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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. Those look cool. MS Paint is one of the greatest things ever. Blood on the Tracks by Dylan No Depression by Uncle Tupelo
  2. I am trying to find (on youtube) a commercial that aired all the time, maybe 1-2 years ago. It involves 3 guys in an office room, and they are just standing there dancing and listening to music and then the boss comes in and is all worried that none of them are working and asks them about all these things that should be getting done. Then the employees check things on their phones, computers, etc real quick and everything is fine and they get back to dancing. Anyone remember what ad this was? FedEx? Motorolla? Does this ring a bell to anyone?
  3. I watched the preview video of Keep The Car Running and it looked amazing. I need to see them live sometime, looks like a blast.
  4. 10-0 for the first time since 1899!
  5. I didn't catch the webcast live, but I watched all the live performances on Youtube later. It was really cool and they sounded great. I love it when bands do stuff like this.
  6. Ohio University beat New Mexico State to start out the season with a solid win. I snapped a few photos while I was at the game too...
  7. Have they said what the "real deal" is going to be?
  8. I just saw 2 guys from Phonograph do a duo show tonight and they were incredible. If the 5 piece lineup ever comes near me, I'm there.
  9. At 5pm EST, they are doing some sort of live broadcast on http://www2.radiohead.tv/ Check their site for more vague and mysterious details: http://radiohead.com/deadairspace/
  10. He's producing the next Coldplay album. Maybe he can help them branch out some.
  11. I forgot to add Southeast Engine's "A Wheel Within a Wheel" to my list. They are from my college town, Athens, OH, and they tend to draw a lot of Wilco comparisons.
  12. That is so cool. You should have won.
  13. yeah, i just looked at that site. It wasn't too impressive at all.
  14. If that was their reason for declining last time, should we even bring that up in the letter? Other than that, I think it looks great.
  15. Yeah, I just visited their myspace and their stuff sounds awesome. I'd never heard of them either. I'll have to swing by the record store later.
  16. I second this, just beause I highly dislike OSU.
  17. I read something about those DVDs once. I think it all comes down to whether or not the artist is interested in releasing the DVD offificially and whether or not they think their performance was up to snuff. I'm sure there are other details, but I think the band and their management has a lot of say in whether or not it comes out, rather than ACL. If someone has different info on this, please correct me... EDIT: a cool thing about an ACL dvd is it would probably have a lot of the songs on it that didn't air on the show too, along with interviews with the band maybe. And they usually releas
  18. I just listened to the Follow The Lights EP. Kinda blah. I found it to be pretty dull. Wilco is never dull. Wilco wins.
  19. Feel free to adjust your list if something comes along and dazzles you, but it is not too early at all to disucss the best releases of the year.
  20. I kind of disagree. I think all the orchestration and textures on Till the Sun Turns Black are really great. They are both really solid albums, but I like his 2nd effort a lot better. The guy has a voice that really knocks you off your feet.
  21. The year is winding down and 2007 saw a lot of great albums. Give us your 5 favorite albums from 2007. I'll go first: 1. Boxer - The National 2. Armchair Apocrypha - Andrew Bird 3. Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga - Spoon 4. In Rainbows - Radiohead 5. The Shepard's Dog - Iron & Wine Honorable mentions: In Our Nature- Jose Gonzalez We All Belong- Dr. Dog Sky Blue Sky- Wilco
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