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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. A simple Ford Focus would have done the job...
  2. That was some absolutely terrible defense. It was non-existent. Fun to watch, but man....no D at all.
  3. Ben Folds Show- Dec. 19th- 6 new songs here is a recording of the show.
  4. I think it was an AP Carter song before UT touched it.
  5. My friend told me it is a guitar, but I don't believe him.
  6. For things not on Wilco albums, I'd love to hear versions of: Cars Can't Escape Panthers More Like the Moon Any Bill Fay cover
  7. AM- Shouldn't Be Ashamed BT- Dreamer In My Dreams ST- Can't Stand It MAs- Feed of Man YHF- Pot Kettle Black AGIB- Theologians SBS- Please Be Patient With Me
  8. I guess you hated Superbad too... I'm going to see Walk Hard tonight (another Judd Apatow movie) and I can't wait.
  9. yeah, i thought it was really cool that he played such a tiny venue to debut all his new songs.
  10. Everybody loves a list! I agree with most of it... Feist is a bit high. Shins should not be ahead of Andrew Bird and The National.
  11. Transatlanticism is their best, in my humble opinion.
  12. I snagged this from another board: Good to hear he has been recording. I feel bad that his life is kind of a mess right now it seems, but at least he is channeling his anger through songwriting.
  13. Biggest pleasant surprises for me: The National-Boxer- never heard of these guys before this and I was blown away. Their back catalogue is great too... Dr. Dog- We All Belong- Again, I had never heard of these guys before they started opening for Wilco. Fantastic album that sounds so fresh, yet so vintage. Radiohead-In Rainbows- I've never been a big fan of Yorke's voice, but he seems to have toned down the whine and they made a beautiful record. Phonograph (self titled) and the EP- I saw 2 of these guys play a duet show in a bar and I was blown away by their sound. It just 2 guys and t
  14. I'm fine with universities saying The, but it is how Ohio State fans you the word "the." They don't just say the, they say THEEEEEEE
  15. Yep, I'm an OU fan (but also a big fan of college football in general, unlike many OSU fans who feel the world of college football revolves around them) and it will be sweet sitting in the Shoe next season watching us take you down. Thanks for spelling out our school's name on your field every week. We feel honored. Also, I'm not sure where anybody got the idea that Ohio State was entitled to unilaterally designate itself as "The" Ohio State University. There are lots of fine state universities in Ohio. If any of them deserve a "The," it would be Ohio University (founded in 1804), whic
  16. 4 Minute Warning is the only song I keep coming back to. I think that could have been great. It doesn't feel finished, which it probably isn't, but I think it is an absolutely gorgeous song.
  17. You hate spread offenses because you are an OSU fan and you can't beat teams that run the spread. Florida, Texas, Illinois and others have recently all beaten you with the spread o and/or a fast QB. Michigan will become a real problem for you soon, especially if they ink that recruit that Rodriguez is trying to get to come in and run his offense (which brings up another interesting point....what happens to Ryan Mallet?). Big Ten specializes in a style in college called "slow and out of date." You should be happy with the Rodriguez hire because eventually it may bring the Big Ten up to s
  18. Yeah, I hear ya. It is a terrific album. He said he plans on doing another sometime....but with his work with guster, who knows... I know I've mentioned these guys before, but everyone should give Southeast Engine a listen. They always draw comparisons to Being There era Wilco. Their MySpace, which doesn't have their best songs on it, but still good.
  19. Good stuff! I'll add William Fitzsimmons (soft acoustic stuff) and Joe Pisapia (the newer 5th member of guster).
  20. Wow, nice. That's a pretty spot on cover. I like the harmonies a lot! What did you use to record your guitar? I'm always curious how people record their stuff...
  21. I can't wait to hear live versions of Please Be Patient With Me and Leave Me Like You Found Me. I want to see how well they can pull these off.
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