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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. u2roolz, you said "I think you are putting too much emphasis on "flavorful artisan scone", as if once that artist sells X amount of records they go and play coffee shops or something.". That is not what I meant at all. I meant the opposite. It sounded as though she, your interviewee, was saying that you could start making the 'good' music you wanted at some point and remain mega-popular. I found it very interesting in theory but couldn't think of it happening in practice.


    That Aimee Mann example sounds like the best so far. I would think that most of the Voices Carry fans have not heard an Aimee Mann song but she is still fairly popular and also respected.


    I enjoyed reading and found interesting u2roolz's original post and all of the replys to mine. Thanks again.

  2. Due to the lack of response to my question, it is safe to assume that either a)no one could think of an example, or b)no one cares. Since I am the one that asked, b)is the odds on favorite.


    Seriously though, I have been trying and cannot think of an example of someone that fits the bill of what u2roolz's Katy Perry-esque public access singer was talking about. To quote his post, "Part of what she talked about before the aired interview was how the business works and you need to fill that popular void and then if you catch on you can kind of change your image and style and hope that people will stick around once you catch on because you are "pop" music.".


    I ask again if anyone can think of an example of someone that made it big as a 'vanilla pop tart' then transitioned to a 'flavorful artisan scone' and stayed on the popular 'musical breakfast menu'? (I apologize for the verbal ipecac but that's why I don't make a living at creative writing). I mean, for example, the Hansons are making non-Mmmm bop! music and touring but they certainly are no longer popular or newly respected.

  3. Part of what she talked about before the aired interview was how the business works and you need to fill that popular void and then if you catch on you can kind of change your image and style and hope that people will stick around once you catch on because you are "pop" music. Something that I'm sure a lot of us realize. It wasn't any surprise to me that this is how the record industry works on some level.

    I see your point but I can't think of an example. Admittedly I only spent a couple of minutes thinking about it but can any of us name someone that began as a Katie Perry-type pop star and then transitioned to a 'serious' critically-acclaimed and respected 'artist' that "stuck around"?

  4. If I call you Poop Rocket, you're still Doug. If you call you Poop Rocket, you're still Doug. When you were dcarter, you were Doug. You'll always be Doug.

    I understand your point now. I think that you knew that I never thought that i was no longer myself. You are sharper than that. You know that I meant that I felt it was silly to engage in social intercourse with an alias. I don't do it out there, so why in here? I must get ready or my wife and I will be late. I want as much eating of the free Christmas feast as possible.


    I don't think that the next Wilco album will suck. It may not be their best but i can't imagine it sucking.

  5. For the same reason he goes around asking, "Kammy do it?" whenever he's done talking.

    I thought that a signature personalizse you on a board. The ones that I have used have always been related to an interest of mine. I like Soccer A.M. Chris Kamara's skits make me laugh.


    I am likely interpreting incorrectly but it seems that my simple question is getting hostile responses. Odd. I apologize for this becoming a threadjack. Maybe some other time in a more appropriate thread. I have to get ready for a Christmas party. Ya'll enjoy the weekend. I envy those of you with snow.

  6. Why do people get tattoos? Why do people sometimes change their real name or go by their middle name instead of their first?


    You've used aliases here: why?

    I have several tattoos to mark significant occurences in my life. I can't speak for others. If someone changes their real name then it becomes their real name. If the go by their middle name or a nickname, then it basically becomes their name. Do you go by Recorded Nap outside of the internet the way a middle nameuser would go by it in most situations?


    Ellsworth, my original name here, is a nickname. I used it on the only other board I was on at the time and I wanted consistency so folks would know who I was. Colonel Ellsworth Flag(g)? was because a guy with a monkey avatar, Carlos maybe, said that i was the Colonel Flagg of the board. I felt like that was a kind gesture so I changed to Colonel Ellsworth Flagg. A few months later I was thinking about this issue, and it just seemed silly to me to not be me.

  7. My wife and I really like Ryan Adams. He is definitely one of our top 5, from Whiskeytown on. Is he infallible? Of course not. We have 2 Whiskeytown demos, love them, but no other unreleased material, save live shows. I can't speak to all of the unreleased releases or the internet rants. Except for this board, NPR, A Prairie Home Companion, Sky Sports News and the Premier League Fantasy League, I am not much of an internet person. The 3 times that we saw The Cardinals were excellent, especially the final show at The Fox in ATL. I am excited to hear III/IV. My wife, even less of an internet person, isn't even aware of it. It will be her Christmas surprise.


    It just struck me that it is doubtful that anyone (any one?) gives a shit about the above. The internet is strange.

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