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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. nothing has surfaced yet or hit the headlines in the capital city, so i'm pretty sure it is rather bogus and someone reaching. i think he simply would rather not face 5 more years of no longer being able to whisk his agenda through (or i should say the agenda of the GOP). in the meantime, can we have a little more Estrada in here?
  2. really, you're dad probably does know my dad then. he has a personal business that is devoted to model ship building, he creates "practicums" on how to build certain models and also develops and sells his own kits. they're probably in the same forums too, model ship building is a rather small community. i was traveling once and ended up in a conversation with a total stranger, he mentioned model ship building, i mentioned my dad, he knew him.
  3. Now that you mention it, I've heard that used on the radio before too. and welcome to VC, we're an unruly bunch, but we mean well.
  4. has anyone else noticed that when it comes to the last two girls and Tyra only has one remaining photograph in her hands and that the girl who's name she does not call must immediately pack her bags and leave is always the girl closest to the camera/the one standing to Tyra's left? Everytime, watch tonight, you'll see. 45 minutes and counting! EDIT: i can't believe they sent Heather home. boycott!
  5. this is the first christmas where i am financially stable enough to truly shop for friends and family and am quite excited. my dad builds miniture/scale model ships, so this year i'm getting him a miniture hand held dremel sander (not to be confused with a dremel tool). i'm getting my mom an FM tuner for her ipod. for my step-mom, nice kitchen knives and a potato peeler (the one she has is from the 1800s or should be). that's as far as i've gotten, but am quite psyched to go shopping and find the other perfect gifts.
  6. i have a new list (and insomnia) 1. i didn't make the cheerleading squad in jr. high 2. i was a vegetarian for nearly 10 years 3. i lived in the same town i was born in for the first half of my life.
  7. you have an eMac! i have a cube. when the cube was still in use, i wanted to get an eMac so it could sit on the desk next to the cube and the two look all cute together. i was going to name the eMac "Big Mac" because it was actually the size of a Big Mac (the burger). [i am such a dork]
  8. for Edie I am going with 3. Blindgonzo 1. I was going to say 2 for caliber but got distracted by the to get a mac thread.
  9. Get the Mac! I have been using macs since I first learned how to use a computer, I will never use anything else. My mom got a Dell and she is constantly having problems and calling me for help. Her Dell might actually be dead, if so, she is getting an iMac to replace it. I would also recommend getting iWork for the Mac. It is fairly new, rather inexpensive, and Apple's answer to Microsoft Office (which is an absolutely awful suite of programs). The interface and user-friendliness of iWork is pretty amazing, coming from a person that loathes spreadsheets. iWork is completely compatible with M
  10. my #2 is the false one. i was in beauty pageants for 3 years, never won or placed, local level stuff. i swear this most recent move is going to be my last for at least 3 years. i would love for #2 to someday be true. my guess for SarahC is #1 is false. for Viatroy #2 is false. note: this game is very hard to play while one is working (late).
  11. 1. I was in beauty pageants. 2. I have a piece of artwork in the permanent collection of a major museum. 3. I have moved 15x in the past 15 years.
  12. my friend on the hill just sent me a message saying he just got an email from a higher up source about the male escort rumor. hmmm...
  13. REALLY??? a friend of mine sent me a news story about this earlier, the friend works on the hill. he said it was a big deal that Lott was resigning, but never mentioned "male escort service" surely you jest??? i'm very easily suckered into believing anything. i must email my friend that works on the hill and get the latest scoop!
  14. It's Sudan. I'm pretty sure people have been killed for even more innocent offenses. What's scary is if it were in almost any other part of the world, I would say assanine, but with Sudan, I'm not surprised and think it reflects very well of how messed up that region has become. scary times we live in. scary indeed.
  15. I would love to go shopping and not be outsized by the adjustment of clothing to accommodate the ever expanding waistline of America. size 0 doesn't even fit me now. oyi. more reasonable want: a digital camera. books, music, ticketmaster $$$ to help fund my concert habit.
  16. ahha, ok, so maybe if everyone updated their profile to have their address...i was guilty of that myself...
  17. me too! i always cringe when i hear news of the attempt to replace the printed page. part because if everything went electronic i would be out of job. little known fact though, the paper industry is one of leading industries in creating an environmentally sound product. a year ago, this wasn't the case, but today, it is very difficult to find a paper that is not environmentally sound. in addition to recycled content, the virgin pulp used in papers comes from sustainable forests and is manufactured without bleach and other caustic chemicals. on the pollution side of things, several companies,
  18. ummm, so i got my draw and was wondering, is this all secret until after the gift arrives??? or do we go ahead and email the person for their address to send the gift? i'm making this more complicated than it needs to be and overthinking it way too much, i am sure of it!
  19. yup! http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...c=30989&hl= a friend asked saw my plates the other week and asked me what a cherry ghost was, it made me happy! EDIT: here's the full song list: I Am Trying to Break Your Heart Forget the Flowers You Are My Face (live in Charlottesville) Sunken Treasure (live in Charlotte) Misunderstood A Shot in the Arm Theologians The Thanks I Get Via Chicago It's Just that Simple Hummingbird What Light Passenger Side Less than you Think
  20. i heard neil and bob (dylan) talk muscle cars all the time.
  21. I'll have to check the playlist when i get home, I do know I put: I Am Trying to Break Your Heart You Are My Face (live) Theologians (so they would understand the tags on my car) and ended it with Less Than You think (I had told them about the 9 minutes of static or however long it is). I'll post the full list tonight.
  22. isadorah

    3 new fans

    So, three of my friends asked me to give them a sampling of the wilco because they know how often I go see the band in concert. They had said they were really curious about the band and wanted to hear their music because there had to be something very special about them because of my heavy interest. And at the very least to get to know me better since Wilco is such a love of mine. I gave them a cd. Had lunch with two of the three friends yestreday and they told me they were hooked and completely understood. I told them they hadn't seen them in concert yet, that's only a matter of time now. !
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