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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. i've got some tissues i can share. ok, seriously! spiders???
  2. is there someone there reading our posts!??!! folks keep calling it! this is awesome!
  3. WOW!!!! yes! incredible, beautiful!!
  4. this makes me a lot less sad that i'm not actually there!
  5. my neighbors can probably hear every note of this and me singing along. here's my set up. i have my ipod speakers connected to the laptop and all plugged in. cords everywhere. the dog is getting annoyed i won't sit still.
  6. will post a picture shortly. loading into the mac now. this totally made my crappy day way better!
  7. maybe we'll get a she's a jar repeat. (wishing) and wow, i never liked summerteeth until just then. that was amazing!
  8. they got coffee and hot chocolate. bigshoulders didn't tell me about that!!! how how cool!
  9. i meant to drop you an email about this thread to get you sucked into the craziness too. so distracted! happy to see you found your way!
  10. yeah;, i'd be ok without this one in the rotation....oh did i type that and post it. i mean it's a good song and all, but still..
  11. i always watch the other guys in the band while nels and jeff are jamming out on that part.
  12. flikr photos, streaming music, banter, and total geek out! i'm not sure what to focus on! so much fun!
  13. hefty fine huh! someone should pass jeff a note and let him know.
  14. how can you bleep HOLY SHIT? that's the whole song? so so wrong. fandangled technology.
  15. i'm behind in joining in on the geek out! (have been listening the whole time though!!) i really wanted to hear radio cure and they played it tonight of all the nights YAY. and now company in my back!!! another fave! they should play this one more often!
  16. i spotted 4 pics with j4lackey. he's trying to sneak off the edge of the 4th one.
  17. If you turn to page 104 in the March issue of Dwell Magazine, there is a feature on Architect Bertrand Goldberg, with a picture of the cover of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. The caption reads "Chicago indie rockers Wilco used the Marina City towers for the cover of their album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (top left); we think Goldberg (top right) would be pleased."
  18. awww, i forgot to ask for a call for that one. what a great song!
  19. we've got less than a week to the show!!!! yay! birthday week with wilco is going to rock!!!
  20. oh wait, I met srmt at the Vic last year.
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