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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. when i was in college my email address was honeybee because Melissa is latin for honeybee (technically the latin is melisa). then i created a hotmail account and honeybee was taken and i didn't want to get clever with underscores or numbers to be honeybee2 or honey_bee. so i ditched the bee and went with isadorah. no numbers or special additions needed. isadorah was inspired from isadora duncan (the first woman to bring dignity to the stage, prior to her, most actresses and dancers were prostitutes) and isadorah of seville who was a nun in the medieval time period that had visions about how th
  2. i believe the 9:30 club in DC refuses to use TicketBastard and doesn't seem to have any problems booking bands. that's promising, right!
  3. and that is saying something being how big of a Muppets fan bigshoulders is. and technically speaking the Muppets band would be Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. actually that be a pretty hilarious show. Tom Waits and Zeus rocking it out together. hee hee.
  4. there's no wilco vinyl up on their store right now. i called music today (because i thought this was rather odd) and they are out of YHF and have it on order, but do not know if or when they will be getting more in. I bought the A Ghost is Born vinyl at the 9:30 show, but did not see Yankee. My advice would be, if you see it and can get it, get it! It's not an easy find these days.
  5. isadorah


    Are you sure that's a Nudie? My first thought was that Jeff was wearing a Manuel (who used to work for Nudie, but branched out on his own in 1980 and is the Rhinestone King now, . Manuel exclusively outfitted Johnny Cash I believe starting in the early 70s. Here's a link: http://nashville.about.com/od/nashvillesfamous/a/manuel.htm you can get Manuel to make you a custom outfit today if you'd like. He's easy to find in Nashville! I LOVED Jeff's outfit! Nudie or Manuel, it's a great addition to Jeff's wardrobe! by the way, they were GREAT on the show!!!
  6. if that doesn't work out for you, you might try placing the photo of the tire track into an Illustrator file, tracing it, to create a vector piece of artwork, then you could, typeset your words on top of the vector artwork, convert it to outlines, and then manipulate away at the typeface.
  7. thanks for posting this so quickly! you're the same person that taped the charlottesville show back in oct aren't you. nice job! looking forward to reliving this one!
  8. I heard the band loves playing the 9:30 club and they'll always play there when they come to DC, that DAR is awful and they'll likely never do that again, instead they'll do at least two nights at 9:30! they also apparently like playing merriweather in the warmer months. tomthumb86, there were two people between us last night on the rail. great pics! i forgot to mention, the macrame owl made it out onto Nels' guitar last night as well! there's an article in the style section of today's washington post. haven't seen yet myself, but was told to go grab a paper.
  9. just got my ticket for the wed night 9:30 club show!! it's just me going, no more buying tickets for friends and having them bail on my the day of the show. hmmpph. anyone else going????
  10. i use 1and1 (1and1.com). they've been great. and if you sign up on my reference, i get a discount... www.isadorah.com should be the reference. hee hee.
  11. i just got back from the show! my 100
  12. I have an extra ticket available for tonight's show. A girl is supposed to meet at the club at 6:30pm to buy the ticket, but if for some reason she doesn't show up by 6:45pm, it's available, facevalue, to anyone that wants it. I'll be in line with an orange hat and orange fuzzy scarf. Come find me before the doors open and the ticket could be yours! -Melissa
  13. can i just say i have a fever of 100
  14. just got in !!! so much fun! what a set list. that was a set list i could only dream of. they rocked it out tonight! the crowd was into it, we got praised for the sing along with summerteeth, oh the gems, nuggets, chestnuts if you will that we got in the set list! i can't wait to see what is in store for tomorrow night! i was right behind the girl with the grammy. it was all too funny!!! and the bra during heavy metal drummer. even funnier. and the total pros was a wonderful addition. my favorite song tonight though, had to be blood of the lamb. those bells. it's rather insane to see how m
  15. i'll make the chart/graph/visual representation!
  16. oh yeah, they not only told us to sit, but made a spectacle out of it. and at one point, no one's view was being blocked and we still had extremely nasty things being screamed at us. it was such a shame because the band was definitely ON that night. the 9:30 club will be way better. i wonder what happened to the city of brotherly love.
  17. i spent this past weekend with someone who was at the residency and now i'm sick! the wic-ough sure is getting around.
  18. there's a couple of threads from ages ago somewhere on here that might have some more info for you, but here are my recommendations: HatchShow Print! It's a letterpress poster shop. On Broadway amidst the Honky Tonks. Definitely worth checking out. There's also the Frist Center for the Visual Arts, which is a nice art museum. Definitely check out the Honky Tonks, Robert's was my personal favorite. As for eats, if you can find your way there, Swetts on 28th St N (which nowhere near downtown) is the best meat and 3 around! also there's the Pancake Pantry in Hillsborough Village (again not ne
  19. i was thinking the same thing actually!!! i thought it was quite interesting that it was ok to stand in our balcony section when impossible germany came on, but it wasn't ok to stand during at least that's what you said. we'll call it the sky blue sky phenomenon, a phase that will soon pass. the band truly was completely on point and put on such a great show!!!
  20. thank you thank you thank you everyone!!!! it's been a great birthday weekend, what a great way to spend it too! thanks for all the cheers and birthday wishes! ViaChicago and everyone on it is so so great!!!
  21. We were in the lower balcony just to the left of where you were standing in between the lodge and the balcony and completely agree the crowd up there sucked!!! and security was just as awful. no one would stand up, people were yelling and screaming at anyone that did stand up. it took a lot for me to block it out and focus on the true joy of the show. at one point during she's a jar, i was standing in between my seat and the rail, not blocking a soul's view and still had people saying very nasty things to me. i don't get it. it's a rock concert. it's loud and rocking and well standing and rock
  22. i got to talk to Lady of Eating and Beating on the phone this week! Hope to meet you in person in April Alison! that goes for KimCatch22 (and many other VCers!) too.
  23. This is one of my favorite all time songs: period. I have the 45 of it! others for me: "The Air that I Breathe" The Hollies "We've Only Just Begun" by the Carpenters
  24. I am so PSYCHEd that you guys will be joining the band in DC! I can't wait to experience the horn section live. It sounded so great on the streams. nice stuff!!!!!!
  25. i've waited after shows before to say his to the guys. if you want to meet Jeff, it's best to get to the bus as quickly as possible. otherwise you might miss him. the rest of the guys, it just all depends, i've seen the buses loaded and leave at 11:30pm and i've seen them leave at 2am.
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