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Doug C

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Posts posted by Doug C

  1. At a 2005 show Wilco did in Tampa, Jeff grabbed a girl's cellphone and began conversing with the person she was talking to - her mother. I remember that he had to explain to the mother who he was ("uh, this is Jeff, I'm the singer in the band.") He also told this girl's mom that , "No she didn't look too drunk." All of this took place in the middle of the band playing Kingpin. I think he also told the girl after the song had ended and he had given the phone back that "Wow, your mom was really mad at me." This was hysterical and personally I think Jeff ought to start grabbing more phones and reading to the audience what they were texting.

    I, too, was in attendance. It was funny. I hope for them to play the Tampa Theatre again. Excellent venue and an excellent show. It is worth having a copy. PM me if interested or just go to the archive.

  2. Tinnitus, haha! I clearly understand your math point. Thank you for getting me to think about it. Would you concede that it is possible when someone says "20 times better" they mean exponentially, not times 20? Regardless, we agree on the futility. Again, communicating with words alone is less than optimal. I pledge to buy you a drink if the Spirit of the Thrasher ever causes our paths to cross. Cheers.

  3. Whatever. 20 times better sounding is a ridiculous thing to say. Could your photography be 20 times better?


    He sounds like the stereotypical old hippie when he says silly shit.


    I bow to your superior mathematics knowledge.

  4. I knew that was what you meant, A-man. I apologize if I seemed seemed insulting. Chalk it up to only the words but no non-verbal cues. I am an old guy believing that face to face communication is better. But not 20 times better. Ha ha. The interview would have been 20 times better if one of the interviewers had said, "Woah! 20 times better sound? Jesus, Neil, what in Hell would that sound like? Could you give me an analogy? I can't wrap my head around it".


    I understand the "gazillion dollars" analogy but learned people speaking, supposedly, intelligently on a subject that is dear to them, shouldn't say things like 'gazillion dollars' or '20 times better sounding'. It was an interview with Neil Young, not Justin Beiber.

  5. X times 20 is not equal to X^20 unless X = zero, of course.
    Regardless of my alleged error, 20 times better still means not twice as better, not three times as better, not 4 times as better, but twenty times better. Seriously? Imagine the ugliest person on Earth. Saying that they could be 20 times uglier or 20 times better looking is just silly. It is equally silly to want something to sound 20 times better. Also, A-man, when you say that he is right about the sound, do you mean that it can be 20 times better, that vinyl is now 20 times better so upgrade digital to that lofty standard or just simply that digital sound isn't as good as it could be?
  6. Looks like Old Neil is out to kill the Mp3 again:


    Neil's Plan To Make Digital Music Sound 20 Times Better

    20 times better. Wow. He actually said that. 20 times better. What digital music sounds like now, times itself, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that, then times that. That would sound like... Hell, who knows? Fidelity of that kind could bring about world peace, end the need for sex, elicit the Second Coming, raise the dead, cure cancer, be an Armageddon weapon, bring the mole people to the surface, fix Phil Spector's hair. Fuck. That would be some truly scary sound. Just thinking about it is making me nervous. Current digital sound to the 20th power. Is vinyl 20 times better sounding or is Neil a visionary who envisions some ultra-mega-super sound? Are human ears capable of discerning 20 times better digital sound? Or could Neil be engaging in hyperbole?


    We now know the reason for his ticket prices. HE will be "some rich guy" and develop audio files that are 20 times more accurate than today's digital files. Gouge away, Neil.

  7. Wasn't this guy just trying to reach out for connection in a time of sorrow to someone whom he mistakenly though he had something in common with? Sounds like a pretty normal human reaction to me. One aspect of Deadhead culture is that the concept of friend and family was much broader than it is for most Anglo-Westerners. If that makes Deadheads weirdos in your eyes, then I guess that says alot about you.
    You are correct. It does say alot about me. I love music. It has played an important role in my life since childhood, thanks mom and dad, but I have never felt so connected to a band that my admiration for the band and it's music became my life. I cannot relate to that. Therefore, to me, it was strange - a definition of weird - to be approached by a complete stranger telling me that someone I had no connection to, had died. I agree with you that, to this individual, it was as though a family member had died and he was simply sharing the bad news with other family members. I can certainly understand his actions but I cannot relate to them. My father died when I was 15. I was at a friend's house tossing a football in the street. My sister pulled up in her truck and got out. She put a hand on my shoulder and told me that our father was dead. That was not weird. My experience in Frankfurt was.


    If a Wilco member died, I would not react as if a family member had died. Hypothetically if a fan of Wilco approached me with grave concern because I had on, say, a Wilco shirt and proceeded to tell me of a member's death in a "Frankfurt" manner, I would find that odd. If they simply said, "Hey, I noticed your shirt. I just heard that _______ died". I would not find that odd. People are different. That is a good thing. To me, spending your time approaching strangers in a public place and telling them that a member of your favorite band died makes you a weirdo. I am guilty as charged.


    I now realize that the way that I relayed the "Frankfurt incident" could be seen as offensive to this thread's contributors. I sincerely apologize for that. I wasn't even thinking about this being a Dead thread. I just read about Brent Mydland's death and a memory flood occurred. I should have either not posted it or done so in an inoffensive manner. Again, I apologize for offending any of you. I have never meet any VC Dead threaders. But if one of them would do as the Franfurt gentleman did, I admit that I likely would label them as weird.


    I did see the Dead once when I was 14 or 15. That would have been in 1977 or 78. The show was in Tampa or possibly St. Petersburg. In all seriousness, did I likely see a classic show?

  8. anyone think Jerry was never the same after Brent died?? i dont think he ever recovered. especially musically

    I changed after Brent died. It has been difficult to think of rabid Dead fans in a positive way ever since his death due to the following experience. In July 1990, I was vacationing alone in Germany, Switzerland and France. When I was in Frankfurt, Germany hanging out in the area with all of the beer gardens, I had a bizarre encounter. I had hair halfway down my back at the time, so I can only assume that I looked like a Deadhead. Why? Because I was suddenly accosted by a German dude and he said, "Have you heard the news, brother?". I replied, "What news?". He put a hand on my shoulder, looked me in the eye and said, "We've lost Brent". "Brent who?". "Brent Mydland". With a confused look, I replied "What are you talking about?". With an incredulous look, he said, "The Dead's keyboardist has died, man.". I don't recall exactly

    what I said but it was something to the effect of "Oh. That's too bad. Sorry, dude". He walked away and appeared to spread the word.


    I hadn't thought of that in years but it is quite a clear memory. I wish that I knew why he spoke to me in English rather than German. I guess that I not only looked like a Deadhead but like an American Deadhead. What a weirdo. From then on, it has been tough for me to take the whole Grateful Dead scene seriously. Definitely they were/are some talented musicians but Jesus!

  9. Just wondering here... Does Jay/Son Volt have a fan based message board? Do the posters there give any thought or posting time to all matters Wilco?
    www.jayfarrar.net I rarely post there anymore but at one time I was akin to Sir Stewart, bobbob or cryptique in terms of post count. I think that I am still 3rd or 4th there in total posts. In it's heyday, until, oh 2008 or 9, there were rabid Jay-acolytes that became apoplectic with every Wilco/Tweedy-related thread. "This a Farrar board", "Tweedy sucks", blah, blah, blah. They are all gone now or at least have mellowed allowing Tweedy/Wilco to be discussed in a civil, mostly positive manner. Plenty of Wilco fans there but plenty of non-Tweedy fans also. Now it is a place for calm, rational music discussion with very little threads on anything else. It used to be like VC. Meaning a place where the same people cyber-met to bullshit about everything. Diverse personalities and views leading to arguments and showing of asses, albeit on a much smaller scale than VC. I spent way too much time there just gabbing with friends for about 4 years. Check it out. It could use some CrowDaddy.


    edit I remember the derisive "twats for tweedy" used to describe those posters saying anything vaguely complimentary.

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