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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. god, that breakdown on evil urges is so good. good performance, and good lights.
  2. i missed the first one, i'm tuning in now. I want Aluminum Park.
  3. I don't think this has been posted, but here is an article from Pitchfork. Supposedly Beck has a new album that is due sometime this summer.
  4. do a google blog search of "Death Cab For Cutie-Narrow Stairs"
  5. even if wilco was playing 3 days at lolla, WHY would you want to see them 3 times when you can see them once and then move on and see other great bands?
  6. Girls Can Tell is very underrated. Great album.
  7. Man, they are playing Glasgow the day before I arrive in Scotland. Dang.
  8. There are free digital downloads, as well. Just sayin.
  9. I have a hard time getting into their stuff before Rubber Soul era.
  10. yeah, someone told me it was happening on vh1's site and I went to it and couldn't find anything. ah, I guess it is now archived on their site.
  11. yeah, i didn't like that. I was just saying they were really stretching to try to branch out.
  12. after one listen, i say this is a decent album, but nothing special. First 4 tracks are really good, and Long Division is also a great track. You can tell they really tried hard to do some new things (especially on Pity and Fear, with tribal drums and really distorted guitar). I'm sure my thoughts and opinions will change over the next few days, but my initial reaction is the album starts strong and wanes. Nothing great.
  13. how would people feel on here if I posted a link to a free download of my album when I finish it? Wouldn't be a spam and run....
  14. Indeed. I agree. Can't stand it except for a couple of songs. I don't get the big fuss over it.
  15. Yeah, that's cool. We will be staying in Edinburgh most of the time, but can travel anywhere in the country to work on photo stories/essays. The Fringe Festival will also be happening while I'm there, which I'm pumped about.
  16. man, this makes me want to see them live so much. I just bought their DVD yesterday. Are they planning on adding any more North American dates soon?
  17. I still love it. It's well done yet less bombastic than some of their older stuff. And its just the right length too...around 40 minutes is perfect for an album.
  18. I'm taking some documentary photography courses over the summer in Scotland. I'm from Ohio, and I have never been overseas. What's the weather like in July and August? In general, you like Scotland or not so much? Just tell me anything about Scotland if you have an interesting tidbit. Anyone live there?
  19. Solace! I don't recognize you anymore with that new avatar. I need to give this album a listen soon.
  20. agree with you completely. Catch sounded solid, but Talking Bird was boring, nothing new musically there.
  21. yeah I agree with you. It's nothing great, but I like the fact that is doesn't sound like the stuff they've done in the past. The guitar breakdown was pretty cool though.
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