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Everything posted by jenbobblehead

  1. I'm pretty sure I am not gonna care much about the Yankees/Orioles game tonite.
  2. I have a good surgery story but I think it is probably best put over in the MLB thread.
  3. I am a fan of Party Shuffle, which I finally started using at the office this week.
  4. Yep. I called this. Remember Bill said that some vampires can change shape? Maybe Sam is a vampire. Have we ever seen him during the day? The dog is definitely significant.
  5. Who are the Hold Steady? Is that the September answer to the Jonas Brothers I've been hearing all about?
  6. I'm afraid to click on that. My stepbrother was one of those crazy survivalists. I should have gotten more advice from him when I had the chance.
  7. i like how it is evolving slowly. We had an inkling that Sukie was strong in the premier, when she wrapped that chain around the bad dude's neck, but I think we're seeing slayer type strength here. I am a gigantic buffy fan btw, and while yes there are similarities, i do not think the show is a rip off of the Buffy product.
  8. You people are starting to scare me. I'm going to start hording canned goods, water and cat food.
  9. Yes, since you have been in many hurricanes, you can make jokes.
  10. Just sounds like it will be really quite difficult to get a mortgage...
  11. I guess now is not the time to move out of Grandfather's basement and look for our own house, huh? *sigh* Now I know Yeti is never going to pay us back for his surgery.
  12. Dude, that is what my stepfather did. although they aren't in his futon.
  13. EXACTLY! Not voting is the same as voting for republicans.
  14. I'm the one who said that if you won't work to make change (by voting) then stfu. I do not want to hear any whining about how things aren't going someone's way if they don't take the time to vote, or get involved. I don't have the patience. I know that makes me obnoxious, but so be it. I roll my eyes at your general direction. I'm 42 years old, and I live in a basement. I am quickly becoming the person I made fun of 20 years ago.
  15. I'd like to echo Louie's sentiments and also say that it is too late for a third party candidate at this point. There's no way anyone will get enough traction for a useful write in vote. That ship has sailed. In closing, I'd just like to say that voting gives you a free pass to complain. Not voting means stfu. speaking metaphorically, that is.
  16. Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but more of the same means more of the same. BTW, you're starting to smell a little like a libertarian, except for the public financed campaigns business. I don't think libertarians go for government money being spent that way. Where are you on social spending?
  17. BTW you about not voting, or voting for a third party candidate and I think about how John McCain has changed over the past several years. He really was a guy who shook up the other republicans 8 years ago. He was outspoken and I know a lot of democrats who supported him in the run up to the 2004 election. But look at him now. He is pandering to the evangelicals, he's changed his position on Roe v Wade, he has moved away from the center and farther to the right? And why? Because he was pressured to do so. Because powerful lobby groups got to him. So, those who truly want a candidate to change
  18. I've been avoiding these threads, bobbob so forgive me if i'm asking stuff you've already gone over, but what kind of changes would you like to see? And I agree that the race for the presidency is not where the real change is going to happen (well, i suppose bad change will happen but i digress) but it is in the senate and the house, because a president can get nothing done (well, except skirt the constitution on a regular basis) without a willing congress...
  19. I agree that by the time we get to this point, the politicians are mere caricatures. But what I do, is think beyond the candidate, to who the candidate will surround himself with, who will be advising the candidate. I am afraid I simply don't trust that McCain won't be surrounded by the same people who advise George Bush. That won't work for me. McCain's choice of a running mate really solidified my belief that he 1. doesn't care about women, is not a "maverick or a reformer" and that it will be business as usual except maybe Roe v Wade will be finally overturned and the courts will leave it u
  20. I don't think he's leaving Houston. Radio today said that Houston decided to ride it out, since the commute out of town is such a bitch even on a good day. Srsly.
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