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Everything posted by jenbobblehead

  1. way to break the thread by talking to the red sox hater about something not even baseball related.
  2. How do you know what Kurt Vonnegut's a$$hole looks like?
  3. I don't know how I missed this. I hope that the Yankees treat you better next year, my friend. Maybe we'll see each other next year and I can sit in your lap. xoxo
  4. Sorry, for $70 Oasis would have to be giving me a foot rub, and feeding me frozen vodka grapes while they "play"
  5. i loves me some ryan adams but there's no way i'm spending $70 to see him with Oasis. Yucky poo!
  6. how is this dog not found yet!??!
  7. i opened vc today to see that we had become, for a brief time, Natopia. And i cried. Natalie would be pleased with all the activity in the politics thread (and probably pretty out of her tree on the whole Sarah Palin issue) and all the babies we've been blessed with this year, and she'd be worried about Lilly and Skyflynn's bottom would be bruised from all the pinching. I hope her bed peeing kitty and her little sugar glider are thinking of her this weekend, wherever they are.
  8. I'm with you on that. I thought it was funny and poked fun at all those stupid emails and Fox commentators. I was surprised that the Obama camp got so pissed off. And a little disappointed, actually. If i had been him I would have joked that it was going to be their christmas card this year. Oops. I mean, Ramadan card.
  9. not if the games are delayed because of the rainouts this weekend.
  10. God can't do it? It is his team, after all?
  11. Agreed. And they should let McCain/Palin supporters ask and answer questions as well. In fact, that might be an awesome premise for a debate. No candidates, just candidate supporters, and then we can really see what the message is, and how it is being disseminated! Great idea, Bobbobob!! Let's make this happen. You should do it on your campus. I think it would make great news.
  12. I'm not picking on you. I just think that it is silly to pin the hopes of your team's success on a new stadium.
  13. I'm sure that the new stadium will help. Just look what it did for the Nationals!
  14. I saw some of her interview with Katie Couric on the news tonite. Man, she's is rough around the edges. No wonder McCain doesn't want her talking to people. I would have loved to be surprised and have her be eloquent and funny and wry, but she isn't. She's dumb.
  15. I still like my idea of sending them to Fresno. Or Las Vegas.
  16. and to that i say "so?" They didn't make the playoffs. I don't know what the point is. If the Orioles got to play the NL West then they'd be kings now. There's no point in griping about it because it doesn't matter and because it doesn't matter, he's not right. George and Hank should move the team to Fresno and then they can play in a lesser league and restore their glory if that's what their beef is. If the two "best" teams made the playoffs every year then we'd hear a lot more complaining about the Red Sox and Yankees taking up too much airtime. The world series is a time when only ONE of
  17. Oh do not even get me STARTED about polar bears and zoos.
  18. What's with his pinky up in the air? Is that code for being a communist?
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