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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. Okay, so my friend is playing on a college radio station tomorrow evening. I know a lot of people on here record streams (like the wilco webcasts). I am on an iMac. Any suggestions on the best method to record streaming audio?
  2. Am I a bad person? Because I don't know who the hell the Rutles are.
  3. Here is mine: http://drewangerer.muxtape.com/
  4. this has mad potential. I listened to some of your mix, and I had never heard of Leo Kottke before, but I like.
  5. I like this message board because there is generally intelligent discussion about music and anything else in life. But this thread is just HORRIBLE. 16 pages of garbage.
  6. Videos p4k posted 3 videos (super high quality) of Robin Pecknold playing 3 songs solo. Pretty good.
  7. someone get this man a haircut. my goodness.
  8. I just saw a show of theirs a few months back in Columbus (for only 5 bucks!). They played most of Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga and they played stuff from most all their other records. A good mix of songs. Britt Daniel is a great performer and showman. You're in for a good rock show.
  9. Silver & Gold and On The Beach are my 2 favorite Neil albums.
  10. Yeah, I think if I lived anywhere else in the world, the Cup would be the greatest sporting event. But, being an American with little interest in soccer, the tournament tops everything else for me.
  11. As I've listened a few more times, I'm actually starting to like it a lot. I agree Mr. Rain that this album will have more 'staying power' than their first. Or, at least I can see myself coming back to listen to this one more than their first.
  12. I agree that it is more interesting musically, but I don't know man, Brenden has some really really solid tracks on here. "Old Enough" is pretty damn catchy and "The Switch and the Spur" is an interesting song, and his vocals are great on that. And "Top Yourself" is pretty catchy for a Jack White tune. anyone know when brenden's solo album is supposed to come out?
  13. I would absolutely love it if Davidson and Western Kentucky could win 2 more games and get to the Final Four. Stephen Curry is one of THE best players in the country and no one really knew about him until a few days ago. These kids deserve the spotlight and I hope they can keep toppling the big boys and reach San Antonio. Tall task for both of these teams to get through the teams ahead of them, but it's damn fun to root for them. I think my bracket is cooked, unless Texas goes on to win it all. Rick Barnes can't win big time games, but I picked them any way. At least I still lay claim to pic
  14. I found this entire thread a waste of time until this comment. Wilco has influenced many modern bands and albums. For instance: -The National cites Wilco as one of their main influences and they created one of the best records of 2007. -Phonograph, an up and coming band, has been heavily influenced by the mixture of americana and studio experimentation that Wilco played with on YHF. -Kevin Devine regularly covers Misunderstood. -Members of the band Guster have applauded Wilco's records a lot over the years. Wilco is a pretty important band, I would say. They've influenced the work o
  15. I think tracks 3 through 7 are fantastic. The rest is just kinda so so for me.
  16. cool, thanks for that. Sooo much different from the Wilco of today, wow.
  17. I agree and see your point, but it's always nice (like In Rainbows) when everyone has access to it at the same time.
  18. I don't know. I hate Halo. yeah, I was hoping to not see it floating around until Tuesday. I don't know if I'll have the self control to not take a listen...
  19. Go Big Red! I picked them because I almost transferred there earlier this year.
  20. Glenn wrote the part about "chamber of chains" and "pressure devices." When Jeff asked them all to turn in lyrics, I think Glenn handed him his notebook full of his percussion ideas. That was from the Kot book, maybe? Or the Wilco book? ...not sure.
  21. Yeah, I've tried to listen to Pavement and I just can't get into it at all. But I do enjoy Real Emotional Trash.
  22. I will be on spring break next week and I think mine will be very similar to yours.
  23. Glad to see some others on here like the Dodos as well. Great album.
  24. The Dodos- Visiter Fleet Foxes- Ragged Wood The Ruby Suns- Sea Lion Vampire Weekend- Vampire Weekend Annie Stela- Fool School of Language- Sea From Shore
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