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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. i find it very interesting that we keep seeing threads with quite hateful titles/topics against the democrats/hillary, yet there hasn't been any threads of that sort with the word Republicans or any of their candidates. even the threads discussing the current administration don't have such fierce titles. i think that says something...
  2. it's torture and this guy scares me more than gonzalles and ashcroft combined. i don't understand how our country got to the point where we would even think to have to ask if waterboarding was torture needless to say have engaged in said torture. i do like how the senate judiciary committee is handling this though. should be very interesting if they reject his nomination because of this.
  3. didn't aerosmith get completely screwed when it came to the song "Dream On"???
  4. oh my god that picture is great!!! can i get a bigger version to fill my screen and use as a desktop picture?!? where ever did you find it! i like john in the front, giant, and bigger than everyone else, he dwarfs glenn! perfect!
  5. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...lco+shows+sound i tried to get this all fancy, and not just be the URL, but technology not agreeing.
  6. one interesting tidbit is that they posted on their website the exact dollar amount they were able to donate to charity from the 9/12 chicago millenium park show. you could look at how many that venue seats, ticket prices and deduce a thing or two from the numbers (#tickets sold x (ticket price - ticket master fees) - donated amount=band/venue over head. you could even deduce the amount of $ ticketmaster makes off of ticket sales per venue. and to note that they do charity shows like the example above.
  7. i really wanted to walk out on Alien 4 (resurection), but didn't, against my better judgegment. it was horrible! someone should remind sirgourney weaver what the 1st Alien was about. i've boycotted her ever since. (ps, i loved Eternal Sunshine...)
  8. I think there was a thread on this in After the Show earlier this year, August maybe. Folks posted their thoughts and suggestions. I'll try to do a search for it and post, unless Analogman beats me to it.
  9. awesome! thanks for the info, that's actually a big help for me! now i just gotta check on Leopard and the motorolla chips which should be quick and easy. thanks again for posting the info!!!
  10. please let me know how it goes and what those InDesign issues might be. InDesign is my life's blood, can't survive without it. well i could but i would be unemployed without it. I haven't upgraded to CS3 yet for fear of problems jumping from CS2 to CS3. I was wondering if there was going to be issues between CS3 and Tiger; CS2 and Leopard; CS3 and a motorolla processor. then there's the whole motorolla processor with Leopard question and are there any issues with that. so many questions and no time to research it all. my guess, the ideal is to be on an intel machine, with Leopard, and CS3
  11. anyone else going to the show in DC tomorrow night, 9:30 club?
  12. this was my favorite show as a kid. i loved trolley! there was something very sweet and calming about Mr. Rogers and that was a very lovely tribute to him. the world needs more people like him (and more shows like that on at a decent hour for kids to watch).
  13. i keep hearing good things and am personally looking forward to the built in font management that is rumored to be included. i am waiting for our IT guy at work to purchase it to upgrade all the machines (work and laptop), but really really can't wait until he does. he's supposed to pick it up tonight so hopefully it is only a matter of time.
  14. nah, it's the Good Witch of the North dressed up as the Wicked Witch of the West. there's no musical talent amongst the witches. i wonder if the wicked witch shaved...
  15. ok, i know this has pretty much been a guy thread and i am a chic, but i highly recommend King of Shaves. they make men's versions and women's versions (the only difference is the smell). wow. it makes me want to shave my legs everyday.
  16. YES!!! i'm not the only one that thought this! i caught pure hell from some editors because i had no clue how spell/pronounce that word properly. they said i put a french twist on it as if i were saying henri (in french). i can't believe i just admitted that.
  17. yup, in charlottesville, during sound check, i witnessed it, my jaw dropped! indeedie!
  18. i'm not going to be able to view posts by you now.
  19. i'm glad you added that, as i was reading and saw the picture i thought you were joking about the strenght and size and being pinned down juxtaposed with the pic of a tiny puppy, i thought how clever. dogs are great. and it is pretty amazing to see them react to music. have fun with the (grown) pup!
  20. i'm bummed, i won't be handing out candy this year. locked apartment building and i seriously don't think there are any kids living in my neighborhood. there are none in my apartment building for sure, and i don't recall seeing any when i'm out and about which is kinda ironic because i live next to a school. the locked building thing squashes any hope of any candy giving. can i live vicariously through someone else? the person giving out play-doh maybe?
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