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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. So, I made a purchase. I ditched the idea of a hollow body, because the quality ones were too high priced for a cheap college student such as myself. I got an Epiphone Special II instead, along with an Epiphone Studio 10 amp, and other accessories in a pack for 199. I know it could be a gamble, but I read tons of reviews and they were all positive and it is supposed to be a really good beginner to intermediate guitar (which is what I wanted- I'm a piano player who messes around on guitars).
  2. People in Cincinnati HATE Adam Dunn. It is ridiculous. The entire season, the Adam Dunn issue is the only thing they talked about on the post game radio shows and talk shows. All the fans do is focus on his strikeouts and lack luster D. His positives outweigh the negatives, in my eyes. The guy can hit and it is beyond me why so many Cincy fans think he is the root of all the problems. Most good homerun hitters strikeout a lot. It comes with the territory. I really hope the Reds keep him.
  3. that's awesome! It's so fitting.
  4. I think it is a serious problem when I can't softly finger pick on an acoustic guitar at 11pm without getting a noise complaint from the people below me in my apartment. Ridiculous!
  5. if i had to pick a serious one, it'd be: Lets turn our prayers Into outrageous dares And mark our page In a future age
  6. "Okay, alright, okay alright!"
  7. I still can't get over how good Stephen Malkmus's version of Maggie's Farm is.
  8. Torre to the Dodgers. Last time Grady Little was shown the door, the manager that followed him won a title the next season (04 Sox). Last time Joe Torre got a new job, he won the World Series in his first year as manager (96 Yanks). The could get ARod too. Things look good for the Dodgers in 08.
  9. That song with Dianogah is really really cool. And that article said the pair were putting out in album in the spring! Awesome. EDIT: the songs on this daytrotter session with Dianogah backing him sound terrific.
  10. Well done, Sox. Impressive Well, I should have included all the other components. Sox have better starting picthing and a better bullpen. If you plug ARod in at short or 3rd (if Lowell doesn't resign), that would have to be the scariest lineup in baseball. And then you add Beckett, Dice K, maybe Schilling, Lester and the solid bullpen? This team can only go up if they signed ARod. I like ARod a lot and he took so much crap in NY. If you look at the numbers, he is on track to be one of the greatest players ever. I hope he signs with a winner.
  11. So, ESPN just reported the ARod is opting out of his contract with the Yanks. Let's pause for a moment and imagine how good this Sox lineup would be if they signed ARod...... Best ever?
  12. Man oh man, seeing Hoodoo Voodoo was fantastic. Pat was up in Nels' face and getting after it.
  13. It's great to watch Jeff solo. His work on I'm The Man Who Loves You is phenomenal.
  14. Man, that part in Walken where Pat does the big, long slide down that guitar definitely should have been on the record. I still maintain that they sucked soooo much energy out of the studio version of that song.
  15. Yeah, the older stuff does rock pretty hard. I was blown away when I first heard these songs (too far apart, i got you, outtasite) live in Columbus a few weeks ago.
  16. Jeff looks a lot like Ray LaMontagne right now. The front row of that crowd is waaaay back there. that kinda sucks.
  17. this has to be the biggest regular season game in a long time. I know it really has no playoff implications, outside of possible home field advantage, but it is a clash of 2 dominating teams. should be fun.
  18. We squander so many chances and our defense always seems to fold when it matters most.
  19. It was all done with GarageBand. We have a KORG Triton keyboard (that I only get to use when I'm home from college, which sucks), but I only used it as a controller for the sounds in GarageBand. You can really create some cool textures with some of the sounds and effects in GB. The distorted guitar line was me playing on my keyboard, but using a guitar sound in GB and adding some effects to it. I do play guitar, but this sounded ten times better than anything I could do. Also, vocals on that song and all the other songs were done with the built in mic on my iMac. I'm a cheap college student,
  20. If you google "Soulseek OSX" or something along those lines, you wil find that there are some downloads for macs that you can use soulseek with.
  21. DAngerer09


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