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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. I was gonna take the fun right out of this thread and post a serious proposal for a cover. couldn't resist. it is the over achiever in me (and since i gave a typography dissertation in the dvd thread, the seriousness is justified). but it doesn't live on the web and i can't seem to upload an image for some reason. i know everyone is in complete suspense now, right?
  2. Here's to you! hope you have a great day.
  3. "The sun, at a distance of about 92 million miles, is the closest star to Earth. After the sun, the closest stars are the members of the triple star system known as Alpha Centauri (Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Alpha Centauri C, sometimes called Proxima Centauri). They are 4.3 light-years away. (A light-year is the distance light travels in one year, about 5.9 trillion miles.)" that was a paraphrase from a quote by Les Brown and ehhem, you can also overshoot something when you aim, then you actually would land among the stars. if you wanna get technical.
  4. i second what cryptique said! where was all the bitching and moaning about a 2 party system for the past 8 years and the complaints about a rubber stamp. end of the day, dems are the majority by a decisive margin in the last election. the republicans had their chance and let's look around and see where it got us: torture, the invasion of a sovereign nation, the collapse of our financial system, illegal wiretaps...*sigh* oh wait, you know what, it doesn't actually matter how sad or pissed or crying foul the right is, you are not in the majority anymore, america has sent a message about that
  5. yet you keep replying and commenting. i say Welcome Sen. Specter! If it is for political merely trying to get re-elected reasons or deep rooted beliefs, Specter is a solid moderate and I think the Senate would lose a very good senator if Specter were defeated in 2010 regardless of which party he is affiliated with. He reminds me of John Warner (R Va.) (although I am a much bigger fan of John Warner) and I've been a card carrying democrat since I was 18 and these are republicans I speak of. Of course the Democratic party will welcome someone new into the ranks. It puts us at 60 and stren
  6. our media is the modern day chicken little.
  7. I LOVE it!!! my mom said something similar when I took her to a show. Gotta make sure she gets the DVD. mom's rock!
  8. I've been to Cahokia! It is amazing! Am gonna have to check that book out. Just picked up this:
  9. this thread makes me a little sad. greatest sympathies for Jay. it also reminds me of the other 45 million+ Americans that don't have health insurance facing similar situations without notoriety or a community to help them out or throw a fundraiser to keep them from filing bankruptcy or help them receive the medical care they need. what a crappy situation for anyone to have to face. best of luck to Jay and his health.
  10. guess i've been going to some pricey wilco shows then. ah well. guess everything is relative. and people will always be upset with ticket prices. -- U2 tickets for mid-tier seats in football stadiums for their upcoming tour are starting at $250, without fees, the service fee was $29.50, plus an additional venue fee of $8.00. and buying from scalpers is robbery.
  11. did you guys see this: bob dylan signature harmonica
  12. it seems like we go through this every time tickets go on sale. i bet if they didn't call out the surcharge and essentially charged you $60 for the concert tickets (instead of say $45 + $15 service charge) there would be a lot less grumbling. don't get me wrong, i think ticketmaster is evil and does shady stuff with the ticket sales (like hijack a bunch of tickets that get filtered onto their sister scalping website), but really, you see the actual cost of the ticket plus the mark up. if you saw the actual cost of a product and then its markup anywhere else, you'd probably stop shopping all to
  13. I can't remember the guys name, but their suits aren't Manuel's, but from a guy in California (maybe?), that guy and Manuel worked for Nudie and then branched out each on their own. Manuel does indeed have a shop in Nashville with stuff you can buy off the rack. He also has a son that might be taking up the torch. You can also buy the toned down version of the western wear at Katy K's in nashville, they have pretty great stuff there: Katy K's Ranch Dressing
  14. I got to catch a screening of the film at the DC Film fest today. What fun! it was great to see this on the big screen. i wish i didn't have an awful head cold with plugged up ears so i could appreciate the sound, but still exciting to see on the big screen. Brendan Canty and Cristoph Green were there for a Q&A afterwords, which was really interesting and nice to hear their perspective and thought process behind the film, how they did the sound mixing, access to the band, working with the band, etc. SO. Normally I don't post reviews and heavy critiques of things on the board. Most of th
  15. ok, so here is a total dork out moment for me, anyone else spot themselves in the DVD? i know hummingbird did, and yours truly is in one of the crowd shots during "hate it here" (my friend april is dead center plain as day in the shot, i'm to her left and get a couple glimpses, apparently singing my ass off). i thought i spotted elixer sue during "shot in the arm" but she said it was her doppleganger. and during the credits, the guy in the plaid shirt is one of mine and hummingbird's friends, we were standing right next to him, that was as the 9:30 club was emptying out. anyone else have a
  16. OK, new PC question. I am trying to load a font onto a PC. I went under Control Panel/appearance/fonts and copied the font from a PC then transferred those files to the new computer. The file name is no longer the font name, but instead some cryptic number with a .pfb extension. there's also a .pfm extension file added. When I go into the control panel/appearance/fonts and install new font, the font starts to load, but then I get an error message: " The 49030501.pfm file is currently being used and cannot be replaced. Wait until Windows is finished with the file, and then try again." The
  17. you are my light is 24" x 24", on a darkened stage 21" x 12", and dixie cup is 13" x 12". i use raw pigments, crushed pastels, chalk, charcoal, anything i can get into a powdered form hand rubbed into wood, then sealed with wipe on polyurethane. my process is a labor of love and quite tricky depending on the wood, the pigment, etc.
  18. I learned my lesson on throwing tickets back when I bought for the Philly show a couple years ago. I had row T on the floor, threw them back and couldn't get anything for 10 minutes, finally got balcolny and it was the worst concert audience experience ever. so so so glad you got seats for the Cincy show!!!!!
  19. wahoo! tickets for wolftrap and delaware! july is going to be so much fun.
  20. better late than never, right? the long horizontal black one is "on a darkened stage" while the square black one is "disposable Dixie Cup drinker..." and yellow/white, "You Are My Light..." enjoy.
  21. very fun. seeing this reminded me that there was a thread ages ago about this subject and that i forgot to post the images of 2 pieces i have done in said thread as promised: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...ble+dixie\
  22. was reminded of one on the Metro yesterday: judiciary oh the variations that you hear from the metro train drivers: judisherie, judishrearie, judishuree. good stuff.
  23. i learned this lesson when sky blue sky came out. the best route to go is to buy from an independent record store. you get extras that you don't get from buying from music today and if you don't have an indie store in your town, there are lots that will ship something to you, in a very reasonable time frame. there are other threads about his, browse through the dvd thread and the extras thread for more info, complaints, and suggestions. ignore Atticus...
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