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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. side note: they used an alternate W / altered the W to get rid of some of the detail at the top of the letter that is standard in the font.
  2. No. because clean water has an impact on entire ecosystems, people's health, the health of unborn babies, animals, plants...the list could go on and on. I am just never going to see the connection or leap of how having a law to keep pig farms from dumping their waste into a neighboring wetland is the U.S. government trying to own the water. Can you give one solid argument on how having clean water is a motivation of limiting water from the American people? Just one? I guess under your logic the U.S. government already owns the air with the Clean Air Act. Now the article that was posted a wh
  3. the typeface is Fraktur for those that want to start using it on everything they own. -- i'm done being a smarty pants. for now.
  4. we, as in you and the handler? not good at design. ??? i think there are some designers on the board.
  5. git yer head out of the gutter will ya.
  6. so exactly where does it say in the the proposed bill that the U.S. will now own all water? I call bullshit and Russian propaganda on this one. Give me a U.S. source that says "the top elite military-political and corporate classes currently ruling the United States". They're quoting from the Federal Water Pollution Control Act which is being changed to the Clean Water Restoration Act and claiming the U.S. is taking ownership of water, to quote the article "latest move by the US Government to take all of its Nations waters away from its citizens". I think one should use google a bit more be
  7. i think the thread is more about his mustard.
  8. by the way technically it is a bactrian camel. bactrian camel info -- ps: not only am i a type nerd, i'm an animal nerd too.
  9. This made me laugh out loud.
  10. I order my burgers medium and go for those fried onions and not the kind where they just chop an onion and put it on the grill, the kind that are thin cut, battered, and end up in a deep fryer, add lettuce, tomato, and the condiment all depends on my mood. sometimes i don't order anything, sometimes i ask for mayo, and other times A1, bbq sauce, or some other delicacy sauce that is on the menu. i rarely do the whole mustard/ketchup thing (including dijon). Although I do admit, I like a nice turkey sandwich with dijon mustard. wasn't spicey mustard big back when sun tried tomatoes had their
  11. ummm are you living in an alternate universe, W was genuine? Obama stumbling through scenes, clumsy and awkward? Really. Bush couldn't put together a coherent sentence, pronounce words properly, or use proper grammar. Remember when he gave the leader of Germany an inappropriate back rub at a dinner? and you are saying that Obama doesn't look Presidential when he is ordering a cheeseburger. and I don't quite see how you think him and Biden going to a burger joint was "clearly" a photo op. This isn't Bush era anymore where anything the President does in public is a photo op. Obama goes out
  12. nice! I love that when Obama goes out and does anything outside the Whitehouse there is a media frenzy and everyone is a buzz (the buzz is much bigger here in the city than nationally i am guessing). When W was here, no one even noticed if he left the Whitehouse, then again, he probably didn't venture too far from his shelter.
  13. RIGHT! because Obama is JUST like all the old white guys that have run this country before him (and those in the grey poupon commercial). OMG are they for real, phew, glad FOX is fair and balanced. i started to laugh at the absurdity of that, but oyi, they are actually serious. *sigh* one of my friends just told me she went to Ray's tonight.
  14. I saw! and I tried dragging the conversation back to this over there too and they still didn't notice. so it gets a thread. he orderd dijon mustard according to one news source. i think this means there's a chance of getting into Ben's Chili Bowl now since everyone will be lined up at Ray's.
  15. This really just needs its own thread! ah DC is a fun place to be again!! I live for the day that I run into this guy while I am out-and-about. from the daily show from the Washington Post and sorta the NY Times
  16. awwww, thanks. i mean, ROCK!!!
  17. They do realize that everyone is going to use this excuse now and NO ONE is going to pay for registration stickers.
  18. Priorities? Nah, admit it, you're just a racist.
  19. I think they got a lot of heckling at my show too. I just remember during the song "firewoman" the lead singer got over ambitious and jumped into the crowd (like they were going to surf him around or something. that turned into a real clusterfuck. and somehow he was still able to sing every word to the song loud and clear when he getting bobbled around in the audience.
  20. wait, you're not already in your car driving to the town too far away?
  21. oooh, finally some action for me! YES!!!
  22. and i thought you were somewhat cool until you posted this. don't you know there are somethings you just don't admit. LIE if you have to! -- and why am i always the only girl in the metal thread?
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