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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. This is only related to this thread via the last few posts but, as I have stated before in other threads, what is the problem with being forthcoming in this message board? I don't understand the aliases and lack of details in profiles. It would be difficult enough to have a real conversation via via chicago (har har), or any cyber pub, if we were being honest and open. It is arguably pointless to do so when people are disguised, dishonest and disingenuous. If I knew how to do it, my photo would be in my avatar space. Read my profile. Why have a profile area if you aren't going to make a profile?


    I am definitely in the minority on this but I could envision enjoying discussions here and really contributing if I felt fairly certain that all of the people I was interacting with were serious about more than just fucking with people.


    When I am in my local, or in a strange pub while on vacation, having conversations with people, I would not interact with them if they wouldn't tell me their names, answer basic questions about their lives, or give details relevant to our conversation. Why is it so different on the internet?

  2. I honestly have never given a fuck what songs mean. I put no time into thinking about it. When the lyrics are obvious as to meaning, okay. When the lyrics are not obvious, okay. I just enjoy the song or I don't. I never really think about it. I probably don't enjoy music as much as others. Oh well.

  3. The following was in the comment section in a story about the WI recall at npr.org. Wow. Comment sections can have a very high amusement factor. I just completed my 26th year of teaching high school. It warms my heart knowing that I am highly respected by a fellow citizen. Many more fine citizens have clicked "recommend". Thanks, ya'll.


    Hugh Everett (evangel-of-self-reliance) wrote:

    There are many more of us taxpayers than there are of you government employees. You work for us, and we can no longer afford you, so you're fired. Hasta la vista.


    Workers in the private sector don't have pensions, lifetime medical, and the ability to retire at age 50. They hate public school teachers because America spends more money on education than any country in the world, yet we have horrible schools.


    We've finally figured out who keeps electing Democrats, and now we are focussing on the source: Government Workers.

    Wednesday, June 06, 2012 6:04:22 PM

  4. This "businesses are job creators" canard is testament to our nation's collective lack of critical thinking ability. The only true job creators are consumers. If demand doesn't increase, supply won't be increased. The only reason a business hires more workers is to produce more of their product to meet the increased demand. Businesses don't want to hire more workers because paying more wages means less profits for the stockholders. They are only going to do so if the higher demand (sales) allows higher profits in spite of increasing wages. Of course the businesses do the actual hiring but only because consumers are buying more products.


    The proponents of this "job creator" BS have to be laughing at the ignorance of the average American. "Yeah, Mabel. Them Trump boys want to hire folks but the gov'mint won't help 'em out". "Uh, yes. That's right, Clem. I'd happily increase my staff if I had lower taxes. I stay awake at night thinking about all of the jobless Americans I could bring on if i just had some government support. The type that Mr. Romney would provide".

  5. Having said all this, the reason I think the reviewer was fundamentally off-base was implying that there was little energy in the room. The energy in that beautiful theatre was palpable, When a crowd in an elegant theatre jumps to its feet at the start of One Sunday Morning and never sits down, I find it hard to call that a low energy show.

    This is exactly what I was thinking when I first posted the review. Thank you for articulating it.

  6. Definitley as excellent as Tampa. The only reason why I'd say it was better is because we were in the 1st row instead of the 9th. I didn't notice any sound problems but I am not an audiophile. All of the instruments and vocals were prominent to us directly in front of Pat. Another great crowd with the band in a fine energetic mood again. We were on our feet all night. Another excellent set list, Poor Places to open and doubly good for us as 10 of the songs were not played in Tampa. Pot Kettle Black and Box Full of Letters! I expected the same Monday/Outtasite encore since they were alternating nights but we had Red Eyed/I Got You! We so enjoy Wilco live.


    The only negative was when 3 "ladies" appeared next to us during Shot In The Arm. One kept moving up against me, yelling in my ear "Maybe all I need is a shot in the dark". I turned to her and said, "It's 'a shot in the arm'. She replied, "That's what I said". I said, "No you said 'a shot in the dark'. She laughed and then started slapping me between my shoulder blades in time with the drums! What in hell? I tried to ignore her but to no avail. Finally, the security guy made them leave as they didn't have a red pit access wrist band. He said to me, "She was literally hitting on you". My wife thought all of it hilarious.


    Another guy stopped between beer runs to say, "You been dancin' all night, dog". He raised his free hand so I extended mine to shake it. It was like rock, paper, scissors as my hand met a fist. Not being a fist bumper, I was confused. He switched to an extended hand just as I figured it out and made a fist. He switched back to a fist and bumped mine. A diverse crowd at Wilco shows.

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