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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. i'm convinced guys are more obsessed with shoes, but are too closet about it. will have to post my favorites when i get home, they're all sparkly and shimmery.
  2. because his hosting was so well received last year....
  3. WOW!! i am still trying to process it all and think that might take a while, it was so amazing. the sound was incredible. probably the best sounding venue i've ever been to and it was outdoors. i had doubts about Frank Gehry, but i'm starting to be a believer. but wow! they played my request!!! (which was on and on and on, i had requested it for my mom, who went to the show with me, her 3rd wilco show. it is her favorite song and if it wasn't for her, i wouldn't have been able to make the trip to chicago/go to the show. Mom Rock!!!) it was great meeting everybody and really fun to get to put f
  4. ahha, i see how it is, i feel so used...
  5. uh oh, did someone not have their wheaties this morning? don't make me have to get my wand out...
  6. that would have been perfect in the US Open thread, especially when Serena was playing...
  7. i didn't watch it. for some reason, i've been completely checked out on knowing anything about anything relating to the women's world cup (and i attended the last one). huh. wish i had known it was on, i was up at the wee hours of the morning with serious insomnia. ah well. thanks for the recap.
  8. i do like Boone Creek Blues. do you ever consider art trades? the whole barter system, artwork for artwork?
  9. my office was right next to the whitehouse that day. we had no idea what was going on, there was no evacuation plan for DC, all the bridges except one were closed, it was during rush hour, the police were trying to turn traffic around on one way streets, communication systems were down, it was quiet and eerie except for the sirens and the occassional fighter jets going over. i still get goosebumps when i hear a fighter jet. i walked home with colleagues, 4 miles into northern va, and it wasn't until 12noon before i could get a phone call through to my family to let them know i was ok. it was q
  10. one of my friends was good friends with them. another friend of hers (whom i was aquainted with) is an opera singer and last i heard she and the lead singer were an item.
  11. i'll work on it this afternoon and get em posted. --- just finished them. Rob at WilcoBase(.com) has been kind enough to post them (and other covers i've created) on his website. check here: http://wilcobase.com/artwork.php?year=0&creator=isadorah and they should be up shortly (no pressure or anything rob )
  12. did he have dreads? i think i might know which street musician you're talking about. that's really cool.
  13. check in the after the show section, folks usually post links to the recordings in the thread relating to the show. or if there's something specific you're looking for, post a note in the Reflecting Off Of Your CD section and folks are really great about taking care of one another.
  14. ok, i don't want to sound like a sourpuss or anything, and not that i'm jealous, ok, i'm jealous, but ummm, didn't i say you just can't compete with cute kids???? seriously, congrats to all the winners those are all great photos!!!
  15. that's awesome sarah!!! congratulations. ok llynowens break our hearts and spill the beans that you're the grand prize winner!
  16. damn it. moya! that's it i'm rooting for federer. that should take him out of it.
  17. poor andy roddick. that's gotta suck to keep losing to the same guy over and over. he played his heart out though for as long as he could last. i'm rooting for Moya now and i should probably stop doing that. everyone i've pulled for so far has lost (except nadal, i was hoping he'd get knocked out for some reason).
  18. anyone else notice that the photo contest link is still on the site and that the sept 4th deadline is no longer mentioned. ???
  19. most certainly! pm me with how you want the credit and i'll make sure it is on there. someone please let me know who recorded this as well, i do my best to credit all involved when i make covers.
  20. if there haven't been any takers already, sign me up. i just finished several covers last week (and wilcobase has kindly agreed to post them soon).
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