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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. Standing GA concerts are so much better than seated wine and cheese shows.
  2. I remember reading something about Jeff saying there "wasn't enough of the audience" featured in the filming. He felt that it didn't capture the event well, or something along those lines.
  3. Wal Mart and Target never have the stuff I want though...
  4. when I hear that, it seems like they would count the B-Sides, but that would be a ton o songs...
  5. Man, Wilco could make some easy cash if they just recorded this and packaged it up as a big box set. Not that making easy cash is their intention, just saying...they could if they wanted. And people would buy it, even without a DVD. I predict they'll release a double disc of music along with a DVD, like the original idea of KT.
  6. I thought Tebow was one heck of a deserving winner. Everyone whining that DMac got hosed is ridiculous. Tebow had more rushing TDs than McFadden and he plays quarterback! He had a heck of a year and was very very deserving, a no brainer I thought. But it is a shame guys like Kevin Smith from UCF don't get any of this national spotlight, even though he had a tremendous season.
  7. Yeah, I also got a new car stereo with an input for the iPod. It is like having most of your music library right at your fingertips. Perfect.
  8. The above post is why I plan on posting it in a zip file on rapidshare or yousendit or mediafire.
  9. Christmas Vacation A Christmas Story A Charlie Brown Christmas How The Grinch Stole Christmas everything just comes off as cheesy to me.
  10. Has it occurred to anyone that the Tigers are now the Detroit Marlins? Gary Sheffield Miguel Cabrera Edgar Renteria Todd Jones Dontrelle Willis Pudge Rodriguez Nate Robertson Jim Leyland
  11. HEY THERE DELILAH gah, i heard that freaking song non stop over the summer while I was at work. Booooooooooo.
  12. Andrew Bird is my favorite. The man is just incredible.
  13. It is a complete joke that Illinois is in a BCS game over Florida, Arizona State, and Mizzou (yes i know the rule about you can only have 2 per conference in the BCS), but c'mon. All of those teams have much better resumes than Illinois. Where is the playoff? LSU rolls Ohio State 27-13. Can't wait for the Buckeyes to get run off the field by another superior SEC team.
  14. Well, here was mine and it took me a while to get back to this thread: 1. I was a Minor League bat boy for the Dayton Dragons for 6 years. 2. I was on College Jeopardy in 2005. 3. I have 2 career hole in ones in golf. Then someone else called false on #3. #2 is the real false one! And yes, the Dragons park is great and my 2 hole in ones were from 204 yards (4 iron) and 150 yards (8 iron), for those who care about golf.
  15. man, the Angels are going after Miguel Cabrera. How scary of a lineup would that be. With Hunter AND Cabrera to compliment Vlad, that would finally be all the offense they have been looking for over the past few years.
  16. anywhere near Ohio, or Western PA, or West Virginia. Anywhere near OU. Please.
  17. MAN, my OU Bobcats lost their 2nd straight game at the buzzer. Temple and Holy Cross. Devastating. But, my UD Flyers came back from 19 against the Miami Redhawks and won on a buzzer beating three last night. My hometown team is doing well, but my college team is struggling on the road. You win some, you lose some.
  18. So are we all using this divshare thingy? or can we link our partners to rapidshare, or a site like that?
  19. I agree. I see your point. Also, as someone else said, we should have partners, so its more personal and you and your partner can tell each other what you thought of the compilation. I think AFTER you and your partner have listened, then everyone should post their track list with an optional link for others if they want to download it. I vote for partners!
  20. This is a great idea. But perhaps we should give the other person who is our partner like a list of some of our favorite artists so we don't get a bunch of stuff we've heard already. Count me in!
  21. I'll try again... 1. I was a Minor League bat boy for the Dayton Dragons for 6 years. 2. I was on College Jeopardy in 2005. 3. I have 2 career hole in ones in golf.
  22. you probably have it because he gives away all his albums for free, usually through his website. but i don't think he did that with the new one.
  23. Man, I have 55 of Paste's top 100 in my iTunes. And, if anyone read the actual article in Paste, they refer to Nels Cline, as "The King of All Things Stringed" in the little blurb about the Eleni Mandell record (I didn't know he played on that album). I found that nickname amusing. Also, I was surprised at the high ranking for the Derek Webb album. Has anyone heard it? I want to buy it, but none of my local record shops have it. Maybe I'll cave to iTunes...
  24. Man, I thought the McCartney album was pretty solid. Not a top 5, but still. Pretty good. The Shins was really good, but kinda weak in a couple of the middle tracks. Gotta be a complete album to get my vote.
  25. so... is it mike and nels that don't live in Chicago?
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