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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. :lol How about, atheists don't believe in God and believers do believe in God?


    I actually agree with you, by the way. It is hard to resist smartassery sometimes (not that you would know anything about that).

  2. I also believe that this date will bode well for the southeast as similar area festival dates have done. I love NOLA but have never been to Jazz Fest. Would I be correct in assuming that the sets are abbreviated, meaning shorter than usual?

  3. My wife gave me an iPad for Christmas. I protested due to the price but she said that since I never buy myself anything that I deserve it. Well! Anyway, I love it. Amazing little machine except that it has no Flash Player ability. I need Flash Player to enable SkySports Live Score Center and to stream games from my favorite quasi-legal site. I did some research and found that I can download a program to 'jailbreak' my iPad and then I can download something that will allow it to accept Flash Player. This frightens me. To my non-tech mind, 'jailbreaking' my expensive iPad sounds unsafe.


    I figured, rather than more Googling and such, that some folk(s) here could offer advice. Is there a safe way to get Flash Player on my iPad or a way to allow me to use sites requiring Flash Player without having Flash Player? Or something.


    Thank you in advance for any help.

  4. Good Old,

    Jaysus! But it is no different than the politicians and pundits rhetoric. It is all done to make a buck or to get a vote. I heard on NPR this morning that a Republican colleague of Rep. Giffords had received an email from her the night before the shooting regarding the tone of the political rhetoric. There is supposed to be a story on it today. Again, proof of nothing, but an interesting coincidence deserving of discussion/reporting.


    Most importantly, it is amazing how well she is recovering. The doctor said that she will not die and will not be in a vegetative state. She is responding and even gave a thumbs up.

  5. Yes, Muzzle of Bees was lovely. I can't understand some folks I know that sneer at his guitar playing. I am always happy to hear ELT solo. Both times that I was fortunate enough to see him (come to F-L-A!) in Raleigh and NOLA, he did fine ELTs. Raleigh is my favorite.

  6. I agree with Sullivan that since Rep. Giffords herself raised a concern about the Palin crosshairs map regarding it possibly relating to violence and was shot at a district meet and greet, it is appropriate for journalists and commentators to talk about it. It would be poor journalism to ignore it. She brings the issue up and then is shot in the head. That doesn't prove that the two are connected but, damn, that is what transpired.

  7. Mike Malloy? Ed Schultz sounds vaguely familiar. Montel Williams still has a show? Do any of these people have anything remotely close to a Limbaugh/Beck/Palin following and/or credibility within the 'left'? I'm not saying that liberal vitriol doesn't exist but is it an accurate comparison to offer these people up?

  8. "Jules said:

    Doug C, on 10 January 2011 - 11:20 AM, said:


    It would have made laugh"



    It was very gracious of you to not post "your kinda dumb" and/or "you're kinda dumb" below your quote of me above. I thank you.


    (My inability to figure out how to quote your quote is an example of my kinda dumb.)

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