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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. OMG I hate this program!!! I tried that. That's exactly where I thought it would be. One would think that's where to reverse it. That process actually inserts a card into the email (embeds it), but doesn't create an attachment. We're experiencing a rogue attachment hanging out in the email as if the guy copied and pasted the .vcf file into his signature, but it only shows up as an attachment and doesn't show up in the body of the email (or the body of the signature edit dialogue box). that sound you hear, that is the sound of me banging my head on my desk. [side note, my tinge of annoyanc
  2. I have a new question: One of my colleagues set up his signature and now all of a sudden Outlook is adding an address card to each email he sends out as an attachment (.vcf file). I am pretty sure it is a setting somewhere that inadvertently got clicked, but can't find where that would be for the life of me. Anyone???
  3. oh. Fiery Furnaces. bigshoulders likes them too. he's tried to get me on board with them (as with Low) and i'm still on the fence. I can take their album EP, but :| the others...he always tells me one day it will just click. glad i'm not the only one it hasn't clicked for yet. [side note: i did enjoy their live show at the 9:30 club and would rank them higher than Low for an opening band]
  4. tell us how you really feel about frat boys.
  5. This Benjy Ferree guy seems interesting. He's a local. Will have to listen to some of the tunes when I get home.
  6. neh. not for me. even if they had played it, i wouldn't have noticed. i hit the lobby within the first few seconds in charlotte mostly because i felt an overwhelming depression coming on if i didn't get out of that darkened auditorium and had gone to my happy place at merriweather and was oblivious to what they played.
  7. Indeed!!! I had to do it two nights in a row and was greatful that my friend and I missed them in Atlanta. We were pretty exhausted from our travels from GA to DC following teh Wilco and had general addmission for the last show. which was great, except we had to endure more Low. at least in charlotte we were able to go get a drink and wait it out in the lobby of the venue.
  8. since i started this thread, i have to add a digression (and can, hee hee). make it mandatory for people to have signature lines in their email and watch out. everyone gets creative. if someone can figure out how to change something or customize it, they sure do do it. people would be dangerous in my office if they all had access to photoshop and InDesign. the best customization. our receptionist made her title: Super Awesome Administrative Assistant/ Nicest Receptionist in the World and sent it to me as a joke. we had a good chuckle, then she forgot to change it. a few of her emails we
  9. diet sodas always taste different from their regular counterparts because artificial sweeteners taste different. i think their tagline is trying to say you can't tell the difference between a diet dr. pepper and a regular dr. pepper like you can between say a coke and a diet coke. which is supposed to entice you to buy the diet dr. pepper instead of the diet coke because it tastes more like a real sugary infested soda. and I am mad at Dr. Pepper because i tried and tried and tried and didn't get my free soda. and i bought chinese democracy. they should have simply printed coupons to be gi
  10. is that a good thing or a bad thing? i was having dinner (and good beer) with a friend and was mid-sentence and without missing a beat or a breathe exclaimed WILCO and then went back to what I was saying my friend rolled his eyes and told me i was out of control and too much. it was funny (and nice to hear Wilco).
  11. "What Light" at the Doghead Brewery in Falls Church.
  12. yeah, that's how we have it all set up right now. if someone else doesn't have their stuff set up that way, then their settings override everything else. thanks though!
  13. meh, we can go ahead and make this a Microsoft sucks thread. the short answer to the email problem is that if the email you receive doesn't allow rich text formatting or html, then you're stuck with ugliness. thanks for the macro pointer cryptique. i'm having a hard enough time teaching folks how to set up an email signature, i think they would look at me like i have two heads if i tried to get them to add steps to replying to emails. it did sound good though. air your microsoft gripes here.
  14. I loathe all things microsoft! yeah it seems there's no way around this. *sigh* another piece of me lost to ugly non-matching formatting.
  15. am trudging my way through Microsoft Outlook. We established specific formatting for email signatures in the office and all is well except when you reply to someone's email from the outside. here is the dilemma: if someone sends an email, and you hit reply, the email holds onto the formatting of the original message and discards all preset formatting. in otherwords, an email arrives and it is in courier black, i hit reply and instead of my portion of the message being in arial black and red 9pt type with an embedded logo, everything becomes courier black. i tried changing the Mail Format op
  16. my guess is that it wasn't really jeff and someone caught on and had the fake jeff removed.
  17. my dog maddie, a very clever border collie, is extremely good about food. i can put a plate of food on the coffee table and walk away and she will obediently sit staring at the plate, but never budge to get it. i brag about this stellar behavior. one night i ordered chinese food, mixed vegetables and sweet and sour chicken. i ordered enough food so i would have left overs for lunch the next day. i am in the living room eating my dinner and get a phone call. i'm gabbing away and hear this loud thud in the kitchen/ dining area. i go in to investigate and there is maddie, standing, paws on the
  18. the way i read this was that the extra money collected at the box office would go to the artists and not ticketmaster, so there is incentive to go to the box office. the money you pay at the box office goes to the venue and the artist, if you go through TM then the money you pay goes to the venue, the artist, and ticketmaster. kind of like buying a cd, you could buy it at the merch table and more of the money goes to the band or you could buy it from amazon and a portion of the money is divided between the band and amazon. not seeing the fees is less annoying and less painful. albeit, they s
  19. someone i know thinks i'm full of conspiracy theory BS. i tell ya, there's something to it...
  20. we had only paper ballots. they didn't have the concealing plastic sleeves at all. no one seemed to mind. everyone was so darn cheerful and just happy to vote, we took our ballots to voting tables that were essentially circle tables with a divider to make 4 equal sections. none of it was very private, but it moved quickly because there were at least 6 of those circle tables crammed into the tiny polling area. during the primary we had a choice paper ballot or electronic. i think the majority of voters opted for paper. wonder if that is why there were no electronic ballots today. give me goo
  21. $2.59 in DC. It has been dropping by 10 and 20 cents a day. It hasn't been this cheep in over 2 years. I had a theory: prices would drop continually during the last month of the campaign season. If Obama wins they will flatline, if McCain wins, they will rise again, rapidly. I also have a theory about the stock market, but will keep that one to myself.
  22. Washington, DC, the Glover Park neighborhood. I got to my polling place at 7:50am and it took 45 minutes. The line was 2 1/2 blocks long. I'll take pictures of my polling place when I get home tonight, I know the line will be just as long then. The line for free starbucks coffee afterwards was 10 minutes long.
  23. am going to my friends' place down on the potomac river. we're having chili, hot dogs, and blueberry cheesecake, wearing blue and watching the returns until the bitter end. i will likely be very late for work tomorrow.
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