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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. this makes me very very sad. i loved watching him during election coverage and debates/ debate recaps. He'd try so hard to be unbiased, but every now and then he would slip and say "We" when referring to the democrats.
  2. Million Dollar Baby. I remember sitting in the theater watching it and thinking "how on earth is clint going to pull this off and it not be just like rocky" and then that pivotal scene and I was bawling the rest of the movie. Syriana got to me the first time I saw it. I think that makes me weird though.
  3. no, different bus lines, that would be "faker" you're referring to. i hadn't seen this girl on the bus before, but it was earlier than my regular morning commute. she also had "She Belongs To Me" by bob. I was tempted to tell her we had similar tastes in music, but thought that might be stalker-esque.
  4. Technically this wasn't heard, but on the bus this morning, I glanced at the ipod of the girl sitting next to me and she was listening to "California Stars".
  5. i requested "on and on and on" for the millenium park show (in honor of my mom who made it possible for me to be at the show) and they played it. so i'd like to believe i had something to do with it. i've been requesting radio cure ever since, but with no luck for full band shows. here's holding out for the Cary, NC show, maybe wishes will come true.
  6. oh that's annoying that he has it passworded. grrr is right. that might make it a bit trickier, but i'll see what else i can find to get around that.
  7. Good luck with that! It is supposedly going to cool down tomorrow to a mere 102
  8. iCal, mail.app, and the address book are all the Mac based applications that come with the computers. do you by chance know which operating system you're running, that might help me figure out the integration. if you click on the apple in the top left hand corner of the screen you'll get an "about this mac" option and a window will pop up that should say OX X version 10.something or another. if it's the latest operating system the address book and mail do sync up, they just don't have to both be open at the same time. ie: if you program addresses into the address application, when you go to se
  9. We're experiencing record heat in the big city today. Maxed out at 112
  10. yeah, we have a lot of media files and a lot of constituent data with databases the synch up for donors and members that goes way beyond my brain capacity. i think the database stuff though is all driven through our CRM tool and not our CMS.
  11. 45,000 pages, gulp. that makes our website transition seem like small fries. do you have multimedia content entrapped in all of that (video and audio files)? good luck with all that. i know our 3000 page site was a very long, tedious, and trying experience, riddled with delays (but am not convinced about who actually caused the delays). i wouldn't even dream of doing a 45,000 page transition and merge to a new CMS. have fun! may the force be with you.
  12. I'm at a museum. We are using Convio for our CMS (there's a CRM side to it as well that hasn't quite merged with Convio, but is supposed to soon). We ported over 3,000+ pages of content when we redid our website (which was recently). You're able to do all sorts of cross referencing, auto populating, and such. It is a fairly dynamic system, but just not Mac friendly for making updates/building on the backend. The rest of the world sees the pages just fine though regardless of PC vs Mac.
  13. yeah, the other benefit to our crazy dual environment will be that we can actually update our website from the macs and not have to jump onto a PC to do it. apparently the backend of our website can only be updated using Internet Explorer. I wonder if your CMS is the same CMS we just switched to. i'll keep my comments to myself about any product/company that restricts use to only PCs.
  14. you should cherish that bottle of NyQuil. they had to change the formula because folks were using it to get high or something. the new stuff sucks! it doesn't even come close to knocking me out now (and I weigh like 100 lbs).
  15. Especially when your IT guy has no idea how to set up Entourage to work properly with an exchange server and you have to go onto the webmail outlook to either check people's schedules when setting up a meeting or activating an out of office message. although with the newest version, microsoft at least figured out how to let macs set up an out of office message on an exchange server finally. now if i could only access the company address book on the exchange server. we can't share calendars. wanna know the solution around the Entourage incompatibility with our server: we're getting new macs,
  16. On the Mac are you using Mail (the program that comes with the mac for email) or Entourage (Microsoft's answer to Outlook, although depending on your IT department depends on how integrated Entourage is to a network). Let me know which it is and I can check to see what the steps are to import that contacts. It might be different. You might actually be able to set it up so that the mail program automatically pulls in your emails from your home account. I'd have to do some checking, it's been a while since I've really delved into setting up either of these programs. Macs are wonderful and quite
  17. Maybe it's the 2nd edition of what is already out there. since the original is no longer available for commercial purchase and there is still a demand for it, this is printing number two (similar to how there are 1st editions, 2nd editions and such with books).
  18. i still love it! the first disc gets more air time than the 2nd disc, but still very worthy of a regular listen.
  19. http://www.amazon.com/Yankee-Hotel-Foxtrot...819&sr=8-16
  20. i second everything austrya said above! i'd recommend going to the market and browsing the various sections (stay to the perimeter of the store), go with no ideas of what to eat in mind and get what looks best or the most interesting, or that you've never had before. ask the employees working those sections for suggestions of what to get, how to select it, and most important how to cook it. a lot of times they have great suggestions and good tips. that might help change things up for you and give you some new variety while sticking with healthy foods. as long as you stick to the perimeter o
  21. gulp. i wonder how environmentally sound all of the parts going into the machine actually are. folks sometimes forget that even though a final product eliminates the need to depend on oil, all of the resources used to make said environmental solution surpasses the oil consumption of the original. if that makes any sense. and now i know that my $175 concert ticket money has helped fund Neil's green electric machine. and i thought he was simply over charging fans for no good reason. (does that sound bitter?)
  22. this sounds vaguely familiar. i think there was an article out sometime ago about this and it mentioned that it was costing Mr. Young $40,000 for the conversion. I could be wrong and made that up in my crazy little head.
  23. this thread makes me sad. I LOVE cheese. Used to find some way to eat it with every meal. *sigh* it has been banned from my diet: allergic. so so tragic. i'll live vicariously through everyone else though. yummy yummy cheeses!
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