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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. ummm, Daniel Radcliffe turns 18 next week which means he was aproximately 16 while making the 5th movie, right? don't they start wizarding school at age 10 so Harry is supposed to be 15 for this movie. does one year really make a difference? ok i know when they did the third movie it was a bit tricky because they all hit puberty a bit sooner than their characters did, but at least for the 5th movie, they seemed to have caught up. now getting to movie 7 is gonna be a different story, but until then... i actually haven't seen the movie yet, but will next week. my beef with the previews, and
  2. 04/06/07 and 01/27/07 i am a bit biased because i was at both of these and jeff played my request at the Vic show [and talked to me from the stage]. 01/21/07 Marfa TX this is the show that convinced me i should start listening to recordings of shows i wasn't actually at. it's great!
  3. i vaguely remember reading somewhere that michael moore was catching flack for not addressing the doctor's in the US health care system and his response was something along the lines that he found the problems weren't with the doctor's at all. i'd forgotten how awful all aspects of our healthcare system are after spending the past couple of days trying to get medical treatment. a lot of doctor's are just as much a part of the problem. i spent more time waiting in a paper gown than i did actually receiving medical care. it was a kind reminder today that most doctor's schedule 15 minutes for
  4. that calls for a field trip! load up the car with friends and avoiding rush hour of course.
  5. oh, i knew i'd catch it for that post. that's ok, i still skip songs on that album. not all wilco fans are perfect i guess. but you better watch out little bear, i'll climb in my invisible jet and hunt you down...
  6. was my mom's first wilco album. i can listen to over and over again and hear something different in it everytime.
  7. i skip through a lot of songs on. not a fan of pieholden suite (or however you spell it). love half the songs on the album and eh not so much for the rest. have to be in the mood for slow methodic melodic to listen to this album without the skip button for me.
  8. i agree with this one too. i love the way they open the song live.
  9. helped me get through 2 years of unhappiness living in tennessee.
  10. what actually surprised me about this news was receiving an email from the DSCC (ie a group to promote the election of democrats) initiating a petition to send to Bush expressing the people's disgust with the clemency. ummm, when are "they" ever going to figure out petitions and protests fall on deaf ears and mean absolutely nothing to this administration. oh if someone would initiate something that actually would make a difference. don't we have enough grounds for impeachment.
  11. i'm 31 (although it doesn't feel like it). i have been slowly introducing my mom to wilco and she has officially moved into the 100% fan category. after buying all of their albums recently, she discovered YouTube, it's only a matter of time before she joins VC. she will be 59 in Sept. will she have you beat Lou? (not that it's a competition)
  12. I have a Panasonic C3333U (or something like that) car stereo that has a direct line from the stereo to the ipod, the bottom port and not the headphones. the sound is perfect, completely seemless. the ipod is stashed in the glove box and the interface to switch songs and such is through the actual stereo. the downside is that the interface is very tedious and cumbersome, i never switch around what i am listening to except to skip to the next song because the interface is awful. if you want to listen to a band, you get it to "artist" and then have to click each time until you get to the artist
  13. this is what frustrates me. it's such a shame. i know michael moore has some pretty extreme tactics in his movies, but i don't understand folks that refuse to see something yet argue against it. back when Bowling for Columbine came out, I was talking to a friend on my soccer team. She is very conservative and worked for Senator Allard on the hill (remember the amendment to ban Gay marriage? that was his). In our conversation it came up that she went to Columbine High School a few years before the shootings and I asked her if she had seen the movie and what her thoughts were on gun control. She
  14. have you seen the VW threads. oh sorry. not trying to start anything over here. promise!
  15. the ovens show was weird for crowd control, etc. you probably could have come down to the floor area and never been questioned about where your seats were. where i was at, they weren't checking tickets or keeping people out of the isles. security was great for me because i had a very obnoxious girl behind me that wanted to start a fight. when i got security, i had a fear that i was risking my own spot at the concert. they handled it great and no more problems from the obnoxious girl. sorry to hear your experience at that show wasn't good. that's never fun!
  16. so snagging a rolling stones riff without permission might not be complete band suicide after all. that's good. i like urban hymns. or do i have my band/song history wrong here.
  17. or when reading a thread, click on the person's screen name in the topic and a nifty drop down menu appears that gives an option to send a PM to that person.
  18. oyi you beat me to it. there goes the thread again. next time we see a commercial we'll have to post about it under a different topic and have a whole series of code words so this doesn't happen again.
  19. figure out where the bus is parked. get there right after the show, jeff comes out and talks to people rather quickly. if you wait too long you might miss him.
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