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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. DAngerer09


    okay, so who can set me straight. SNL isn't really live, right? It is filmed live earlier in the day? Like how Letterman shoots his show at 5... is that how it works?
  2. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=34080
  3. p4k says Sarah Neufeld will be there too. Also, the Opera House only holds like 450 people, so it will be packed pretty tight.
  4. I'm sure NPR will put out a podcast of the concert soon, where people could download the thing in mp3 format.
  5. I still can't figure out why The Thanks I Get was left off. Would have been a solid track, plus it would have made a good radio single.
  6. Last week's opening scene with the debate with pretty hilarious, as was Mike Huckabee's appearance.
  7. Without ever hearing Glad It's Over, I can already say it will be better than a handful of songs that made it on to SBS.
  8. Solace, you are big into these guys right? I have their albums, but have never seen them live. That ACL performance made me really really want to see them live. I cannot wait.
  9. I think Win Butler grew up in Texas maybe?
  10. I go to school at Ohio University in Athens, OH and Arcade Fire is coming to put on a FREE show to promote the Obama campaign. Our school said no to them when they offered to play at a venue on campus (they claimed lack of time to prepare), but they are coming to the area anyway and will find a place to play on Sunday. Yeah, so just a heads up to anyone if you live near Southeast Ohio. There will be a free Arcade Fire show Sunday night at a venue to be determined. Pretty awesome.
  11. Wilco shows are much better when you can't easily predict which song is coming next.
  12. I'm Always In Love has to be my favorite Wilco song.
  13. I want lots of studio overdubs and experimentation. I want something with tons of textures that reveal something new on each listen.
  14. That list is the same as mine. They got it right.
  15. Well, I just heard it and I'm still convinced Rubber Factory is their best work. This one is better than Magic Potion though.
  16. With Daaaaaaaaaaaa Total Proz being there, I think you can bank on 2 of these 3 being played: Walken, Hate It Here, and The Thanks I Get.
  17. What Light came off flat and dry when they played it on Letterman. I hope they stay away from that one.
  18. no way the will play anything old. to the general public, they are still in sky blue sky promotion mode.
  19. They better bring Daaaaaaa Total Proz out for Walken and Hate It Here.
  20. Seems like you have a problem with them more than their music. I think it's great stuff. It's fun, upbeat, melodic, hooky. I don't care if isn't something no one has heard before, I love the album start to finish.
  21. Ohio: Southeast Engine Adam Torres Black Keys Guided by Voices The National (originally from Cincinnati) Over The Rhine
  22. Jay Bennett is going to come out for the encore
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