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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. Arrgh! At the risk of banishment for being an annoying S.O.B. unable to take a hint, I will be as clear as I can in a final attempt at message boarding. Does anyone else think that John and Glenn are an essential part of Wilco?


    I can appreciate all of the opinions on Nels and enjoy reading them but again, what about John and Glenn? Essential or expendable? Why? I thank you in advance for all comments, both relevant and irrelevant, i.e., witty insults.

  2. Bumping my own thread because I get the feeling that my reason for the thread was lost, ignored, mis-interpreted or somesuch. It is great that several people like the Captain's Dead blog. Much love and respect to Gregor. Seriously. If I blogged, it would be beyond unknown (Yes, that's impossible. Both for me to blog and for something to be beyond unknown.).


    I found it interesting that: 1) It was presented that Tweedy should disband Wilco and 2) If he did so, it would be acceptable to keep John and Glenn if he so chose.


    As I originally posted, I am not sure about disbanding but agree with keeping on the rhythm section, if it ever happens. I love the current Wilco. I also loved the previous Wilcos. Sometimes I think that my favorite Wilco was the 4 piece plus 'computer guy'. But then I think, Jaysus!, what about Jay Bennett? It is difficult, this Wilco love. Maybe it's Tweedy love. What I do know is that John's bass and vocals have always been essential and just get better. I also know that Glenn is the shit. This amazing band somehow improved when Kotche came on board. I can certainly understand how Tweedy fell in love with the drummer, no disrespect to Mr. Coomer intended. I like Nels. The man can play and is fun to watch. Mikael and Pat too. Again, I love this Wilco but I can imagine a great Wilco without Nels, without Mikael and/or without Pat. I cannot imagine a great Wilco without John and Glenn.


    Any thoughts?

  3. I did a search but found no evidence of prior posting of this. This is the reaction to the NPR concert simulcast of some dude at some blog called Captain's Dead.


    "blow up wilco, and start anew tweedy, i beg of you. ok, you can keep john and glenn, but the other three dudes gotta go. if you were to tell me back in 94/95 that in 2011 i would no longer give a shit about wilco, i would have slapped ya in the face and kicked in the balls, or vagina. sadly, its gotten to that point though. still with that said, i dont think there was a finer band on the planet than said band from their inception till whenever the hell a ghost was born was released. the whole love, i will admit, is better than their last two, but still pretty forgettable. oh, and for the record, regarding this matter, there is no budging or hemming and hawing, so hold your brea jeff we can still be best friends, please come back…"




    I am not sure about disbanding Wilco but if it did happen, I definitely agree with keeping John and Glenn.

  4. Sitting vs standing at a concert is the only time I "conform" to do as others do. If everyone starts to stand up, then I stand up (so i can see as well) If everyone sits, I will sit. I know that everyone including myself are there to enjoy the concert. I try to be as conscious as i can about how other people want to enjoy it. Because we're all supposed to be there together experiencing something, right? RIGHT? Exactly. But as far as preference at a Wilco concert goes, I would prefer to stand if I'm on the floor.


    Sitting vs. standing at a concert is the only time I don't conform to do as others do. If that is obnoxious then my wife and I are obnoxious. We can fully understand how someone is unable to see if we are standing in front of them but if the mood stikes us, and it always does, then we stand up. We don't go to many shows these days for a variety of reasons but mainly because for us, at 48 and 50, we want to be in bed by 9 Su-Th and by 10 F and Sat. Therefore, when we go, we are there to enjoy ourselves as much as possible. If you can't see then stand up, be quiet or bitch. We wanna rock. Is that arrogant and obnoxious? Hell yes but no more arrogant and obnoxious than telling us to sit down. If a venue employee tells us to sit, then we'll sit. Otherwise, we can deal with being labeled douchebags for a few hours. The rest of our lives, we, as in the words of Tom Joad, "try to get along without shovin' anybody".


    No matter your view on the topic, I agree that it has nothing to do with how well you live life.


    There is no right or wrong to the stand v. sit, unless the band and or venue has a stated policy and enforces it.


    A troll is born.


    Oh, I'm here to entertain, impart wisdom and take a few of the fanboys down a notch. Reading all the posts about having the album before release and saying it's amazing and a "masterpiece" really just make me laugh. :wave



    There is a Wilco song that would be appropriate to reference here. If only I could remember which one...


    Since I fear that McGuffin was confused by the above, the song is Pot Kettle Black.


    I apologize to everyone else for quoting myself.

  6. I agree with "one of the most beautiful and emotional songs Wilco's ever recorded". The first time that I heard 'Less Than You Think' was at the Tampa Theatre show on the 2nd of November 2002 (still one of my top 5 Wilco concerts out of... hell, I forget and don't have the time to figure it out now! I highly recommend having a copy.). Anyway, 'Less Than You Think' was the 4th song played sans the length and drone of the future 'A Ghost Is Born' version. We were totally loving it from the opening. Imagine our surprise when it came out a couple of years later!


    I also remember laughing when they opened with it at Madison Square Garden for the New Year's Eve concert. I loved Jeff's comment afterward. Something about how they had to open with their most melodic song or some such. If I were at home I'd listen to the recording and get it right.


    I definitely prefer non-drone versions and don't really listen to the drone when I play 'Ghost...'. That type of music just isn't in my wheelhouse.


    A troll is born.



    Oh, I'm here to entertain, impart wisdom and take a few of the fanboys down a notch. Reading all the posts about having the album before release and saying it's amazing and a "masterpiece" really just make me laugh. :wave



    There is a Wilco song that would be appropriate to reference here. If only I could remember which one...

  8. I, too, was unsure about reading Crow's post when I saw the length but i am glad that I had, and used, the time to do so. Earnest and honest musings on a subject that the poster is interested in. That's what message boards are all about.


    McGuffin's post was a lot shorter and took no time at all but I am not glad that I read it. Irrelevant to the post, negative simply for the sake of trying to look superior and causing a "Fuck, he likely acts that way in person" realization. That's what message boards are all about.


    Angel or devil? Internet, I trip through your wires.

  9. You don't listen to much Sleater-Kinney, do you?


    I agree. I'd put One Beat up against The Rising any day. I love both artists and own both albums and One Beat certainly qualifies as "a completely unapologetic and non-ironic" tackling of 9/11/2001 themes. I am sure that there are other artists meeting the criteria.

  10. I agree with Benjamin Franklin that beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy but I would add that the internet, particulary message boards, is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Put beer and this thread together, thanks Jules, and I would be very happy.


    Upon reflection, Jules is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

  11. Fair play to you, sir. I respect that. I agree that they and their families should be keep from posting here.

    Clearly, I, too, should be keep from posting here.

  12. I will feel ban for them and their families, but as i don't have the link, they won't be on my conscience.


    Fair play to you, sir. I respect that. I agree that they and their families should be keep from posting here.

  13. personally, i'm hoping there are no elderly wilco fans who pass away before september 27

    What are your feelings toward the terminally Ill Wilco fans who pass away before Sept. 27 or the middle-aged Wilco fans that are hit by runaway trains and such before Sept. 27?

  14. We are having a mixed herb salad with green olives, avocado and tomato with baked sweet potatoes and all the trimmings Boca burgers for supper. PM on the way.

  15. 1.Being an Uncle Tupelo fan, I bought AM when it was released. I have to agree with the "AM to Being There to Summerteeth, okay this is the shit" sentiments.


    2.22 July, 1995 at Jannus Landing, St. Petersburg, FL. Wilco opened for the Jayhawks and did not disappoint. One of the best double-bills that I have seen.

  16. That Sly Fox dude invited me to the Wind Blew Me Black board during the outage time. I was flattered. I posted there for a few days but for fuck's sake, how many places can you go to? I check my email, Sky Sports News/football and NPR daily and that's it. I check here and jayfarrar.net a couple of times a week because old habits die hard and go to Daytrotter when I get an email from them. The idea of regularly posting, hell, checking, multiple websites daily boggles my mind. Add in Facebook, blogging, etc. Plus, it seems as though many polyposter/bloggers/Facebookers also read often, watch movies regularly and are seriously into frequent music listening plus are pop culture mavens. Sure you can easily write those people off with derisive laughter but on another level, they deserve much respect to be able to do all of that shit while holding down a fulltime job. Those with families too are fucking superhuman.


    Also, is Wilco still my favorite band if I am going to be in Maine/New Brunswick/Quebec before, during and after Solid Sound, instead of North Adams?

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