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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. offer them beer. that should do the trick!
  2. this song always makes me think of my headbanginheavymetal summer from a couple years ago, def leppard, poison, cinderella, motley crue, aerosmith, man it rocked.!!!!!
  3. Tonal Pros. Jeff made it up. that's not what they are actually called, but they are now.
  4. how bout May, you can't go wrong with May weather, early May of course.
  5. the horn section pic is up right now. very cool!!!
  6. hell yeah! i am so NOT missing this next year. my ass will be there, completely frozen, but totally there!
  7. eh give it up cryptique, you know you're in for the long haul! you can sleep this weekend!
  8. I'm in DC, according to Stephen Colbert, we're not a part of the United States.
  9. ah, perfect static timing for once! haven't gone to FAARRRRR!
  10. i love it when glenn does the crazy drum smashing and crashing at the end.
  11. yes! he told me! am so sad i couldn't be there with him. and yeah, i think he's pretty great!
  12. that just made me think of something totally not the rug on stage and cracked me up for a moment there.
  13. did you just read my mind? i was about to ask if anyone thought we beat our 62 page record. i told bigshoulders about the 62 pages from last night. and he laughed, said we were crazy, then i reminded him that he was standing outside for hours on end on a 5th day straight in -
  14. have i cursed the snow clouds lately for blocking my view? and for the record, i could never live anywhere that registered -19 on the temperature. literally, i would die, not possible to live in such conditions.
  15. this song never gets old! i want to get up and dance around my living room. hey wilcogirl! glad you could make it!!!!
  16. i wish they had the guitar slide that pat does on this song on the album version of it!
  17. just don't go to bed, that would solve the problem, no need for an alarm if you're already up!
  18. nice!!! is it just me, or is jeff really chatty tonight???
  19. bring on the booing and insults, but i must say, i could go without jesus, etc. time to pee.
  20. ggrrrr, snow clouds are blocking the eclipse here in DC. no real snow to show for it either. i'm all wired into the wall right now. what good is a lap top and wireless...ah i digress.
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