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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. I just finished reading this: I can't remember what the last book I finished actually was so am quite thrilled to have kicked down the reading barrier.
  2. Can you ask Mikael if there was any influence from Harry Nilsson when writing/making All is Golden?
  3. new pornographers at the 9:30club. i saw them there a few months prior to missing this show so wasn't too devastated that i ended up missing this one, but do kinda wish i could have made it.
  4. I pretty much go to shows by myself now. If bigshoulders lived in DC that would be different, but last year I ate the cost of 5, count them 5 different concert tickets because people said they wanted to go to a show and bailed on me the day before. After eating the cost of 5 concert tickets, I stopped inviting other people to go. Now I have gotten the stunned looks from folks when they mention a show to me and my response is, yeah, I already have my ticket. Prior to last year, it was usually 50/50 for me on going to concerts alone or with someone. Now, it is more like 90/10. I really don't mi
  5. it is an ongoing competition between Wilco and Bob Dylan for me. I think Wilco has 1 more than Bob right now to be my most seen band live.
  6. they change building names here in DC all the time, changed National Airport to be Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Yes there was a new building added to the airport, but they didn't change out the Metro signs. You can always tell who is new to DC and who isn't based on the Airport reference. and oh the number of tourists that i have seen staring at the metro map or staying on the metro train because the sign said National Airport and had no reference to Ronald Reagan anywhere. then there are the non-tourist destinations that get local nicknames and confuse people even more: the h
  7. i really wanted to go to this, but don't think i am going to be able to. am very very very sad. unless someone wants to give me a month late birthday present that is a ticket to the glenn portion of the show. ...
  8. isadorah


    i'd love to read this as well. a couple years ago at the charlotte show there was a couple making out in the front row. jeff called them out on it and then the guy disappeared and jeff made comment that the girl didn't know him. i was fortunate to not be down front and center to witness, but bigshoulders did.
  9. the home warranty folks will always want to repair something (even if it is a 50 year old failed hvac system) before replacing it. be firm and don't accept subpar workmanship or something not in your best interest with a home warranty company and it all works out. aside from some loopholes, overall though, i think it is worthy to request it of the current owner, the cost is minimal to the seller and may or may not come in handy, at no loss to the buyer.
  10. i once heard that lists in publications reflects a lack of editorial budgets and not so skilled writers. and am i the only one completely annoyed that an old picture of wilco was used. i mean the "article" was written in 2009 and songs with the current line-up were mentioned, so ummmm, at least post a new picture. they are fairly easy to come by, just go to the management website for the band and download the press images. *sigh* out of date picture and poor list making editorial content, YUK. -- ps: before bigshoulders hops in here and discloses my secret, i'll rat myself out, i don't like
  11. I owned a house when I lived in TN. do not count on equity. and beware of using equity. a financial adviser once told me do not think of a house as an investment, think of it as a residence. why would you gamble with your residence. i have seen many houses get over inflated on their appraisals from the banks so the bank could lend money for equity. after the housing bubble burst, so did the values of the houses. a lot of people used the magical equity/counted on the house being worth a lot more later and now they owe more $ than what the houses are worth. ask for a home warranty as part of
  12. i'm guessing hitting puberty helped out some too.
  13. we're working here in DC. we got more snow than last time when we got ice and snow and everything closed. i think it my be because Obama heckled DC for being wimps. so we have toughened up and are not getting a snow day. hmmmppphhh.
  14. i haven't been to the GA aquarium, but think the TN one is top notch. they do have a salt water area in the new building which is rather cool because you stand underneath the tank at some point in the building and look up to see sharks swimming overhead. the leafy seadragons are the best (i can't remember what part of the aquarium they are in though.)
  15. thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. it was a whirlwind day and didn't really feel like a birthday. seeing the messages on VC helped make it feel like a birthday!!! thanks everyone!
  16. i don't like that someone can add your email address as an invitation and there is no way to get linked in to remove that email address from its system and stop it from sending you unsolicited emails.
  17. i am so so so so upset Mickey Rourke did not get his due and the oscar went to Sean Penn. and for a fleeting moment i thought this oscar run was going to do right this year. well i guess at least it held true for slumdog i should stop watching the oscars. *sigh*
  18. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews the governor has called for his resignation. something tells me he won't go quietly. why the seated him to start with...
  19. here here, I'm looking to relocate out of DC because income simply does not keep up with the cost of living. It is a lot more expensive than it appears on the surface. and the job market is thinning out.
  20. i work for a non-profit and we are hurting, had layoffs and are fending off more. we have had pay cuts, benefit cuts, and massive budget cuts. each day i wonder if i will be next. i've been searching since October and have had 3 interviews, 1 was in the for profit world, 1 was a position dependent on state funding (that still hasn't come through), and the 3rd my fingers are crossed for, I am 1 out of 3 candidates interviewing from a pool of 75 applicants. the job market in my field is slim these days. am not sure what i would do if my current job is cut and can only hope I find something else
  21. you know they are going to put tatiana in one of those wild card spots for the drama alone. they put her last for the results show just to watch her squirm and be dramatic last night.
  22. anyone watch the results show last night? is it just me or does anyone else think Danny Gorkey, the widow, made it through simply because he is a widow and everyone is being super sympathetic to his story. i didn't think his performance was all that. i thought Anoop was much better.
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