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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. Wow, did the Rockies hitters look overmatched tonight. Outside of Holliday, those guys couldn't catch up with anything. And I am not a Sox fan at all, but they have some really terrific fans. That place is always rockin. It makes baseball so much more exciting when you have everyone cheering like they do.
  2. Thanks for listening everyone, I appreciate the comments. I've been there once to see a show. It is a very cool place. I don't really play any shows right now. I live in Athens while I go to OU, spend my 6 week Christmas break (stupid quarter system) and summers in Dayton. Maybe when I get enough confidence to play and sing in front of people I'll do like coffee hosue gig or something. Cool. I wanted it to sound totally different and put my own twist on it.
  3. Haha, if you did hear a part of "joy to the world" in there, it wasn't really intentional. Most of the instrumental "interludes" consisted of me just improvising on the piano, then going back and added layers and stuff to it later.
  4. I wish Andrew Bird's "Oh Sister" cover was on here. That Malkus song is really really cool.
  5. DAngerer09


    Shouldn't Be Ashamed (of your Cock)
  6. Whoa, when does the new Sigur Ros come out?? And, I second the anticipation for the Radiohead bonus disc.
  7. I recorded an album and on it is a cover of Wilco's Misunderstood. I know a lot of you dislike it when people post links to their bands, but I thought since I have been posting on here for about a year and since it is semi-Wilco related, it could be acceptable. That said, I would say this is a fairly unique cover of the song. It is mostly piano based, with lots of keyboard sounds and such. It is not word for word, and some verses were left out. Should be the third song in the player: My Cover of Misunderstood Thanks for taking a listen. (The rest of the songs are all originals)
  8. The RIAA can't do a damned thing about Indie Torrents. It is all non-RIAA stuff.
  9. If they haven't been to the UK in 3 years, is it reasonable to think it IS poor ticket sales? How big are these venues that they booked? If they haven't played there in so long, it would make me think that people would be lining up to see them...........or maybe casual fans just forgot about them since it has been a long time since they last came to the UK.
  10. If it really was poor ticket sales, would they really lie to the fans and say they had scheduling conflicts instead?
  11. Ah, I was waiting for your arrival. Your team is good, but your performance in Denver last week was poor. The Bengals and Steelers have had some great games the past few years, so I think this should be another good one. Referring to stats from the 1990s is really irrelevant at this point- Carson Palmer, TJ Housh, Chad, Rudi and the rest of our aresenal were maybe in high school at that time. The whole game hinges on whether or not our D wants to show up and pressure the QB and not give 10 yard cushions to the recievers on every play.
  12. Attention Steeler fans: The Bengals will be beating you this week. Our team shows up for big games.
  13. They don't have most of it now anyway, right? Didn't like over half the equipment belong to Jay? I remember reading that somewhere.
  14. Man, I know you are upset, but geeez. I'm sure we will get more info on why they cancelled the dates. And they still are one of the most generous bands around. This incident doesn't erase how good to their fans they have always been.
  15. Yeah, this is interesting. If it isn't SNL, then why in the world would they wipe out all their UK dates? It has to be something significant.
  16. Spoon opened for the Shins? Shouldn't that be the other way around?
  17. I'm sure WilcoWorld will let everyone know what's up by the end of the day.
  18. Just for the record, I've never understood the phrase "it's like apples and oranges." Why can't you compare apples and oranges. They are both fruit, they both have a skin, they both are sweet, they both grow on trees, they both have to be ripe in order to taste good.
  19. yeah, I feel for all of you guys who had tix. spoon did something similar a few weeks ago. they wiped out like 4 or 5 dates to do SNL, so who knows. Hopefully they are being cancelled for something positive, rather than negative for the band.
  20. Oooooh, that's a good one. It just irks me when people say "crowns" instead of crayons.
  21. I hear a lot of older people say "worsher" instead of washer. My roommate was in the kitchen and asked me, "What is this Tuscan seasoning?" He pronounced it like Tucson, AZ intead of Tuscan. We don't let him cook much.
  22. Yeah, that's why I'm leaning toward it. I play piano and keyboards, but I really would like a hollow body. I play acoustic guitar now, and I would just like a cheap electric to mess around and record with. It is either going to be this one, or a 200 dollar Arbor AJ135, which is a ES335 clone.
  23. Well, enough people in the world love Harry Potter, so its relevant. Plus, it was in their "showbiz" section.
  24. Wow, I never picked up on any of those hints at all. Never would have thought that. That's kind of lame she says stuff like that AFTER the books are done. Leave it to the readers' imaginations.
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