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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. isadorah

    Wilco on...

    i've never watched the show, had watched what was previously on and was talking to my step-mom when i heard the wilco and of course had to keep it on that channel.
  2. ok, let me rephrase, if this were my list of suggestions ... so picky around here.
  3. really, oh i think it is live 1966. guess we have different taste.
  4. ok, i'll recant that par. although the latest bootleg series, no direction home didn't seem to add as much as the previous ones (for me anyway). i stick to what i said about the greatest hits stuff. although, you did say, almost always and mostly never-before released which kinda goes with my point.
  5. i don't think he's changed. he's putting on a show because he and his party realize they are at great risk of being marginalized, out of jobs, and most important out of power if they don't do something to get the american people back on their side. so why not a little smoke and mirrors, song and dance, proper english for a change, it's all a front. don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain. time can't move fast enough to the end of this administration.
  6. I could understand if the Greatest Hits Albums built on one another and didn't have track repeats or if there is overlap/track repeats than let them be alternate takes of the songs, otherwise it is just another way to try to make money while doing very little work. hair bands are the masters of it. looks like dylan's troops are too. it seems like there's a dylan greatest hits or bootleg series that comes out everyother year with the same material packaged differently. maybe we're supposed to be reviewing and going for the packaging. don't get me wrong, i love bob, everything bob seems a bit
  7. Interesting suggestion of must listens. I would replace Modern Times with Oh Mercy, Love & Theft with Slow Train Coming, and Nashville Skyline with Planet Waves.
  8. dear lord, do they not know when to stop? that's insane. or a whole new level of greed. i bet she owns an ipod with lots of ripped, i mean stolen songs on it.
  9. i'm a stout drinker myself and would highly recommend Young's Oatmeal Stout or Young's Double Chocolate Stout. you can never go wrong with a guiness. i also find it rather fun to try the beer produced by local breweries, pick your beer type (pilsner, amber, ale, porter...) and get the local brews answer to that. you can find some really great stuff. (yazoo in tennessee for example)
  10. i agree. the last time i saw him was at the 9:30club, it was during the Love and Theft days and it was amazing, but after several shows back to back, i got the sense that it wasn't going to be the same anymore. i've seen some amazing dylan shows. last friday was not one of them. i think there is a lot to be said for larry campbell. and getting older.
  11. anyone else going to see Neil at DAR Constitution hall? got my tickets in pre-sale today!
  12. i just realized that it was 2 years ago today that i was in New Orleans helping with animal rescue work after Katrina
  13. just got back from the dylan show. i found it rather underwhelming. working man blue's was great, incredible version of master's of war, and everything else was eh. i felt like someone had set the metronome two clicks two slow. my friend that was with me was really bothered by the organ and felt like she was at a carnival. it was sort of like rolling thunder revue in slow motion. not my favorite dylan show, no my least favorite either, i don't think. but it did make me realize that i don't really care for the modern times album. it was odd. odd crowd too, but good people watching. anyone els
  14. actually, i say it is a different game because the game tends to be played differently. this is a bit of a generalization, but men's games are often played in the air, a lot more headers, a lot more long passes, and the skill to the footwork is definitely different. women's games are often more ground work passing, and fast touch dribbling. one can even say that south american style of play is different from north american style of play, there is a whole lot more footwork going on in south american play. i am still not saying one is better than the other, both have merit in style and equally
  15. Greece. absolutely amazing, my favorite spot in Greece, The Theatre of Dionysus. I have a great picture of it, but it's not digital yet and all the web images i can find look like they were taken in 1970 or something, don't do it justice. a place of beauty. this is going to sound so girly, you've been warned, i would love to get married there, it's an unbelievable place. ok, gotta actually have someone to marry first, but a girl can dream, right. i still want to see the grand canyon at sunset. in the next year!!
  16. you might think it's not sexist, but being a woman that watches and plays soccer (and was quite devestated when women's professional soccer folded), i take a bit offense to it. it is still a rather skewed attitude to show regardless of if you call it sexist or not. women's soccer is a different game than men's. i feel i am justified in saying that having been the only woman on a "coed" team and learning the nuances between the difference in play. each is worthy of watching for different reasons and merit. to say you can't understand why watch women when you can watch men, well, it does sound s
  17. OLD SCHOOL!! i love film based photography (and well film/movies) so much better than digital. i think there is a true distinct look and quality that is being lost as everyone switches to digital. there is a beauty when light interplays with the film, the whole emulsion thing, and digital can't capture that.
  18. every Jeff solo show i've been to Handshake Drugs is requested and Jeff declines. something about needing all the noise at the end to make it complete for him so he won't play it accoustic.
  19. i would be very curious to see how the results would turn out if votes were tabulated on a ranking system. it could be that if forced to choose only one Yankee Hotel Foxtrot would win , but when asked to rank there's a better reflection on overall consensus for the favorite album and maybe Yankee Hotel Foxtrot wouldn't actually win, but we'd all find out everyone secretly loves AM. i'm guessing the poll feature isn't that ellaborate and couldn't easily track the votes/points.
  20. just flipping through the latest rolling stone mag. there's a "top 25 music dvds". I Am Trying to Break Your Heart was ranked at #11.
  21. i saw this on ebay and got a good chuckle out of it. thanks for posting!!
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