I saw it in Columbus and all you presented at the door was the credit card you used to purchase the tix and your driver's license. Slick. I have no problems with that concept, even in the event I couldn't make it, that would be a bummer but not the end of the world.

    Thanks, Wendy. Since such a system exists, then the high tickets prices of not only Neil Young but in general, are not to thwart scalpers. Since technology exists to easily stop scalping but is rarely used, then all that says to me is despite all of the lip service, none of the myriad entities involved are serious about stopping scalping. That suggests greed, as do the seriously high ticket prices. Folks here are correct in saying that artists will charge what people will pay. Nothing wrong with it, simply economics at work. It is disheartening though. We have passed on several shows the last few years due to being unwilling or unable to support such greed. C'est la vie.

  6. Many of the greendale shows resulted in a bunch of pissed off people, and I think he learned something from that.

    We saw Greendale. Loved it and I see your point. Rather than charging over $500 incl. fees for the best seats, couldn't he have learned to simply have it clearly stated in the tour advertisements that this show will consist of the new album in it's entirety followed by a smattering of older songs?

  7. Thanks, ya'll. So if scalping is the major reason for enormous ticket prices, then why isn't scalping simply circumvented? Technologically, again I am talking out of my ass here, it can't be difficult to devise a system where only the original buyer can use the ticket. This is off the top of my head but when the ticket is scanned, the buyer's name comes up. The ticketholder has previously been instructed to have picture ID ready. The ID is checked and you walk in. How much extra time would such a thing add, logistics-wise? And I am sure that better minds could/have already devised far better systems than my feble attempt. It seems as though that 'the powers that be' don't want to seriously hinder scalping due to the profit involved. So for me, it comes back, at least somewhat, to the artists not minding gouging the fans. Maybe I am naive and living in a fantasy world.


    Thanks again for the replies.


    I know that a fan may need to resell their ticket if they become ill, etc. In that case, there have to be ways to accomodate such situations. Again from my ass, maybe the venue/original seller/artist could resell the ticket using the same anti-scalper safeguards and the original buyer would only get their money back if the tickets sold?

  8. Maybe this is the wrong thread and if so, my apologies to those insisting on strict adherence to protocol. I know very little, hell, nothing, about the financial intricacies of touring but do Neil's tickets have to be that expensive? This is likely to start another class war debate but what would happen if Neil decided to take a very small profit to keep ticket prices low? Is that possible? Maybe he has serious financial difficulties that I am not privy to or maybe he feels a moral obligation to make as much money as possible in order to make charitable contributions. Is it possible for an artist, especially a very wealthy one, to say, "Fine, go ahead and make your crazy profit, Ticketmaster/promoter/manger/venue/etc. I am taking a modest fee to do what I love and keep it affordable for average fans". Is his fee already modest with the current ticket prices?


    I am not trying to be a smartass or start an argument. I would honestly like to know. We wanted to see him a few months back when he was in town but could not afford it and would not carry a credit card balance.


    If someone has some insight, I would appreciate it.

  9. It was a poor way to pass the bill. Though I am proud of the 14 Democratic senators, the thousands of protestors and lone dissenting vote, Rep. Senator Dale ""I voted my conscience, which I feel reflects the core beliefs of the majority of voters who sent me here to represent them" Schultz, the fault is ultimately that of the Wisconsin voters. Walker won. I blame the unregistered voters now upset with the Walker's agenda. I blame the small number of Republican voters that weren't paying attention and are now angry. I blame the Democratic and Independent voters that stayed home. They are collectively the ones at fault. It is a hell of alot easier to keep a train from building up a head of steam than it is to stop it once it is barreling down the track.


    My state is similar. It isn't as though Scott and the Republican-controlled legislature's plans were a secret. He only won by 1.3 percentage points. That is a narrow victory. I am angry with the bills but I am angrier knowing that if only a few more equally upset people had gotten up off of their duffs, Sink would be the governor and act as a counterweight to the legislature. The problem is lazy, disinterested fools complaining after the fact. Only an idiot would be upset that the victors fulfill their promises.

  10. We saw them open for the Old 97's last Wednesday. Wow!! They are our new favorite band of the moment. We bought their first cd at the merch table and love it, though it was surprisingly more country than the songs in the set. We ordered the new one coming out March 29th and it is more like the high energy live show, sources say. If you like 60's girl group harmonies, surf guitars, boomin' backbeats, rockabilly ruckus, riot grrls, snotty punks, snarls, and high energy time of our lives fun, then check them out. Any other fans?

  11. So you do things with only one intention? You never have dual intent? Plently of people sitting on their duffs at home opposed the bill - these people opposed the bill and wanted to protest. Certainly there were people there who disliked the bill more than others, and even still who just like to come out for a good protest. I knew plently of kids in college who made a stink about anything that stood still long enough to become a cause; while they certainly believed in their causes, I think they believed in the act of protest much more.

    It is good to see that we agree but strange that you say we don't. "Dual motives", "disliked more than others", " believed in the act of protest more". Again, they may have plenty of motives but protesting the bill is one of them. Therefore, they are protestors, not "protestors". At the risk of sounding churlish, making the same clear point repeatedly is becoming tiresome.

  12. You complain about the underhanded nature of Jules' or my discussion tactics but routinely assign me to a profession I'm not even in? Ever classy, you.

    You are confusing me with other Via Chicagoans. This is understandable as others have accused you of being a lawyer, I never have. Please feel fre to check old posts. I also did not say that you were a lawyer today. I was making what is commonly called a 'joke'. What I meant, and that I have to explain it is disheartening, was that you defend "Jules" so seemingly often, that it is as though you are his lawyer. Not that you are literally his lawyer or a lawyer.


    What about the actual discussion? They are either protesting Walker's bill or they are in favor of Walker's bill. As I said earlier, "Jules" may believe that they are something in addition to protestors but they are certainly protestors. To refer to them as "protestors" is silly and doesn't flatter "Jules".

  13. If he doesn't think their intentions were true then he doesn't - there's no dishonesty there.

    He believes that all of the, hell, most, hell, a good chunk of the protestors actually are in favor of Walker's bill? Well, okay then. I am wrong.


    Also, does "Jules" have you on retainer or is your work pro bono?

  14. Many of them were uppity students. They might have had an opinion about the situation, but I'll bet if they'd have had to drive more than four hours to get there they wouldn't have.

    So what? They were all protestors. Calling them "protestors" does not flatter someone's debate skills or intelligence. That's a Fox News-type response.

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